As a veteran monster beast, he has a lot of knowledge.

For hundreds of thousands of years, they have seen all kinds of monsters.

Monster beasts that are good at attacking, monster beasts that are good at defense, and monster beasts that attack and defend balance, they have all seen them.

However, among all the demon beasts they had seen, none of them could compare to it.

Such a terrifying attack power, they have seen it for the first time.

Ji Yan was holding a long sword, but he gave the impression that he was a sword.

Excalibur to the extreme.

“It’s terrible!”

someone couldn’t help but whisper.

This sentence was approved by everyone.

It’s scary.

At such an age, in such a realm, but with such terrifying attack power.

Quan Fengri’s face also became solemn.

Terrible sword intent, terrible attack power.

Lu Shaoqing said triumphantly, “Look, it’s a slag.”

Many people secretly cursed in their hearts.

Ink disasters are slag, what about them?

Damn boy, it’s really unflattering to talk.

Quan Fengli said unpleasantly, “Hmph, before the last moment, who will win and who will lose is still undecided.” As

soon as the words fell, Ji Yan took the initiative.

The long sword waved, and the Dao sword light hit Mo Calamity like a storm, and the sword intent in the sky fell like a rainstorm.

Like layers of water film, the ink disaster is shrouded.

The huge claws dissipated in the sword intent.

“Poof, poof…” The

space around Mo Yan continued to crack, and countless cracks appeared, turning and disappearing.

The monstrous black mist also disappeared in the sharp sword intent.

“You…” Mo

Yan’s face became even more ugly.

The edge of the sword intent had already made him feel tricky, and now even his black mist could be annihilated.

This is not dissipation, but annihilation, ceases to exist.

“What are you?”

Mo Yan shouted, paying more attention to Ji Yan.

This guy is different from other monsters.

At the same time, the hands were sealed, the spiritual power was running, and a powerful storm rose up into the sky.

The wind below was swept in, adding a bit of power.

The two forces collided, and the terrifying energy continued to burst out, once again making the sky shake.

The realm of Mo Calamity was higher than that of Ji Yan, and he defused Ji Yan’s attack under the counterattack, and at the same time, he also urged the surrounding wind to press towards Ji Yan.

The whirring wind is harsh and makes the scalp tingle.

Countless spatial cracks appeared everywhere they passed, traces of cracking, crawling all over the sky.

Ji Yan’s long sword trembled, a silver-white divine dragon appeared, and a dragon groan collided directly into the roaring storm.

The sharp dragon claws tore through the storm, and also tore the sky, as if like teleportation, appearing in front of the ink calamity.

Mo Yan’s face changed drastically, but he didn’t expect Ji Yan’s counterattack to be so fierce.

Without thinking, countless black mist gushed out of his body, and the black mist roared, forming a thick wall in front of him.

From a distance, white and black collide, like positive and negative collisions.

In the end, countless sword intent dissipated, and the black mist also dissipated.

Look at the two sides are on par.

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Countless people couldn’t help but be silent when they saw this scene.

Mo Calamity is also a nine-layer realm, three realms higher than Ji Yan.

But the fight was comparable, it can be said that Ji Yan won.

“How terrible!” someone

couldn’t help but exclaim.

Many people did not speak, but they agreed incomparably.

It’s scary.

Quan Fengri’s face was difficult to see and like a dead clansman.

Even if the black mist is now coming out of the ink calamity, you can know that something is wrong at a glance, and Quan Fengri also hopes that the ink calamity can kill Ji Yan.

Without him, he thought of hitting Lu Shaoqing in the face.

The better Ji Yan’s performance, the worse Quan Fengri’s mood will be.

Ji Yan suddenly spoke, “I’m so disappointed, this is your strength?” ”

Damn!” Mo

Yan’s eyes became red, after fighting for so long, it was shameful enough that Ji Yan couldn’t help it.

I was already extremely annoyed in my heart, and now I actually opened my mouth to provoke.

Although the ink disaster is a doppelganger, the doppelganger also has dignity.

“You give me death!” Mo

Yan roared, his body flashed, and a black divine crow appeared.

“Roar!” roared

, flapping its wings high, and behind it, a golden silhouette of the sun loomed.

“Golden Crow Yaoshi!”

someone on the Mo Crow Clan shouted, his voice revealing pride.

Ma Lengyu’s expression was solemn, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he was introducing to everyone, “Jin Wu Yaoshi, the strongest spell in the Mo Crow clan.

“It is also said that only the patriarch can cultivate.

“Once unleashed, the golden solar energy behind him burned everything out…”

However, before Ma Lengyu’s words were finished, suddenly the people of the Mo Crow tribe became frightened and shouted loudly, “Why, why?”

The silhouette of the sun is becoming more and more real, and at the same time the light is becoming more and more intense.


the color has changed.

The golden sun turned black, and the light also turned black.

The black light from the black sun shrouded the world, strange and cold.

Everyone felt a chill, a chill deep into the bone marrow.


was stunned to find that there were faint white crystals floating around them, and at the same time, the howling wind around them was frozen, and from a distance, it looked like countless white bandages scattered around.

Jin Wu Yaoshi could burn heaven and earth in normal times, but now, the black sun and black light made heaven and earth freeze.

The people of the Mo Crow tribe looked terrified, was this still the spell of their clan? The

temperature dropped sharply, even the people who were in the refining period felt cold.

In this way, how to deal with

Ji Yan? Everyone immediately focused their attention on Ji Yan.

But he found that Ji Yan had been fixed in place, and everything around him was frozen, even the air.

Wherever the black light passed, everything froze.

“This, this…” Everyone

was shocked, Mo Yan’s move was not weaker than Jin Wu Yaoshi.

“Huh!” A

birdsong sounded, the ink calamity fell from the sky, straight down, terrifying fluctuations spread, frozen air, wind, etc. began to become shattered, and even the space was also shattered and broken.

The thumping sound continued to sound, and at the same time, it hit the hearts of everyone hard.

Everyone had only one thought in their minds, Ji Yan, can he resist this trick?

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