When Xiao Yi heard this, he couldn’t help but shout, “Dog clan?”

Big sister, people are also in the refining period, your two senior brothers are not here, you dare to shout so loudly?

Shao Cheng stood up vigilantly and bowed his hand to Quan Xiang Han, “I have seen the senior.”

Quan Xiang snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, “There has been an order from above, let everyone stop fighting, and don’t fall for the enemy’s tricks.”

Shao Cheng nodded, “What the senior said is very true.

Her gaze fell on Xiao Hong, who and Xiao Bai were still beating Mo Changye.

Mo Changsui has been struggling, and once he relaxes a little, he can get out of trouble.

“Don’t stop yet?”

Shao Cheng thought about it, not wanting to cause trouble, he said to Xiaohong, “Okay, you two come back.” Mo

Changye’s nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he gasped for breath, feeling that he had finally come to life.

He struggled to get up and stared at Xiao Hong deadly, “Shameless fellow, you, wait for me.”

Xiaohong raised her head, “Come on, I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Quan

Xiang snorted coldly, intending to leave.

However, seeing that Hu Yan and Hu Xue were also following Xiao Yi, they suddenly became suspicious, and couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you waiting for?” After

knowing the relationship between the group in front of them and Lu Shaoqing, everyone instantly felt a murderous aura coming out of Quan Xianghan’s body.

Lu Shaoqing killed Quan Yao and Quan Yi, and also humiliated the dog clan in public, which had already made Quan Fengri and other dog clans hate the refining period to the bone.

If it weren’t for the other royal clans believing the so-called rampant rumors and supporting Lu Shaoqing, the people of the dog clan would have already taken action to tear Lu Shaoqing’s brothers to pieces.

Now the people in front of him are Lu Shaoqing’s master, junior sister, as well as spiritual pets and friends.

Quan Xianghan’s killing intent couldn’t help but pop up.

You can’t kill those two guys for the time being, you can kill his companions here.

Sensing Quan Xianghan’s killing intent, Shao Cheng became even more nervous.

The other party is in the refining period, and his side is full of wounded soldiers, and all the people joining forces are not their opponents.

After thinking about it, he arched his hand to Quan Xiang Han and said, “Senior, I’m waiting here to wait for someone, and I have no intention of causing trouble.” ”

I want to send Quan Xiang Han away.

However, Quan Xianghan had already made up her mind, she sneered, pointed to the swollen Mo Changye and said, “No intention to cause trouble, what does this mean

?” Xiao Yi stood beside his master, “Isn’t it normal for children to fight?”

Mo Changye wanted to vomit blood again.


a kid, I’m hundreds of years old.

Hu Xue couldn’t help it, and said to Hu Yan, “At this time, her attitude is still like this.” ”

Of course, a tone that can kill people.

Hu Yan was also very speechless, she shook her head, not knowing what to say.

At this time, without Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan here, everyone added up to not enough for each other’s fingers.

Offending a refining period is not a wise move.

Quan Xianghan’s face became even colder, and his murderous aura was also stronger because of anger.

Smelly girl.

She snorted coldly, and a force rushed straight towards Xiao Yi, “Are you teasing me?”

A faint flash of fire made the scalp tingle.

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“Be careful!” Shao

Cheng stood up without saying a word, blocking in front of Xiao Yi.

He had already prepared to react quickly, but even so, Shao Cheng was knocked away by a powerful force.

Yu squirted out a mouthful of blood in the air.

“Master!” ”


Xiaohong and the others were shocked.

Xiao Yi was angry and stomped his foot fiercely, “Damn, you’re looking for death!” Xiao

Yi jumped like thunder, and his long black hair seemed to float up roots, murderous.

“Haha…” Quan Xianghan laughed instead, laughing unscrupulously, his face slightly hideous, “Just by you?” I

admit, your two senior brothers are very strong, but a little girl like you is just rubbish.

“Just because you don’t respect me, I can kill you, even if it’s your senior brother, don’t dare to say anything.

“Old dog, look how I slaughtered you. Xiao Yi became murderous, and the Lanshui sword appeared in his hand, pointing at Quan Xiang Han and drinking angrily, “Look I cut off your dog’s head.” ”

Thinking that my two senior brothers are going to do something big, my junior sister can only stay.

I was not happy in my heart.

The two senior brothers and masters died for the birth of the demon clan, and there were also miscellaneous pieces of the demon clan who came to trouble their group.

Unhappy is more prosperous.

In the end, Master was injured to protect himself.

Unhappiness reached its peak, and the killing intent was skyrocketing.

Holding the Lanshui Sword, the momentum soared, the murderous aura swept through, and a terrifying momentum emanated, like an invincible goddess.

Ying Qiqi, Ma Ran, Hu Yan, and Hu Xue felt this momentum, and their faces changed greatly.

I never expected Xiao Yi to have such momentum.

Quan Xianghan was first stunned, and then disdained, how about invincible momentum?

The realm strength is there, the period of transformation is always the period of transformation of gods, and it can never challenge the period of refining void.

She sneered contemptuously, “Bluffing stuff.”

Lanshui Sword felt Xiao Yi’s murderous aura, and the sword body suddenly lit up.

The light was faint, like a hazy light, and the next moment, the light became brighter and brighter, and finally it seemed to become the sun, and the light was dazzling.

Even if the people present were in the Yuan Infancy Stage and the Transformation God Stage, it was difficult to look directly at this light, and they closed their eyes one after another.

After a few breaths, everyone opened their eyes.

The light also began to slowly dissipate, or rather, the blue light was absorbed, as if it had retracted.

Finally, he completely retracted into Xiao Yi’s Lanshui Sword.

And above the Lanshui sword, a small man in a light blue dress was standing.

The villain’s eyes are closed, his face is delicate, and his long black hair is fluttering slightly in the wind.

She slowly opened her eyes, and a sly light flashed in her eyes.

She jumped up, turned into a blue lightning, and went straight to Quan Xianghan.

The blue light flashed, the sword intent erupted, and everyone’s ears seemed to remember the sound of gurgling water.

The feeling of danger instantly came to mind.

Quan Xianghan was shocked, this feeling seemed to make her go back to when she was a child, when she secretly went out and met natural enemies…

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