Yingjiao didn’t want to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing in his heart, but thought that this was the person that the seniors fancy.

She took a deep breath and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, if there are any contradictions, you can talk about it later.”

“Right now, the main target is still the ink calamity, which is rampant.

“Your senior brother is still fighting Mo Calamity, aren’t you worried?” said

Lu Shaoqing indifferently, “It’s okay, he deserved to be killed.”

“He was killed, I am the master brother, hehe…” Ying

Jiao secretly guessed in his heart that when your master took you as an apprentice, he must have closed his eyes.

Fierce Chu hummed, “Boy, don’t forget what you promised your seniors.

“I don’t care if you have a conflict with the dog clan, but because of this, let everyone continue to fight, and I am the first to disagree.”

Liu Chi also said to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, be a person.”

Lu Shaoqing let out a helpless sigh and turned to Quan Fengri and the others, “Dogs

!” “You wait for me!”

Even Quan Fengri and the others couldn’t help but wonder if Lu Shaoqing had a brain disease?

Yingji said to everyone coldly, “Go and let the people below stop fighting.” ”

Several patriarchs sent people down to stop it, and even Quan Fengri asked people to stop the continued fighting.

The rest of the crowd’s gaze naturally fell on the battle in the distance.

The battle between Ji Yan and Mo Calamity.

The two have now fought for hundreds of rounds.

Because there was a faint black fog around, the fluctuations of the battle spread, setting off layers of wind, and it was difficult to see the two clearly.

The crowd can only watch the battle with divine sense.

After watching for a while, Ma Lengyu couldn’t help but say, “Then, boy, it’s not Mo Calamity’s opponent, right?”

The two people in the battle were pressed and beaten.

Mo Wei was covered in black mist, like a demon king, constantly attacking Ji Yan.

Each blow can shake or even break the surrounding space.

The power of each blow makes onlookers feel a strong pressure.

The ape clan patriarch Yuanba said in an affirmative tone, “It is definitely not an opponent.

“Mo Scourge is already pressing him to fight, and it seems that the battle should end soon.” The

fox clan patriarch Hu Yi’s eyebrows were picturesque, like a flower, she covered her mouth and chuckled, “I didn’t expect Mo Jiao to be so strong, it seems that it is not a fluke to become a king.”

Yingjie glanced at Hu Yi coldly, not bothering to pay attention to this tumultuous fox.

Wang Miao, the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, asked a question that everyone was worried about, “That kid lost, who is on it?” Mo

Calamity is the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining void, and among the people present, Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, and Yingji are the same realm.

However, all three were injured, and they went up only for nothing.

Others go up, and one person is afraid that it is not the opponent of the ink calamity.

Hu Yi was still laughing softly, her voice contrasting sharply with the whistling wind, and she chuckled, “The ink calamity is a person from the Flying Bird Clan, and it should be solved by the people of the Flying Bird Clan.” ”


everyone secretly cursed in their hearts.

Yingjiao was injured, and his combat power was not saved.

The turn down is Ma Lengyu, the patriarch of the Bird Clan, who is just the seven-layer realm of the late refining void.

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The ink calamity is a solid nine-layer realm, and with blessings, the battle that can be played is stronger.

Ma Lengyu did not have the confidence to fight the ink disaster.

Ma Lengyu stared at Hu Yi, wanting to peck this fox to death.


said coldly, “Now it concerns everyone in the demon clan, not the bird clan.”

“Everyone should work together to capture the ink scourge and ask clearly.”

Wang Miu smiled, “Mo Mu is the patriarch of the Mo Crow Clan, and the king of your bird clan, and it is your responsibility. ”

Yuanba’s humanity to the Mo Crow Clan, “You Mo Crow Clan people go and capture him.”

“Hey…” Lu Shaoqing was not happy, and unceremoniously said to everyone, “What do you guys mean?” ”

Which of your dog eyes saw that Senior Brother was defeated?”

He immediately sneered, “As long as people who are not blind can see your senior brother, they have lost.” ”

Silly dog!” Lu Shaoqing’s fluttering words made Quan Fengli almost break his defense.

“Only a stupid dog can have such a view, and the dog’s eyes look down on people. This

seemed to scold Quan Fengri, but in fact scolded everyone.

The hearts of the people were angry.

What is the origin of this bastard boy

? A broken mouth, squirting everywhere, you are here to pull hatred, right?

Quan Fengri trembled with anger, “But, it’s hateful.” So

angry that he cheered up Mo Yan in his heart.

I hope that Mo Yan will quickly slaughter Ji Yan and let him vent his anger.

It seemed that Quan Fengri’s cheering had worked, and the ink calamity in the distance suddenly shouted, “Death!”

and a black mist appeared from his body and spread rapidly, covering the sky and hiding him.

Even if everyone had divine sense, they could not see the figure of the ink calamity.

“Huh!” suddenly

there was a birdsong, and a huge black shadow rushed out from the black mist, and it was a huge claw flashing with a cold light.

Seeing this, Ma Lengyu’s voice was solemn, “The Yin Extinguishing Claw of the Mo Crow Clan!”

The huge claws exude a gloomy and cold aura, like the claws of the Hell Demon King, tearing the space, distorting the sky, and going straight away.

Ji Yan did not dare to be careless, the silver light of the Wuqiu sword soared, and the sword intent soared into the sky, gathering together to collide with the devil’s claws.

“Poof!” the

sound of cutting was endless.

Then a rumbling explosion was launched, and after countless spiritual power explosions, the devil’s claws full of holes appeared in everyone’s sight.

It looked dilapidated, miserable.

As for the momentum just now, it has long disappeared.

The people of the Mo Crow tribe couldn’t help but exclaim, “This, how is it possible?” The people of the Mo Crow tribe

knew how powerful this move was, and ordinary people would not be as easy as Ji Yan if they could resist it.

The faces of everyone were solemn.

Especially those patriarchs, their gazes stared at Ji Yan with deep jealousy.

“Such a powerful attack…”

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