A huge figure, like a tengu.

Open your mouth to Ji Yan.

Countless winds roared upwards and were swallowed up by it.

Fierce Chu’s face was solemn, “Tengu swallows the moon

!” “The canine clan’s killer move!” “The

powerful suction force can swallow everything.” ”

Quan Yao, as the patriarch of the dog clan, is powerful, and he is even more powerful than Quan Du.

As Quan Yao’s mouth fell, the surrounding space became distorted, as if it was about to be swallowed too.

Countless howling winds intensified the power of this move.

The range that Ji Yan can control is only a few meters around him.

Within the range of several zhang, Ji Yan is invincible.

Neither Quan Yao nor Mo Yan could help him for a while.

Quan Yao’s move simply swallowed this space, even if it was invincible, it would be devoured.

Mo Yan withdrew to the side and looked at Ji Yan coldly.

Now let’s see what you do

, Liu Chi looked solemn, “This trick is not easy to crack.”

Seeing that Ji Yan was indifferent, he was immediately anxious, “Depend, what is that kid going to do?” ”

Isn’t he doing something

?” “Or is he unable to do something?”

Looking at Ji Yan’s cold appearance, Ji Chu guessed, “This kid, shouldn’t he think that this move can’t cause him harm

?” “Does he want to die?” The

ink calamity in the distance was also coldly watched, “Find death

!” “Roar!” With

a roar, Quan Yao’s mouth closed fiercely, swallowing Ji Yan in.


Liu Chi and Murder in the distance couldn’t help but pat their thighs, “Is he looking for death

?” “Does he really think he is invincible?”

Tengu-like, he laughed, and his voice shook Jiuxiao, “If you don’t measure yourself, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?”

Finally killed him, hmph, so that you can add points in front of you, right?

It was like an assassin who had been lurking for a long time, and at the moment when his prey relaxed his vigilance, he struck.

“Poof!” The

sword light rushed into the sky, turned into a giant sword of heaven and earth, and fiercely cut off Quan Yao’s dog’s head.

The eyes on the dog’s head, the size of a lake, were filled with deep amazement, and they had not yet reacted.

Red dog blood sprayed, like a waterfall.

The next moment, the same sword light lit up, and Ji Yan rushed out from the dog’s belly.

This scene also stunned everyone.


For their level, there is no complete destruction, even if it is a broken hand, there is no problem.

However, he was cut off the dog’s head and disemboweled and broken, and Quan Yao’s life has gone for most of the time.

Quan Yao’s appearance was very miserable, blood flowed from his neck and stomach, and the sword intent attached to it made him unable to stop the blood for a while.

“Damn, damn it!” Quan

Yao stared fiercely at Lu Shaoqing.

“Look at what?” Lu Shaoqing didn’t stop, “It’s you stupid dog who slaughtered.”

“Buzz!” The

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sky was dim, as if the gate of heaven had been opened, and countless starry stars appeared above everyone’s heads.

And in the depths of the distant starry sky, a bright moon looms.

The next moment, nine rays of starlight were projected down.

It seemed to tear through countless spaces, crossing the endless void, and falling with a roar.

“What is this?”

Quan Yao didn’t have time to knock a few pills here, and the killing opportunity had already come to his head.

The nine stars became the most dazzling light in heaven and earth, shining with everything.

Quan Yao was so frightened that his dog hair stood up, and his keen sense of smell seemed to have smelled the breath of death.

“Roar!” Quan

Yao changed back to his body again, and the wounds on his neck and stomach looked even more shocking.

The spiritual power in his body turned wildly, and at the same time, a spiritual armor was worn by him.

The light flashed further, forming a thick shield around the body.

Fierce Chu’s gaze was solemn, “Seven-grade beast armor!” ”

The treasure of the dog clan, the spirit of the instrument inside is even older than Quan Yao.”

“If nothing else, the defense is amazing.

Lu Shaoqing’s kid couldn’t break through his defenses with this move.

Liu Chi looked at the nine starlight falling from the sky with an extremely solemn expression, like the most powerful light in the world.

“If you let you go, can you block it?”

said the fierce words, nine starlight, even if you follow the distance, you can feel its terrifying power.

He really doesn’t have that confidence.

“If I had a seventh-level beast armor, I would definitely be able to carry it!” As

he spoke, the starlight fell, smashing heavily on Quan Yao’s back like a shooting star.


an earth-shattering explosion sounded, terrifying energy venting.

Liu Chi and Qiu Chu’s faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly retreated without saying a word.

The terrifying explosion caused the wind layer to disappear, revealing a large vacuum.

The space collapsed, and the void storm, the wind, and the furious energy mixed together, and the shock wave formed spread around.

The power of terror also extends to the ground.

The demon beasts that were fighting below never expected such a terrifying shockwave to erupt overhead.

Countless demon beasts that could not be evaded screamed and disappeared.

“Hair, what happened

?” “Did the Heavenly Refining Period self-detonate

?” “Such a terrifying power, who is

it?” “Could it be our king?” The

countless demon beasts below were trembling with fright and terrified.


Liu Chi and Fierce looked at each other.

Quan Yao’s appearance was even more miserable, and most of the place that was not wrapped in beast armor had disappeared, as if it had been gnawed by a dog.

From far away, Liu Chi and Fierce Chu could feel the tragic breath.

“Damn it!”

Quan Yao’s eyes were red, but Lu Shaoqing’s attack did not stop, and he came to him fiercely and slashed down with a sword.


Quan Yao roared angrily, the beast armor on his body lit up again, and a white puppy appeared.

Fierce Chu exclaimed, “Instrument Spirit, seventh-level Instrument Spirit, Quan Yao is going to fight hard….”

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