Quan Xianghan gritted his teeth, extremely resentful, “Damn guy, it’s still hard to die until he dies.”

“I’ll kill you slowly!”

Quan Xianghan gritted her teeth, her face was hideous, and she didn’t look like a female cultivator, but like an enraged beast.

She suddenly waved her hand coldly, and the powerful force once again set off a huge storm.

“Hmph!” Despite

the huge consumption, Xiao Yi still swung his sword to attack.

However, the gap between the Transformation God Period and the Refining Void Period could not be bridged.

Soon, within a few rounds, Xiao Yi’s body fell from the sky and smashed deep into the ground.

“Poof!” ”

Xiao Yi, are you okay?” Shao Cheng rushed over immediately, full of distress and self-blame.

As a master, there is nothing he can do at this time.

What a dish to die for.

“Cough…,” Xiao Yi spat out a few mouthfuls of blood before he felt better.

The surface of her body was scarred, the spiritual power in her body was exhausted, and the feeling of drying up and pain made her frown.

“Don’t worry, I have already sent a signal, and your two senior brothers will come soon. Shao Cheng comforted his apprentice distressedly.

Xiao Yi showed a smile, “It’s okay, Master, it’s up to you to drag out the time.”

“Huh…” Beating Xiao Yi half to death, Quan Xianghan felt that the evil qi in his heart had partially disappeared, and his mood was better.

“The light of the firefly also dares to compete with Haoyue

?” Quan Xianghan deliberately said loudly, his voice rolling, as if he wanted to announce it to the world.

Shao Cheng stood up, calmed Xiao Hongji who wanted to rush up, and said loudly to Quan Xianghan, “Senior, are you doing this, is it not too much?”

Shao Cheng hurriedly resisted, but he was still beaten back and forth, spewing a mouthful of blood.

“Ant!” Quan Xiang Han’s heart was more calm, his eyes were more contemptuous, this guy was an ordinary person.

“Master!” Xiaohong

was furious, “What garbage dog thing, in the same realm, I can cut off your dog’s head with my eyes closed.” ”


Quan Xianghan slapped down coldly again, and she decided to humiliate these guys below her.

Mo Changye saw Xiaohong being fanned, and he was happy in his heart.

Idiots, like you idiots.

Measure yourself and seek your own death.

“Roar!” Da

Bai revealed his body, and a big white tiger was majestic, murderously pounced on Quan Xianghan.

Seeing Dabai, Quan Xianghan’s eyes flashed with a trace of killing intent.

The bloodline of the atavistic level, have to die!

Her right hand bent slightly, and she grabbed it fiercely against the rushing Dabai.

The great white wind came, and the wind that lingered around her turned into a sharp blade, tearing the sky straight into the whole fragrant cold.

“Hmph!” Quan

Xianghan’s big hand stretched out his hand, and the conjured dog claw did not flinch in the slightest, allowing these attacks to fall on it.

On the surface, it only rippled, and it didn’t cause any harm to her.

Instead, Dabai was held in her hands.

“Little tiger, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?” Quan

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Xianghan’s voice shivered, intending to pinch Da Bai and deter the others.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying feeling behind her.

When she turned around, she saw a black shadow descending from the sky.

A birdsong sounded, making Quan Xianghan’s soul tremble.

It was as if the most powerful bird in the sky was eyeing her weak and helpless puppy.

However, soon Quan Xianghan reacted and fixed his eyes on it, just a little girl.

“Go away!”

Quan Xianghan was shocked and angry, and was about to strike, but suddenly there was a whistling sound in the back of his head.

This time, Quan Xianghan didn’t have time to react, and she felt that the back of her head was hit hard by something.


severe pain made Quan Xianghan no longer able to maintain his human form, and instantly changed back to his body, a big black dog.

He was yelling with his teeth, his limbs twitching, and the corners of his mouth were faintly foaming.

This scene made others dumbfounded again.

Hu Xue and Hu Yan couldn’t help but hold their heads, and what happened today made the two of them wonder if they were dreaming.

Quan Xiang Han is also a refining period, which is the new refining period of the dog clan in these years.

No matter how the refining period is, it is also the refining period, and there is no doubt that it is powerful.

However, today he has suffered losses again and again in front of the Refining God Period, what is going

on? Could it be that the Refining Void Period is already so weak that it is so vulnerable? Or is the Avatar Period on the human side too strong to wrench the wrist with the Refining Void Period


Mo Changye couldn’t help but touch the back of his head, and he was actually a little relieved in his heart.

Even the refining period could not withstand the sneak attack of that brick, and it was not a shame that he was attacked in a transformation period.


…” “Woof…” Quan

Xianghan’s side kept screaming, sometimes screaming, sometimes emitting a human roar, and it was miserable to look at.

She felt as if her soul had been shattered.

He has lived for thousands of years, suffered countless injuries, and is close to death.

However, such pain was the first time she had encountered it.

It felt like pulling her soul out, smashing it, and stuffing it back.

The intense pain made her wonder if she was going to die.

“Take advantage of her illness and take her dog’s life!” Xiaohong

drank loudly and rushed over murderously.

Little Black, Big White and Little White also rushed over again.

The power of the nerve brick was beyond their imagination, so Xiaohong drank, “Xiaobai, give her a few more blows and smash her dog’s brain.” ”


, Quan Xianghan is in the refining period, and although it hurts, it does not make her lose her combat effectiveness.

The four small besieged over, and the dangling nerve bricks in Xiaobai’s hand scared her soul to tremble.

“Get out, get away!” The

powerful aura of the refining period erupted, and the four little ones vomited blood and flew upside down.

“A group of ants, I will crush you completely, extract your souls, imprison you for hundreds of millions of years, and make you regret fighting against me today!”

“It’s over!” Hu Yan’s despair became even stronger, “Now, it’s completely finished…”

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