The frozen space is like the ground collapsing, constantly spreading.

It soon extended to Ji Yan.

Seeing that Ji Yan, who was like an ice sculpture, was motionless, many people secretly shook their heads in their hearts.

No way.

This trick is too overbearing.

Ice and crush again.

Unless you can escape the freezing range at the beginning, you will be frozen, and you can only end up shattered.

Hu Yi shook his head and turned to Ma Lengyu, “It’s up to you to make a move.”

“The affairs of your bird clan, deal with it quickly.” Ma

Lengyu didn’t want to speak.

Quan Fengri couldn’t help but sneer, “Hey, that’s it?” He

looked at Lu Shaoqing, but saw Lu Shaoqing yawning in every way bored, looking at him contemptuously, and slowly spit out two words, “Silly dog!”

Quan Fengri was furious, “Do you think he can …”

However, his words were not finished.

A wave of fluctuations spread, and the cold ice covering Ji Yan’s body split one after another, and Ji Yan’s figure reappeared.

“Hmph!” With

a cold snort, Ji Yan’s right hand was gently raised, and a sword stabbed out.

Soft, as if there was no strength, many people secretly shook their heads again.

However, the next moment, a terrifying aura swept over.

As if the heavens and the earth had just opened, everyone felt a wave of horror in their hearts.

They seemed to see that in the endless darkness, a ray of light broke through the sky, the light was dazzling, tearing the darkness and opening up the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying aura erupted, and everyone present was in the refining period, but some people wanted to vomit blood.

Everyone’s faces changed instantly, “Rules!?” Many

people had a thick shock in their tones.

Then he went mad.

Is this

something that people can comprehend in this realm?

Liu Chi and Qiqi are a little better, after all, they have seen it.

However, seeing the shock of so many fellow dirt buns, they felt inexplicably comfortable.

Oops, such a reaction is indeed a normal reaction.

Mo Calamity pounced like he had found prey, and he wanted to completely smash Ji Yan and make him the scum of the world.

When Ji Yan’s sword was slashed out, Mo Yan was terrified.

The black feathers instantly stood up, and the wings desperately fanned back, and a sharp brake came.

However, the speed was too fast, and when the car was braked, the sword had already killed in front of him.

Instinctively, Mo Calamity can only block the wings in front.

“Ah!” In

the dazzling sword light, the screams of ink calamity came out.

When the sword light disappeared, everyone looked at it for the first time, and immediately took a breath of cold air.

The golden crow that covered the sky had been split in half, and blood was floating in the sky.

The ink calamity, which was split in half, remained motionless, as if he had died.

Ji Yan put away his sword and stood up, and after taking a look at Mo Yan, Ji Yan closed his eyes without thinking about himself.

What is he going to do?

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Everyone wondered.

The next moment, the breath in Ji Yan’s body tumbled, skyrocketed, and continued to climb, like a volcano about to erupt.

I’ll go!

The crowd was flabbergasted.

Choose to break through at this time, what

do you think?”He, what is he going to do

?”””Is he crazy?”””He doesn’t think

Mo Calamity is dead, right?”

“Oh God, is he stupid?” ”

Hey, look for death!” Although

Mo Calamity was split in half, the people present were all in the refining period, and naturally knew how strong the vitality of the refining period was.

Not to mention being split in half, even if it is cut into countless pieces, it can be resurrected in place.

Although the sword just now was powerful, it was impossible to kill Mo Scourge without a follow-up.

Sure enough, black mist suddenly appeared from Mo Yan’s body, and the black mist was entangled, and the huge pull force made Mo Yan’s body quickly close and return to its original state.

The breath of ink calamity appeared again, and he opened his eyes, and tyranny flashed.

“Damn!” Mo

Yan’s voice echoed, resounding in the sky, “Ant An dares to do this?” It

was humiliating enough to be split in half by Ji Yan’s sword, and now he actually broke through in front of him, treating him as nothing.

As a famous rampant god, when did he suffer such a nest of gas?

This is not a slap in the face, but a foot of shit with a foot, and then a hard step on his face to ravage.

The monstrous black fog reappeared.

This time the black fog was a little different from before, and everywhere it passed, all disappeared.

The whistling wind was swallowed up, as were the remains of the stars that fell from the outer realms from time to time, being swept up in the black mist, and everything ceased to exist.

Once again, a vacuum appeared in the huge wind layer.

Mo Qiang’s body was hidden in the black mist, and his voice came out from the black mist, “I will devour you so that you will never be able to live beyond life.” The

resentment revealed by the voice made everyone shiver coldly.

Even Liu Chi and the others.

Liu Chi’s expression was solemn, “Just a doppelganger is so terrifying, I dare not imagine how strong the rampant god is.”

Fierce Chu gritted his teeth, “Damn, what the hell does that kid think?”

Quan Fengri sneered, his voice couldn’t hide the gloating, “Haha, look for death.”

“Think you’re invincible?” “I’ll

see who will save him.” ”

Whether it is Wang Miao, Yuanba, or Hu Yi, the patriarchs of the three beast walking clans looked indifferent and had no intention of making a move.

As for the bird clan’s side, Ma Lengyu did not intend to make a move, and the reason she gave was very simple, “I can’t catch up with it now.” ”

The main thing is that the plan is too sudden and breaks through directly.

The ink disaster side also quickly launched a counterattack, the time was too short to help.

Fierce Chu frowned, his eyes roamed around, and he did not find Lu Shaoqing’s figure.

Can’t help but be surprised, “Where is that bastard boy?” Everyone

found that Lu Shaoqing didn’t know when he had disappeared, and when and how he disappeared, no one noticed at all.

Quan Fengri couldn’t help but sneer, “Hey, shouldn’t you be scared to run away?” As soon as Quan Fengri’s

words fell, a red divine bird fell from the sky in the distance and disappeared into the black mist.


Also sounding was Lu Shaoqing’s scolding, “You stinky problem, can you change it…”

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