When Hu Yan saw Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, he was surprised, “You guys, why are you here?”

At the same time, his eyes curiously roamed back and forth on Liu Chi and Qiqi.

Neither of these people she had ever met.

And when she learned the identities of Liu Chi and Murder, she was even more shocked.

One is the Taishang elder of the Flying Bird Clan, and the other is the patriarch of the Walking Beast Clan Bear Clan who has disappeared for a long time.

How do these people get together?

Hu Yan felt that his brain was not enough.

And Shao Cheng and the others knew that Lu Shaoqing wanted to help stop the dispute between the Bird Clan and the Beast Clan.

Shao Cheng agreed, “This is fine, Xiaohong is taken care of by the demon clan, and it is good to help them go again.”

“We Terrans cannot be called ungrateful.”

Lu Shaoqing despised, “They bully silly birds a lot. ”

If it weren’t for the stupid bird, Lu Shaoqing wouldn’t bother to care about the demon clan’s life or death.

Xiao Yi said, “Second Senior Brother, did Senior Bai Que give you the spirit stone?”

Xiao Yi couldn’t think of any other reason or reason.

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “Bastard, am I such a person?

“No way, who made me soft-hearted, I couldn’t see the misery of life, and decided to sacrifice myself to help the demon clan.”

Fierce Chu was the first to come out and tear down the platform, “Fart, you will agree without ten billion spirit stones?” ”

Ten billion?

Xiao Yi wanted to worship.

It is really worthy of being the second senior brother, and earning spirit stones is simpler than drinking water.

“Bear dog, shut up.”

Lu Shaoqing unceremoniously said to the murderer, “Without my order, you are not allowed to speak.”

“Otherwise I’ll turn around and go home right away, you try.”

Murder that hate.

The teeth are almost crushed.

Liu Chi patted him on the shoulder and said, “Don’t meet him.”

“The seniors have high hopes for him, so you should give the seniors face.”

“He can’t finish it.”

Liu Chi had already looked away.

The guy who is going to be chopped to death by heaven, a mortal who is angry with him, will only be angry with him half to death.

At the same time, Liu Chi was also a little happy in his heart.

Fierce Chu was unhappy with Lu Shaoqing, and when he jumped out, he was slapped in the face by various things, and he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood from time to time.

Instead, it saved him from suffering by the side.

This companion, I don’t have to say.

Liu Chi asked Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, what can you do?” ”

Go find someone.” Lu Shaoqing’s method was simple and rude and direct, “Just find the kings of the two races and kill them.”

“I seriously doubt that the kings of your two races are already rampant lackeys.”

“Kill them and suppress the rest with absolute strength.”

Liu Chi and others raised their eyebrows, said lightly, you say kill and kill?

However, Liu Chi and Qiu also knew that they had to find the kings of the two races and find out the situation.

Lu Shaoqing took the lead in opening the way and went directly in the direction of the mirage.

Along the way, there were corpses strewn across the field, shocking.

Most of these people are demon beasts who have come here to practice.

But it was plagued by innocence.

The entrance to the mirage is also covered with corpses.

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The crowd was already feeling the fluctuations of the battle.

The two races of birds and beasts fought here, and blood spilled into the sky.

“Damn it!”

Whether it was Liu Chi or Fierce Chu, when they saw the corpses everywhere, they gritted their teeth with hatred.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about this, his divine sense swept across a radius of thousands of miles, looking for traces of a master of the Refining Void Period.

The strength of the refining period is amazing, and they will fight more in the higher heavens to prevent it from spreading below.

Lu Shaoqing quickly found the existence of the two refining periods, and he said to Shao Cheng, “Master, you and Junior Sister stay here, pay attention to yourself, and send a signal quickly if something happens.”

After speaking, He Jiyan rushed to the sky, and Liu Chi and Qiu Chu also followed.

In the battle of the refining period, it is not the turn of the Transformation God period to intervene.

Shao Cheng looked at the figures of the two apprentices, sighing, really old.

It will still be Tianyufeng to raise Tiannian and hug his grandson.

Above the sky, countless winds cut through like knives.

When the Transformation God Period came here, it couldn’t last long, and only the Refining Period could ignore the danger here.

A white-headed eagle and a fox are fighting each other, and the two kill real fire, their eyes red, revealing their bodies.

Colliding in the most primitive way, roaring, hissing, not tearing each other to pieces.

After Lu Shaoqing came here, he immediately noticed that there was something wrong with them.

Although the refining period is firm, the will is extraordinary.

But in this case, it is still easy to be taken advantage of by extraterritorial heavenly demons.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing also noticed that black mist faintly emanated from their bodies.

Sure enough, it’s rampant!

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was awe-inspiring.

The more the two fight and the more they hurt, the easier it is for them to be eroded.


Liu Chi snorted coldly, and the two who were fighting instantly sobered up.

The two of them were in the refining period, and after being reminded, the extraterritorial heavenly demon in their bodies disappeared with a wail.

“Willow, Elder Willow?”

The white-headed eagle was first surprised, then overjoyed, and pointed at the fox clan refining master, “Elder Liu, kill him.” ”

Idiot!” Liu Chi hated the iron but not steel, “You don’t look at the current situation either?

“Hurry up and stop the others.”

Fierce Chu also came out to the humanity of the fox clan, “Brother Hu, don’t come unharmed.” The

fox clan’s eyes widened, “You, are you a murderer?

“You, aren’t you dead?”

Fierce Chu smiled, “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you when I have time.”

“Now, you go and stop the others, you can’t continue to fight, otherwise disaster will come.”

As a fox, he was very suspicious, “Why are you with the bird clan?” Fierce

Chu snorted coldly, “You don’t come to this set, tell you, it’s better to stop others.”

“As a fox, don’t you notice something is wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about them, “What about the kings of your two races?” The

Fox Clan’s refining master looked at Lu Shaoqing warily, “What are you looking for our king for?”

“I’m going to kill him.” Lu Shaoqing said sincerely, “I want to save your demon clan.” The

words almost made the master of the fox tribe almost bite his tongue.

Do you dare to say this when I am a three-year-old fox?


He snorted coldly, just about to say something.

Liu Chi had already asked over there and pointed in a direction, “Over there!” ”

Watching Lu Shaoqing and his party go straight to that side…

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