Yingjiao showed his usual cold appearance, and the momentum suppressed the audience.

As the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, if it weren’t for her lack of intention to fight, Mo Qiao would not be the patriarch of the Flying Bird Clan at all.

Therefore, once she spoke coldly, even the people of the Mo Crow Clan did not dare to open their mouths to oppose it at will.

The main thing is that there are only three people left in the refining period of the Mo Crow Clan, and their strength is weak, and they dare not open their mouths easily.

Quan Fengri looked at Yingjiao coldly and did not speak.

Several people from the dog tribe stood by his side.

Quan Yao died, and he was the highest ranking person in the dog clan.

Everyone was waiting for his decision.

Quan Fengri is now also in a dilemma.

Yingjie looked at him, and then said, “If your dog clan is not convinced, you can make a move.”

“Can you beat our people?” was

worthy of being the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, directly threatening Quan Fengri.

Jeon Bongri’s face became even more ugly.

The refining period of the dog tribe is the largest number of walking beast tribes, with nine.

Quanyao and Quanyi fell, and there were seven people left.

In addition to those who stayed in Qicheng, Quan Fengri, plus himself, there were only five people.

In front of them, there are more people from the bird tribe than them.

His gaze fell on Wang Miu, Yuanba, and Hu Yi, the patriarch of the fox tribe who rushed in.

The patriarchs of the three royal families had indifferent expressions and made their positions clear with a silent attitude.

If they fight, they won’t shoot.

Everyone is not a fool, and this time the bird tribe and the beast race are fighting here.

Now there is a chance to stop, no one wants to be stupid and continue fighting.

Not to mention the suspected existence of terrifying rampant gods.

Quan Fengri’s heart sank to the bottom.

The dog tribe used to be arrogant and domineering, but now Quan Yao is dead, and no one is willing to stand up and say a fair word for Quan Yao.

What a crime.

Now that there is a conflict, it is not good for the dog clan, so he gritted his teeth and said coldly, “This matter will not be settled like this.”

“In the future, my dog clan must seek justice.”

As soon as his words fell, a voice sounded, “A bunch of dogs!” Several

people in Quan Fengli looked at them angrily, and when they saw the person who spoke, they crunched their teeth on the spot.

Lu Shaoqing shouted angrily at a few people, “Look at what? Haven’t you seen a handsome guy

?” “Dog!” ”

The patriarch was killed by someone, and he didn’t take revenge?”

Liu Chi, Qiu Chu and Ying Ji are covered with black lines.

What is this guy going to do

? Adding fuel to the fire at this time, he is a rampant lackey, right

? Others also looked sideways, where did this kid come from?

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All the people of the dog tribe such as Fengli were furious.

Someone was shaking with anger, “Damn, you bastard dare to humiliate my canine?”

“Death battle, I am at odds with you, and I don’t share the sky.”

“Elder, fight with him, insult my dog clan, and all nine clans will be destroyed.

Liu Chi covered her forehead again and moaned softly.

He could feel Shao Cheng’s pain, and he understood why Shao Cheng kept calling Lu Shaoqing a bastard.

With such a mixed apprentice, it is easy to lose life yuan.

Fierce Chu suddenly didn’t want to make a sound, but he had the urge to open his mouth and let Quan Fengri kill Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing the surging dog people, Lu Shaoqing did not have the slightest fear, and said to Yingjiao, “Patriarch Win, look, this group of dogs are disobedient, let’s kill them together.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was smiling and smiling, like a sunshine boy, Yingjiao also wanted to cover her head, she felt that her head hurt a little.

I don’t know if it was the sequelae of the injury or Lu Shaoqing’s anger.

She took a deep breath and said coldly to Quan Fengri, “Don’t be irritable.”

“Do you have any misunderstanding?” and

then looked directly at Lu Shaoqing, his face expressionless, but in his heart he couldn’t help but compare Lu Shaoqing with Ji Yan.

In the end, the conclusion was that it was still good to look at Ji Yan.

Really, what kind of person would accept such an apprentice.

Why would Senior Bai Que trust him?

Ying Jiao complained a few words in his heart and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, do you have a misunderstanding with them?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No, there is no misunderstanding, but watching their patriarch die, I feel distressed.” ”

I wipe!”

Many people next to me couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

I’m afraid this guy is not from the wild boar clan, otherwise why is his skin so thick? The

patriarch who slaughtered people, actually dared to say that he was distressed?

Yingjie’s hand trembled, and the urge to cover his forehead was even stronger.

She took a deep breath, “Gongzi, I hope you don’t joke.”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, looked very honest, and said, “No kidding.” ”

Then you…” Yingjie felt that he had anger in his heart, and just talking to this human could make people angry.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “My junior sister slaughtered the prince of the dog clan, and now the dog king is also dead, they must be very lonely below, so I want to send them to accompany them the dog king and the dog prince, you see, I’m a good person, right?”

After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he gave himself a thumbs up, seemingly very satisfied with himself.


patriarch of the Bird Clan, Ma Lengyu couldn’t help but say, “Fellow members of the dog clan, can you still endure it?”

Yingjiao finally couldn’t bear it, she covered her head, and she felt a headache.

Fiercely huffing and huffing, he said to several dog tribesmen in Quan Fengli, “Now the overall situation is important, and after the matter is handled, you will handle the rest of the things yourself.” When

several people heard this, they immediately calmed down and stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

The fierce gaze makes them not like the dog clan, but like the wolf clan.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, pointing at the murderous and shouting, “Lean, big black bear, what are you going to do

?” “Do you believe me going to the senior to file a complaint?” Then

Lu Shaoqing walked two steps closer and smiled at Yingjiao, “Patriarch Win, look, I’m afraid of dogs, how about you help me kill them together…”

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