Ying Yan stared at

Quan Yao and Mo Ji in front of him.

Her eyes breathed fire, and her killing intent was sky-high.

“Damn, you two actually joined forces?”

Mo Yan smiled indifferently, looking like he was holding the victory in hand, full of confidence, “Win, you surrender.” ”

Win is going to explode.

She and Quan Yao fought here again, but they didn’t want Mo to sneak up from behind.

She couldn’t figure it out.

Why would Quan Yao, a person in the realm of refining the nine layers of the void, be persuaded by Mo Calamity.

Why did the two join forces?

What exactly is the conspiracy in it?


Yingjie roared angrily, “You tell me clearly.

“You said that when you come here, you can dominate the demon clan, why lie to me?”

As the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, she knew that the demon clan could not continue to be divided like this, and it must be united.

She has always hoped to dominate the demon race, and there will no longer be a distinction between birds and beasts.

Therefore, even if she felt that there was a problem, she still chose to believe in the ink disaster and came here.

I never expected that after coming here, Mo Yan actually turned the gun to deal with her.

Mo Yan smiled even more, “Yingjie, as I said to you, for the unification of the demon race.”

“But, unify in my way, not yours.”

“What way?” Yingjiao seemed to find that the ink calamity in front of him became very strange.

It was no longer the ink scourge she knew.

“You want to know?” Mo Yan smiled, “Surrender, give up resistance, let down your guard, surrender to me, I’ll tell you.” His

eyes flashed with ruthlessness and pride.

Let Yingjiao believe in his feelings more.

The ink scourge is no longer that ink scourge.

“Damn, what the hell are you?”

Mo Yan laughed, “You’ll find out soon.”

“Quan Yao, kill her.”

Speaking to Quan Yao, he had unconsciously used a commanding tone.

Ying Yao saw that Quan Yao actually obeyed Mo Yan’s words, “Quan Yao, don’t you feel ashamed as the king of the beast race? Quan

Yao had already felt the existence behind the ink calamity, and he was convinced that he had already become the other party’s dogleg.

In order to break through, face or something, is it important?


Quan Yao smiled coldly, “Shame? Shame is not the strength of the name.

“Surrender obediently, you know.”

Quan Yao’s attitude made Yingjie’s heart sink to the end.

His blind trust put himself in a desperate situation.

She looked around with eagle eyes, already planning to leave here.

Attacked by the ink calamity, her combat effectiveness was greatly damaged, and it was difficult to deal with a whole Yao, let alone the ink calamity watching the tiger next to her.

“Don’t you want to run!”

Mo Yan saw through Yingjie’s thoughts, and he said, “Today, you can’t run.

Yingjie gritted her teeth, “I will make you pay, I had an accident here today, and the Eagle Clan will not let you Mo Crow Clan.” ”

Haha,” Mo Yan seemed to hear a big joke, “Today, not only you can’t run away, but all the people who come here can’t run away.”

As soon as these words came out, Yingjiao felt a chill in his body.

“You’re going to ruin the birds.”

Mo Yan laughed even more happily, and after laughing a few times, he looked at Yingjie’s gaze full of pity.

Like the mercy of the superior looking condescendingly at the ants at the bottom.

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“Birds? The same goes for the Beast Walkers.

Yingjiao suddenly looked up at Quan Yao.

Quan Yao’s indifferent expression already said it all.

Yingji felt her body colder, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

The king of the bird tribe and the beast tribe actually personally betrayed their people and spread it out, who dares to believe it?

“Why?” Yingjie asked subconsciously.

What exactly can be worth their doing.

Mo Yan sneered, not intending to let Yingjie die to understand.

With a cold wave of his hand, Quan Yao waved out with a claw.

The huge dog paw covered the sky, like the collapse of the Heavenly River, and smashed down heavily on Yingjie.

“Damn it!”

Yingjiao was indignant, his hands were sealed, and a storm rose up into the sky, colliding with the dog’s paws.

The resulting explosion nearly shattered the surrounding space, and cracks crawled all over the sky.

The cathartic energy spreads wave after wave like a wave.

The power was used, Yingjie’s face turned pale, and the blood qi in his body tumbled.

She was attacked by the ink disaster, injured, and in a bad state, much worse than Quan Yao.


A soft sound.

The space behind him was stacked layer by layer, and a black shadow struck.

Yingjiao had already taken all precautions and avoided it at the first time, and did not let people sneak attack successfully.


Win was so hated that his teeth were crushed.

Mo Yan sneaked up on the side from time to time, which made Yingjie feel pressure.

“Today, you are dead!”

Mo Yan did not have the slightest shame, and black mist seemed to emerge from his body, appearing very gloomy, “Unless you surrender!” ”


The haughty Yingjie shouted loudly and simply launched an attack on the ink calamity.

Compared to the enemy, traitors are the most hateful.

“What are you fighting me with?” In the face of Yingjie’s attack, Mo Yan seemed very relaxed.

With a wave of his big hand, the same storm counterattacked, easily counteracting Winya’s attack.

Then the spiritual power in his body ran, and the surrounding air seemed to burn, and a figure rose up from behind him.

It was a fire crow, and the fire on his body was raging, hot as the sun.

“Golden Crow Bloodline!”

Quan Yao looked solemn.

Who doesn’t have a great ancestor in the demon race that can be passed down to the present?

However, with the passage of time, the pure bloodline of the ancestors has long been diluted and diluted.

Up to now, only those with pure bloodlines and cultivated to a certain realm could it be possible to awaken the bloodline of their ancestors.

The previous Kunpeng and the Scourge Fight were all transformed into Win and Quan Yao.

However, it looks mighty and powerful.

In fact, it was more of a flower rack, used to scare low-level cultivators.

However, the ink scourge is different.

The golden crow that soared into the sky exuded a majesty, just like the real golden crow was born.

Yingjiao also had a tingling scalp, and she felt a suppression.

“How is that possible?”

She couldn’t believe it, such a terrifying coercion, could it be the real golden crow?

Has the bloodline of Mo Calamity already surpassed the atavistic level?

“Hmph, little blood, joke!”

A black mist appeared on Mo Yan’s face, as if with a black veil, “Look how I kill you…”

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