Although it was far away, there were still fluctuations high in the sky.

The constant fluctuations made the ground tremble constantly.

The cracked ground was like an earth dragon turning over.

The howling storm is like a wind dragon raging.

Many demon beasts avoided it, were affected, vomited blood and were injured, and even fell.

At the same time, there are extraterrestrial heavenly demons watching, and many demon beasts have fallen into even greater turmoil.

Shao Cheng took Xiao Yi and a few to stay outside the mirage, without stepping into the mirage.

At the same time, vigilantly pay attention to everything around you.

The extraterrestrial heavenly demons had already rushed out of the mirage, and the formless and disembodied them were like assassins, and it was easy to accidentally get their way.

Hu Xue looked worriedly at the light that flashed from time to time above the sky, “Why is this happening?” The

king of the walking beast tribe and the king of the bird tribe have problems?

Xiao Yi said again, “Hurry up and heal your injuries.”

Hu Xue couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “With my strength, there is no difference between being injured and not being injured.” ”

He is just a Yuan baby, and such strength can only be regarded as a miscellaneous fish in this environment.

Even if it’s in good condition, it won’t help much.

Xiao Yi said speechlessly, “I mean, in case you encounter a powerful enemy, you can delay us for a little time.”

“Let’s run first…”

Hu Xue choked on her breath and wanted to vomit blood.

Worthy of that guy’s junior sister.

Talk the same angry person.

“Hehe, Hong Qing, aren’t you dead yet?” suddenly a slightly sharp voice sounded, and then several figures appeared in front of everyone.

A middle-aged man with a somewhat feminine expression in his expression.

And the other people next to this person, Xiao Yi and Hu Xue, all knew.

Ink is long.

After Xiaohong saw the person coming, his expression suddenly turned cold

, “Mo Changye!” Mo Changye saw that Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran were standing beside Xiaohong, and a hatred flashed in his eyes, and he showed a smile, “I heard that you fled into the depths of the mirage, and I thought you fell.”

Xiaohong snorted, “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

“Also, can you put away that smelly face of yours? It’s just a bird, what kind of mask to wear?” Mo

Changye’s eyes were even colder, but his smile remained the same, and he said to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “Two, I heard that you chased Hong Qing into the mirage valley, but I am worried.”

“Seeing the two of you come back, I was relieved.

“Mo Changye, less pretending here,” after Win Qiqi knew the truth, she didn’t have the slightest good impression of Mo Changye, or in other words, she didn’t have any good impression of Mo Changye from the beginning, and now she is equally cold-faced, “Your appearance makes me gag.”

Ma Ran also wrinkled his nose and hummed, “Hypocrite, villain!” Xiaohong

answered, “How about villains, it’s just maggots in the smelly canal.”

“But the maggots are white, he’s black, and he stinks and is more disgusting.”

Mo Changye’s smile could not be maintained, and it instantly became gloomy.

His gaze swept around everyone, and his jackal-like gaze made Hu Xue, a Yuan Infancy cultivator, tremble secretly.

What a strong sense of oppression.

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However, after scanning the circle, Mo Changye was also secretly surprised in his heart.

Neither Shao Cheng nor Xiao Yi put him in their eyes.

There is no bird in his eyes.

As for the three children’s Xiao Hei, Da Bai and Xiao Bai are lazy, equally careless, careless.


it be because of the refining period that his brother said?

Mo Changye dared to come out after observing the side for a long time and not seeing the existence of the refining period.

However, even if there is a refining period, there is also on his side.

Thinking of this, Mo Changye’s confidence is even stronger.

He smiled, “You’re all injured, it’s dangerous, so be careful.” ”

The skin is not smiling, like a smiling tiger.

Xiaohong yawned, “Yes, there are many dangers, be careful to kill yourself.” ”

I’ve never seen such a cheap bird as you, and you have to rush to die?” Mo

Changsui couldn’t help it, pointing at Xiaohong and drinking, “Hong Qing, what are you

?” “A mongrel with impure bloodline also dares to make a big fuss in front of my eldest brother?” “Impure

bloodline?” Xiaohong was not angry, “Only people who are not capable will desperately grasp the so-called bloodline.”

“The invincibility of the ancestors is not based on bloodline, but on strength.

“Trash like you, I can shoot ten dead with one wing.”

After stunning Mo Changye, he looked at Mo Changye coldly, “You have only this little strength at this age, what is there to be proud of?” ”

At an age like you, it is actually still the god period, if it were me, I would have already wiped my neck and committed suicide.”

After a pause, he raised his voice and said, “Waste is not worthy of breathing the air of the demon world.

“And you, Mo Changye, are the biggest waste of the Bird Clan.

“And you’re still a black maggot in a stinking ditch, and the other maggots don’t want to play with you.”

Mo Changye’s smile completely disappeared, and his anger could not be suppressed.

“Hong Qing, you bastard dare to insult me?” Mo Changye stared at Xiaohong deadly, “Today, I have to share the victory with you.” ”

The killing intent is nakedly exposed.

Xiaohong smiled contemptuously, stood up, fearless, “Afraid you won’t succeed?” ”

Killing you is like killing a chicken

!” “Arrogant!” Mo Changye shouted loudly and stood up, “I’ll make you regret it.” His

heart was full of murderous intent, but his mind remained sane.

He knew it was a great opportunity.

Ever since Xiaohong appeared, he felt deeply threatened.

At a young age, his talent is amazing, and he entered the Transformation God period in a few years, and his strength caught up with him.

Now there is a good opportunity, he doesn’t care if Xiaohong is injured or not, he wants to take the opportunity to completely kill Xiaohong and eradicate the aftermath.

“Hong Qing!” Ma Ran became worried, “Can you?”

Xiaohong’s injury is not light, and ten percent of her strength can be regarded as powerful.

“The male bird can’t say no,” Xiaohong laughed, “a black maggot, see how I trample it to death…”

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