“Is it?” Lu Shaoqing gulped, “aren’t you curious about where your son went?”

Instead, it sped up a bit.

This move also made Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent in his heart stronger.

Even his son can ignore it, which shows that his heart is cruel and decisive.

Looking at Quan Yaotie, his heart was about to run.

Lu Shaoqing drank again, and at the same time a black lightning bolt appeared in his hand, like a black divine dragon wrapped around his arm.

With a swipe of his hand, a crack appeared.

“Don’t you want to see the senior, come, I’ll take you!” came

the familiar breath, and Quan Yao subconsciously turned around.

Seeing a black crack, Quan Yao’s eyes widened, and the next moment, a powerful divine consciousness struck like a fishing net, shrouding Quan Yao.

The powerful divine consciousness is like a sharp sword piercing the sea of knowledge.

“Ah!” Quan

Yao, who was relieved for a while, was caught off guard, and screamed, and he fell from the sky with his head covered and seriously injured.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

The Mo Jun sword burst out with light, and the flame of the sword intent was completely shrouded.

Quan Yao screamed again, although it was in the firelight, but it was countless sword intent.

Quan Yao’s body soon fell apart and fell apart.

“Buzz!” Mo

Junjian trembled slightly, and a powerful mysterious power submerged into Quan Yao’s body.

In the distant place of the demon world, a miserable scream sounded, startling countless birds and beasts.

On this side of the mirage, all the demon beasts suddenly felt a sad feeling.

Come and go fast.

With the previous experience, someone soon shouted

, “Yes, who fell?” “Which side of the refining period predecessor

fell?” “God, another senior fell…”

Liu Chi and Fierce Chu couldn’t help but sigh.

An existence of the Nine Realms of Refining Void fell like this, and the two of them didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Especially the fierce Chu has a complicated expression.

Before, he said that Lu Shaoqing couldn’t beat Quan Yao, and finally asked them to make a move.

However, Lu Shaoqing hacked Quan Yao to death and completely fell.

Even if you have a doppelganger, you can’t escape.

Murder Chu finally touched one of his old faces, and couldn’t help but say, “Bastard boy, what an evil sect.” ”

Are all humans so strong, two

small realms can kill each other.

Even taking advantage of the convenience of a sneak attack is enough to shock the world.

Liu Chi was a little embarrassed, “When I first saw Lu Shaoqing, this bastard boy, he was only in the infant stage, but he was already very strong.

“Now, it has reached the refining period, and the young people now are really terrifying. ”

Before Shao Cheng hoped to follow here in the demon world to experience and quickly improve his realm strength.

At that time, Liu Chi couldn’t understand it, and thought that cultivation should not be rushed.

Now he can understand.

The two apprentices are so powerful, and the pressure of being a master is great.

It is understandable that you want to quickly improve your realm strength.

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“What, what’s wrong?” suddenly

came the voice of Yingjie, and Liu Chi and Qiu looked at it to stop the person Yingjiao from returning.

“It’s all gone. Qiu Chu said, his tone slightly unnatural.

This face hurts a little.

Ying Jiao’s eyes widened, “How did you fall?”

said Lu Shaoqing, who came back slowly from a distance, “He did it.”

Yingjie was even more shocked, without the slightest calmness that a senior should have.

No way, things are too unexpected.

Quan Yao is also an existence of the Nine Realm of Refining Void, one of the most powerful people in the Demon Realm.

Now he was killed by a human in the seven-layer realm of the late refining stage, which was too unreasonable.

What Yingjiao saw just now was that Lu Shaoqing was slapped by Quan Yao, and now he came back but he couldn’t even see Quan Yao’s body.

She couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?

“I didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so cunning. Ji

Yan was motionless and deliberately swallowed by Quan Yao, in order to deliberately make Quan Yao relax his vigilance, and Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to sneak attack.

The two brothers did not say anything, but they cooperated perfectly, seriously injured Quan Yao, and finally were easily killed by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing came back slowly, but his face was not good-looking.

“Boy, are you injured?” asked Liu Chi.

“Dog, what can you do with me? ”

Quan Yao was attacked by him, and one life went to half of the first, so he couldn’t beat it, he wiped his neck himself.

Lu Shaoqing’s arrogant tone made Liu Chi want to beat him.

Quanyao is a parallel product, so how many

of them? A few of them are not much stronger than Quanyao.

Lu Shaoqing said unpleasantly, “What do you mean by looking bitter?” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he became even more sad, looking at the sky at forty-five degrees, the black sky was like his mood, and the howling wind brought him coldness, “Storage ring, why can’t you help but fight so much?” After knowing why Lu Shaoqing

had such an expression, Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, and Yingji couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

Want to pound people.

Bastard Terrans.

Killing people is not counted, but they are still worried about other people’s storage rings.

Sure enough,

the ancestors were not wrong to say that the Terrans were an abominable race.

“Boy, hurry up and help. Liu Chi reminded Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan joined forces to better defeat Mo Yan.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No need, he can do it alone, maybe I will make another move.” ”

Three small realms, within the controllable range of Ji Yan.

“King, clan, where is the patriarch?” suddenly someone shouted, “Where has my king gone?” A

figure passed through the wind and came to everyone.

Fierce Chu stared at this person, this refining period in front of him was very strange, and he had no impression.

“Who are

you?” “Inu, Quan Yi!” After the visitor proudly reported his identity, he asked Qiu Chu, “Who are you?” ”

Where has my king gone?” Quan

Yi couldn’t feel Quan Yao’s breath, and his heart was not good because he had a premonition that made him stare at everyone with an unkind expression.

“You are from the dog clan?” Lu Shaoqing spoke, and after looking at him, he said with a big grin, “Your dog king, I slaughtered…”

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