“What?” Quan Yi

was suddenly shocked, the patriarch of the dog clan, the king of the beast clan, Quan Yao fell?

“What you said is true?” Quan Yi stared at Lu Shaoqing with killing intent.

“Ahem…,” Qiu felt like he was going to say something.

After Quan Yao fell as the number one master of the beast race.

The Beast Walking Race now has people left in the nine-layer realm of the late refining stage, and they are also fierce.

“Quan Yi, right, I’m Murderous Chu, Jun Yao him…” Quan Yi

was surprised, “You are a genius of the Bear Clan, Fierce Chu, didn’t you fall in the mirage valley a long time ago?”

Later, with the disappearance of the fierceness, the bear tribe also sank, and the majesty ceased to be.

Until now, there are still many people of the bear tribe who are worried about the murder, and they have to greet a few words every New Year’s holiday.


Chu nodded, “That’s right, it’s me, Quan Yao he is…” Quan

Yi interrupted Fierce Chu’s words again, “Why are you here?

“To kill you dogs.” ”

Bastard, can you shut up?” Damn

human kid, can’t talk or talk, can you die if you don’t speak?

Quan Yi was angry here, his eyes were red, revealing his dog eyes, and he looked at the murderous people angrily, “Damn, no wonder you guys are mixed up with Yingxiao, you have already betrayed the Beast Clan.”

“That’s right, the beast race is a fart, and the bird tribe is the most powerful.” Lu Shaoqing answered and shouted loudly, “I don’t want to be a dog when a bird.”


, damn it!” Quan Yi couldn’t help it, and rushed into the sky, so angry that he lost his mind, “I’m going to kill you.” ”

The murderous side is also very depressing.

He clutched his chest and felt that his bear heart was a little uncomfortable.

Grandma Li’s, human boy, damn it.

Why didn’t anyone tear that smelly

mouth? Bad character, bad breath mouth, no one on the Terran side for Skywalk?

Liu Chi was a little worried, and said to the murderer, “Go stop them.” ”

He and Yingjie are both birds, so it is not convenient to speak.

The bird tribe and the bird and beast tribe have a deep contradiction, and the two of them opened their mouths, it is estimated that they are the same as lighting the powder keg.

Fierce Chu is now the ancestor of the bear clan, and only he is the most suitable to speak.

Fiercely said, “Let them fight for a while first.”

“Damn it. ”

I don’t know whether to scold Lu Shaoqing or Quan Yi.

Liu Chi was still worried, “In case of human life, things will be more troublesome.” ”

Kill Quan Yao, the dog tribe side will definitely not give up, die one or two more, don’t talk about it, continue to fight when the time comes.”

Fierce Chu said confidently, “Don’t worry, that kid killing Quanyao is definitely not small, if you want to kill Quanyi, how can it be so easy.” ”

Everyone is also in the refining period…” Not

long after the words fell, Quan Yi suddenly let out a scream.

Fierce Chu looked up in amazement and saw from a distance that Quan Yi had been cut off by Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

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Fierce Chu’s eyelids jumped, how does this bastard boy like to cut off his

head, does the dog head have a feud with him?

“Ah…” Quan

Yi’s screaming made Murder come back to his senses, and Fierce Chu shouted, “Not good!” ”

Boy, stop!”

Quan Yi screamed in the sword light, his body was shattered in the sword light, and his soul dissipated in the sword light.

The next moment, all the demon beasts once again felt that inexplicable sadness.

Quan Yi, fall

! Fierce Chu was dumbfounded, Liu Chi was dumbfounded, and Yingjiao was even more stunned.

His mouth opened wide, and his face was full of amazement and disbelief.

Is this special meow slaughtering a refining period?

When did humans become so powerful?

Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, and Ying Ji could not believe the facts in front of them.

Quan Yi is also an existence in the middle of the refining period, and he was killed by Lu Shaoqing like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, really like killing an ordinary dog.

Is Quan Yi too watery, or is Lu Shaoqing too strong?

When Liu Chi and the three were stunned, a roar came from below.

“Ahhh…. Quan Yi, you, you…” A

terrifying aura rushed up from below.

Several other people appeared along with them.

This time, several beings of the Refining Period stopped fighting.

Yingji sent people to pass on the message and died two consecutive refining periods, so that the refining period stopped fighting one after another.

The angry Quan Fengri rushed up and roared, “Damn it, you dare to kill my dog clan, you deserve death.”

“Ah, yes, come, come and bite me to death.” Lu Shaoqing picked his nostrils, full of care, “I look down on you if you come.”

“Damn it!” Quan Fengri roared and pounced on Lu Shaoqing.

“And slow!” shouted, and flashed to stop Quan Fengri.

“Quan Fengri, you listen to me. Quan

Fengri was almost the same generation as Murder, and he recognized Murder at a glance, “You, Murder?”

Qiqi nodded, “You listen to me explain things clearly, this time…”

Just now, I thought that Lu Shaoqing was weak after the battle, but he couldn’t help it.

Unexpectedly, Quan Yi was slaughtered by Lu Shaoqing in a short time, faster than drinking water.

“I came here this time to unite with the birds to kill your dog clan. Lu Shaoqing interjected again, brandishing his long sword, and said fiercely, “Kill your dog clan, and the bear clan can return to the royal family sequence.” ”


Bastard guys.

Abominable bastards.

Brother Shao took him into the door, wasn’t he afraid of the sect’s chicken flying dog jumping?

He covered his forehead here, and when he turned his head, he just met Yingjie’s gaze.

Yingjiao’s expression was very uncomfortable, and her eyes were full of doubts, and she asked Liu Chi, “Elder Liu, are you sure that he really came to help our demon clan?”

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