Liu Chi was helpless, he said, “I don’t know.”

“I don’t know what the hell the bastard kid is going to do.

“However, Brother Shao said that he is still very reliable in doing things.

Yingjie opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

Finally, he closed his mouth and returned to his cold appearance.

Everything, take a look.

As mentioned before, Liu Chi and Yingjie were inconvenient to interject, and could only watch patiently.

Fierce Chu was angry and roared, “Boy, you shut your stinky mouth for me.”

Lu Shaoqing became aggrieved, “What? Didn’t you say that you want to slaughter the traitors of the beast tribe?”

“What are you trying so hard to defend this old dog for, telling you that if you want to return to the royal lineage, you must pay the price of blood.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll advance and retreat with you and deal with the enemy together.” ”

Fierce Chu really wanted to go over and tear Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

“Can you shut up?” Lu

Shaoqing bit his lip and put the sword away, still looking aggrieved, “Well, as long as it’s for the demon clan, it doesn’t matter if I’m a little wronged.” ”

He’s going crazy.


particular, the person who has been wronged the most is me.

“Fierce Chu, what do you want to do?” Quan Fengri looked at Fierce Chu coldly, already with deep suspicion and vigilance.

The body is quietly ready for battle.

Didn’t you fall?” Someone else arrived, saw Ferocity, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Is it really murderous?”

the people who came were the patriarchs of the Tiger and Ape Clan, Wang Miu and Yuanba.

The two are domineering and exude a powerful aura.

Qiu Chu nodded to the two, “I can tell you slowly about my affairs in the future.”

“As for the matter here, I can tell you that it is a matter of survival of the demon clan. ”


Qiu Chu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, a sentence, finally can be completely finished.

I’ve never felt so comfortable finishing a sentence.

Blame for the rude guys for everything.

“It’s about the survival of the demon clan?” Quan Fengli shouted angrily, “So, you killed my king

and Quan Yi?” Wang Miu and Yuanba looked at each other, Quan Yao and Quan Yi fell?

But on the surface, it was very serious

, “Why?” “Why kill them?” Ji

Yan and Mo Qiu were fighting, and the terrifying energy that burst out was almost isolated, and it was difficult to see the two of them with the naked eye.

The battle between the two can only be felt from the terrifying fluctuations.

Even divine consciousness can only see a rough idea.

“Because of the ink calamity, the ink calamity he has…” Before

the fierce words could be spoken, Lu Shaoqing interjected again, “That’s right, we have joined forces with the Flying Bird Clan to kill the Dog Clan.”

“Let the bear clan return to the top. ”

I’m going!

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He jumped to his feet in anger, and he couldn’t wait to show his body and roar a few times.

“Bastard, shut up!”

Wang Miu said coldly, “Fierce, make it clear.”

“Otherwise, today’s things can’t be good.”

Quan Fengri said coldly, “What are you doing with so much nonsense? He is already a traitor, don’t talk nonsense with him, just kill him.” ”

Idiot!” cursed Qiu Pokou, venting his anger on Quan Fengri, “What is your dog’s brain thinking?” and

then also looked angrily at Wang Miu and Yuanba, “This time the matter is a trap, you two also came here stupidly, what are you going to do?” Wang Miu and Yuanba

were also depressed in their hearts.

The birds sneak attacked Qicheng, who didn’t die?

The people below won’t care about your overall situation, they only know that being attacked by the birds is shame, hatred, and must take revenge.

Even if the two of them were patriarchs, they could not ignore the wishes of the people below.

Public opinion is irreversible.

“Brother Xiong, what do you mean?”

said Fierce Chu coldly, “Hmph, Quan Yao colluded with Mo Scourge to sacrifice all of you.

“Shhh!” everyone

who came here gasped.

Then, Qiu Chu said the matter in general, and he spoke quickly and in a loud voice, lest someone interject.

Knowing that there was a terrifying existence of the Mahayana period in the depths of the mirage, everyone who heard about it for the first time was stunned.

The Mahayana period, for them, is a god-like existence.

The entire demon world combined could not deal with it.

Quan Fengri and the few dog clan refining periods that came after him were even more unbelievable.

Their patriarch actually wanted to sacrifice them to the rampant gods as a sign of surrender?”

“No, it can’t be!” Quan

Fengri cried out loudly, like a dog barking, looking very hideous and terrifying, “You are slandering.”

“You slandered our canine clan.

“That’s right, how could my king betray the Beast Clan?”

Lu Shaoqing spoke again at this time, “That’s right, I lied to you, how about it

?” “Anyway, I have already killed your dog king, what can you do with us?” Liu

Chi couldn’t help it, and shouted angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard, can you shut up?” A

mouth is more powerful than some demagogic magic weapon, and can make people’s anger burst into flames.

If you don’t stop it, the beasts and birds will never stop.

Liu Chi said to the Beast Walking Beast Clan’s Refining Period masters, “I can testify that what Brother Xiong said is true.

“If you don’t believe me, I can swear. Fierce Chu said even more breathlessly.

I swear that I learned this from Lu Shaoqing.

This makes people even more angry.

In this way, everyone looked at each other, and they were half-convinced for a while.

Even the canine people are the same.

Yingjiao also spoke at this time, “If you don’t believe it, stop the people below from fighting first, and then everyone will go to the depths of the mirage to take a look.”

“This kind of big thing, no need to joke.

Before that, she pointed to the ink calamity in the distance, for example, “The ink calamity is our king, but now, we will also kill him.” ”

Those who betray the demon race cannot stay….”

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