The face of

the black maggot?

Mo Changye’s face was even more ugly, as if a layer of black mud was applied.

Damn guys.

Ying Qiqi snorted, his words containing concern, “You don’t look at your injuries, can you beat him?”

Ma Ran agreed, wrinkling his nose to add a bit of cuteness, “Yes, don’t mess around.”

Then, his eyes rolled and he looked fierce, “It’s better for me to join forces with you to deal with him, anyway, his strength is stronger than yours, not to bully him.”

Mo Changye’s mouth opened slightly.

Just now, although I saw Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran standing beside Xiaohong, the relationship was very unusual.

But when they saw that Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran cared so much about Xiaohong, a wave of jealousy instantly came out, and the killing intent was even worse.

He already regarded Ying Qiqi as his own woman.

Now Xiaohong appeared, not only made him feel threatened, but also robbed his woman.

Mo Changye’s eyes instantly reddened.

“I want you to kill you. ”

Hmph!” Win Qiqi stood up, “Mo Changye, I’ll meet you.” ”

The woman I fancy actually stands out for others, and that feeling makes Mo Changye go crazy.

“Damn,” Mo Changye shouted angrily, “Hong Qing, you coward, do you want

to hide behind women?” Xiaohong didn’t care at all, “I have women to hide, do you have them

?” “Besides, are you looking down on women?”

Ma Ran also stood up, “That is, come, you said you are so powerful, a few of us will join forces to deal with you.” Ma

Ran also knew very well that even if she joined forces with Xiaohong and Win Qiqi, she might not be able to win Mo Long Night.

Mo Changye is also the prince of the Mo Crow Clan, an existence in the late stage of the Transformation God.

And several of them were injured, and their strength was not one in ten.

Mo Changye hated the sky, and said hatefully, “Okay, good, you guys go together.” ”

What woman, to hell with it, kill you all.

“Your own enemies, you don’t need the help of outsiders, you can solve them yourself.”

Xiao Yi suddenly spoke, and she said to Xiao Hong, “Do you do things steadily, didn’t you see that both of them were injured?”

It’s true, like a bird with the second senior brother, I don’t know how to hurt women.

The villain is also a future girlfriend, a future Taoist, and must be loved well.

Alas, forget it, the second senior brother is a rough man, and he only knows how to be good to the senior brother.

I, the senior uncle, had to work hard and help the second senior brother teach him the bird.

Little black, big white, little white yawned and stood up lazily.

The three little tigers stared at Mo Changye, their eyes looking up and down, as if they were thinking about which part to start from when they waited for the next move.

The gaze that seemed to eat people made Mo Changye feel very uncomfortable.

Of course, he was also very angry.

Xiaohong waved his hand to signal that he didn’t need to, “Uncle Master, don’t need their help, it’s just a black maggot, I slap him twice, no, I can trample him to death with two feet.”

Xiao Yi pointed to the heavens, “The second senior brother and the senior brother have gone to the sky, I don’t know what will happen next, I mean to kill him quickly, there is no need to make trouble here.”

“Of course I know this stinky maggot is a scum, but you’re injured after all, so be safe.”

Mo Changwei couldn’t calm down, he pointed at Xiao Yi and drank angrily, “Look at what you said?”

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Scum, definitely scum.

I thought that it was shameless enough to win Qiqi and Ma Ran to help Xiaohong, but I never expected that Xiao Yi’s side would directly send three small and want four to one.

I’ve never seen something so faceless.

“Shameless?” Xiao Yi smiled coldly, pointing at Mo Changwei and said, “Come, I will single out with you, and whoever loses is shameless.”

Mo Changwei’s face turned red, and he had beaten Xiao Yi there.

If he had fought, he would have opened his mouth to fight just now, instead of waiting for his eldest brother to speak.

Shao Cheng suddenly spoke, “Let’s make a move, solve them as soon as possible.”

Shao Cheng’s expression was cold, with a fierce murderous aura.

He has a good temper, but it does not mean that he has no temper.

Mo Changye calculated Xiaohong and almost killed Xiaohong, and by the way, he was also pitted.

His apprentice also fell into such a situation because of this thousands of miles to come to the demon world to find him.

The rampant gods will get out of trouble at any time, and the situation will be ten thousand times more dangerous at that time.

Mo Changye still dared to appear here, and he didn’t have good intentions.

He could only be killed so that he would not find more people.

A person with a good temper does not mean that he will not kill.

Shao Cheng’s good temper is only for his own people.

It’s okay to come to him for trouble, but it’s not okay to trouble his apprentice.

Xiaohong nodded, did not refuse, and turned to the three small ways, “I’ll go first.”

Mo Changye laughed angrily, “Haha, well, you finally showed your shameless side.”

His gaze couldn’t help but look at Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran.

Keep your bird’s eyes open and take a good look at the true face of this bastard.

Xiaohong blinked, quite incomprehensible, “What’s finally, I think I’ve always been quite shameless, you just know now

?” “No, what’s the use of your bird’s eyes?” Mo

Changye couldn’t help it, “Die!”

He angrily shot at Xiaohong.

A huge storm swept through, turning into a wind dragon and roaring towards Little Red.

Suddenly, sand and stones flew around, dust flew up, trees and stones were rolled up one after another, and rushed straight towards Xiaohong.

Xiaohong and Mo Changye have already exchanged hands several times, and although they are injured this time, they are already familiar with Mo Changye’s moves.

Facing the incoming wind dragon, Xiaohong did not retreat, but raised his hand and waved coldly.

As if it flashed like wings, it also set off a storm, but it was a storm of sword intent.

The storm of sword intent appeared even more powerful and swept up.

The two storms collided, in the end, the sword intent storm was better, easily defusing Mo Changye’s attack.


, as the storm disappeared, Mo Changye’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiaohong, like a falcon striking, falling from the sky and rushing straight to Xiaohong.

The storm just now was just a cover-up, and his real intention was to fight Xiaohong in close combat.

Xiaohong was injured, and if he didn’t tear Xiaohong apart with his own hands, it was difficult to quench the hatred in his heart.


a white shadow flashed next to it…

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