Ji Yan didn’t say nonsense, and his figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Mo Yan.

Wuqiu’s sword flashed with cold light, and slashed at Mo Qiu fiercely.

“How daring!” Seeing

this, Dog Leg Quan Yao immediately shouted, “Your opponent is me.”

“Hmph!” Ji

Yan snorted coldly, and the sword light soared, like a brilliant river of stars, pouring down.

It enveloped Quanyao and Mo Woe in it.

A trace of anger flashed in Mo Yan’s eyes.

The ants also dared to make a move on the gods

, but seeing Quan Yao make a move, he did not immediately make a move, but looked at it coldly.

An ant in the middle of refining is not worth mentioning.

Quan Yao roared, invisible fluctuations spread, and fiercely rushed towards Ji Yan.


this sword struck the surface of the water like a stick.

Quan Yao’s attack was like the surface of the water being sliced open, and the sword light was unabated, directly hitting the two of them.


“Poof!” Countless

blood flowers once again appeared on Quan Yao’s body.

Even Mo Yan’s face changed.

The sharp sword intent was beyond his imagination.

He waved his big hand, and his right hand was like a wing, inciting a hurricane, and countless winds gathered, colliding with Ji Yan’s sword.

“Poof!” was

still like drawing a knife to cut off the water, and the sharp sword intent slashed through, leaving a slight wound on Mo Yan’s face.

The wound is not large and extremely humiliating.

Mo Yan’s eyes instantly turned red.

What’s the difference between this and slapping him in the face?

“I’m going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!” roared Mo Scourge.

Black mist came out and enveloped him, as if the Demon King was in the world.

Sensing the terrifying aura of the ink calamity.

Quan Yao’s side was even more worried.

Desperate to save his image, he shouted, “Senior hand him over to me…”

In the distance, Yingjiao’s eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

Such a powerful plan made her heart soar.

Her eyes, which were still full of disappointment just now, brightened, and she couldn’t help but whisper, “Good!” No

matter who it is, as long as the dry ink and Quan Yao are good friends.

Say whatever you want.

She couldn’t help but smile and said, “It seems that the two Terrans are not straw bales, maybe there is a chance to defeat them…”

Before the words were finished, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, full of breath and murderous.

“Silly dog, your opponent is me. Lu

Shaoqing’s figure appeared ghostly behind Quan Yao.

“Get out of here!” Quan

Yao threw his hand without looking back, and the powerful force caused the surrounding space to collapse.

“Ouch!” Lu

Shaoqing was like a rag doll, and was suddenly knocked upside down and disappeared into the wind.

Yingjie’s smile froze.

She wanted to take back what she had just said.

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Play it.

Just after praise, you will give me this one

? Intentionally, right

? You are also a little stronger than your senior brother, and your performance is so poor?

Ying Jiao felt that Liu Chi and Fierce Chu’s gaze fell on him, and he was super uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, Yingjiao said, “Does that prince have another strategy?”

Qiu Chu sneered, “Fighting with the seniors, and then being slashed by the heavenly thunder, the guy who is strong in the outside, where does he come from with the confidence that he can stop the battle between the two races?”

Liu Chi also sighed, “Alas, it is also difficult for him.”

“He’s not much better than us, let’s get ready.” Ying

was stunned, and after saying for a long time, it turned out that he was also an injured person, and it was natural to be photographed by Quan Yao.

Win is depressed.

I already knew this, and I didn’t put a single fart.

“Two of you, what can you do now?”

said Liu Chi to Yingjie, “go and gather the others.” Let them see clearly the true face of Mo and Quan Yao.

“It is necessary to stop the two clans from continuing to fight.”

Yingjie nodded and dragged her injured body away quickly.

Liu Chi and Qiu Chu pressed the formation next to them, and when they saw Ji Yan alone and Mo Qi, they all fought.

Ji Yan had to exclaim, “Ji Yan, the true genius of the Terrans.

“It’s too strong. Even

if he had an opinion about Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t fault anything.

The sharp sword intent, even he felt jealous.

On the demon side, those monster beasts of the same generation and age are not as good as half a point.

Ji Yan has surpassed them too much, and they are not on the same level, and everyone can’t play together.

Liu Chi was also amazed, “Although Brother Shao’s strength is not very good, he has two, a good apprentice. I

wanted to say two, but Liu Chi felt that Shao Cheng’s other two apprentices couldn’t match Haozi.

There is no politeness at all, it can kill people.

Fierce Chu gritted his teeth and said in a firm tone, “We must stop the rampant conspiracy, unify the demon race, and properly train the young juniors.

“I have a hunch that the future of the world will change greatly.

Liu Chi nodded, “That’s right, I also feel this way…”

The two said as they spoke, their brows furrowed, staring at Ji Yan in the distance, “Strange, where is that kid Lu Shaoqing

?” “Is he really relieved to let Ji Yan deal with the two of Mo Yan alone?”

And Ji Yan was already suppressed and beaten by Mo and Quan Yao, and the situation began to become bad.

In the end, Ji Yan is also in the middle of refining the void, and he is still injured.

No matter how strong he was, it was impossible for him to deal with two existences of the Nine Realms of the late refining stage alone.

Not to mention that Mo Yan and Quan Yao were full of anger, killing intent, and every shot was earth-shattering and murderous.

Majestic spiritual power swept through, powerful energy collided, and the surrounding space collapsed repeatedly.

The constant vibration of space makes the world seem to fall into the end of the world, which will be destroyed at any time.


, no matter how Mo Yan and Quan Yao attacked, Ji Yan could be solved one by one.

The field of Ji Yan is fully opened, and the distance around him is like a forbidden area, even if the sky is overturned and the energy is pouring, he can’t help him in the slightest.

Quan Yao and Mo Jiao are more and more annoyed the more they fight.

The two join forces to bombard, even one world will be destroyed.


Yao is even more anxious, go on like this, add a fart point.

Immediately, he shouted angrily, “Boy, die!” With

a roar, Quanyao’s aura soared, turning back into its body, and the huge figure covered the sky, biting down fiercely at Ji Yan…

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