The blue figure was like lightning, even Quan Xiang Han could not capture it for a while, she instinctively mobilized her spiritual power, burst out a powerful wave of qi, and at the same time formed a layer of shield on her body.

In the face of an unknown enemy, such an approach is undoubtedly the most appropriate approach.

Put a spiritual shield on yourself, like a turtle shell.

Quan Xiang Han’s heart was stable, and at the same time sneered disdainfully.

She is in the refining period and fearless.

Even if the other party is a god, it is also an ant.

Thinking of this, Quan Xianghan relaxed even more, and his heart became unimpressed.

Mo Changye covered his face here, smoking the cold air, watching Xiao Yi dare to make a move against Quan Xianghan, he couldn’t help but sneer, “Find death!” Did

you eat the bear heart leopard gall?


next moment, a soft, cracked and broken sound sounded, and Quan Xiang Han was horrified to find that her spiritual shield shattered in response.

“Snap!” another

crisp voice sounded.

The villain slapped Quan Xianghan’s face.

Quan Xianghan’s face was not only red and swollen, but even countless small wounds appeared on his face, and blood oozed out along the wounds.

Sword spirit, with its own sharp aura.

Everyone’s eyes flickered, and the villain returned to the Lanshui sword.

Tilting his head, he looked at Xiao Yi, and then said hello with a grin, “Master!”

Did his own sword finally give birth to the sword spirit?

Xiao Yi stretched out her hand, and the villain jumped onto the palm of her hand.

Xiao Yimei looked up.

However, others have already been frightened and stupid.

Mo Changye and the people around him were sluggish, feeling as if they were dreaming.

Quan Xiang Han is also a refining period, and he is also a celebrity on the side of the bird clan.

Win Qiqi and the others were also stupid, their mouths were wide open, and their faces were full of shock, as if the sun in the sky exploded in front of them.

“This, this…” Hu

Xue’s mouth closed, stammering, looking at Hu Yan and not knowing what to say.

Hu Yan also looked at Hu Xue, and finally smiled bitterly, “It’s too unexpected.”

Then he looked at Xiao Yi, who was smirking, and his eyes were full of amazement.

It’s really worthy

of being the junior sister of those two people.

Quan Xianghan slowly reached out and touched his face in disbelief, feeling the pain above.

Then put her hand in front of her eyes, rubbed it, the pungent smell of blood, made her eyes instantly red, as if enchanted.


Quan Xianghan screamed angrily, his voice harsh and hateful.

“I’m going

to kill you!” “I’m going to kill all of you.” Quan

Xianghan roared angrily, a violent wind blew through, the murderous aura was like a frost attack, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped by tens of degrees.

Hu Yan’s face changed drastically, “Oops, dangerous.” ”

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Quan Xiang Han is in the refining period, and it is a shame to be touched by a god transformation period, let alone be slapped.

This shame can only be washed away by blood.


, it is not only the blood of the initiators, but the blood of everyone present.

Only the dead do not spread the word.

Hu Xue sighed deeply, “Humans, are they all like this?”

“Just now, if the attitude is better, maybe it won’t be like this.

“I really don’t know where her strength is, the two seniors are not here…” Hu

Xue was helpless, but there was no way.

Xiao Yi’s side returned to her senses, and the sword spirit was born, making her strength go further.

Self-confidence skyrocketed, not to mention that what was in front of her was only Quan Xianghan in the early stage of refining void, even if it was the merging period, she dared to go up and stab a few swords.

“Old dog, I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Xiao Yi held the Lanshui sword, majestic, and shouted, “Lan, let’s go together.”

Jian Linglan stood on the sword with his waist crossed, pointing at Quan Xianghan and shouting, “Little refining period, dare to make a second time?”

Who taught you this

? Also, are the current instrument spirits so dragged?

“Good, good!” Quan Xiang Han laughed angrily, and pressed down on Xiao Yi fiercely.

“Boom!” The

sky shook, and a huge dog’s paw appeared in the sky, as if Mount Tai fell fiercely against Xiao Yi.

The huge roar and terrifying coercion made the ground keep leaving, and also made the faces of the surrounding people change greatly and retreat one after another.

Xiao Yi instantly felt a huge pressure, without saying a word, the Lanshui sword was raised high, and the light lit up, “Killing Dog Sword Technique!”

Hu Yan and Hu Xue almost bit their tongues.

Feelings, the name of your sword trick is changed at will, right?

Before it was killing birds, now it is killing dogs.


sky was dim, and three rays of starlight roared down, forcefully piercing the huge dog’s paws.

Watching the dog’s paw dissipate above the sky, Shao Cheng couldn’t help but sigh faintly.

“Here, old…” The

old man was very relieved, but also felt a little lonely.

Even the strength of the little apprentice surpassed him.

Alas, sure enough, it is better to return to the Heavenly Royal Peak to retire, and forget about the grandson.

What to fight and kill is no longer suitable for an elderly person like yourself.

This scene also shocked others.

Hu Xue, Hu Yan and Mo Changye were dumbfounded again.

They even wondered if Quan Xiang Han was in the Refining Void

Period, even if it was not an all-out attack, it was not something that could be resolved by the Transformation God Period.

Quan Xianghan was also shocked, “This, what is this?” She

went down with one claw, not to mention destroying the sky and the earth, she could also turn the river and the sea.

She was angry, one-third of her strength came out, and she was actually dissolved by Xiao Yi, is there any heavenly reason?”

Hehe,” Xiao Yi took a few breaths, then his face turned pale and sneered, “The refining period, it’s just that.

“No, you’re just a parallel refining period…”

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