Hu Xue also had a similar expression, feeling that this time he was dead.

Hu Yan was already thinking of a way, “I don’t know if she will let us go because we are from the fox clan.”

“It’s really not possible, I can only find a way to escape, let’s run separately!” Hu

Xue wanted to cry, run separately, does he still have a way to live?

Sure enough, the only thing that a person with low strength can do is be bait.

The girl had this idea, not on purpose, but naturally.

Mo Changye laughed even harder.

“Don’t measure your strength, seek your own death!” ”

The strength is not enough, but you have to provoke the existence that is stronger than yourself, you don’t die, who dies

?” “Wait for the right time, let’s leave quickly!”

“Hehe, this time the trouble in my heart can be eliminated……”Ma

Ran asked Win Qiqi, “Do you want to make a move?”

Xiao Yi crawled out of the ground, lay on the side, and raised his head.

Lan stood on her head, pointing at Quan Xiang Han and scolding angrily, “Dog thing, you bark again?”

“A stupid dog, what else will you do besides barking?” ”

Come, quickly stick out your dog’s head, let me cut you a few swords, if you can’t kill you, I will cut again…” The

smoke and Hu Xue in the distance were full of black lines, and he was speechless.

It’s all this time, and I dare to scold like this.


Yan was unable to complain, “What kind of master, what kind of sword spirit.”

“This girl, do you want her sword spirit to replace her?” Quan

Xianghan was scolded and trembled, for the first time in his life, he was humiliated like this.

Being scolded by a sword spirit, it is not interesting if this world is not destroyed.

“Good, good, die!” Quan Xiang shouted angrily, revealing her body, and spiritual power roared.

The body is constantly getting bigger, the huge mouth, and the sharp dog teeth are frightening.

Suction began to build up around and the space began to tremble.

“Today, even if the Immortal Emperor comes, he won’t be able to save you!” Quan

Xianghan’s voice echoed in the sky again.

Then the suction became even greater, and the huge dog’s head opened its mouth and bit down fiercely.

Hu Yan was desperate, “Tengu swallowing the moon!”

Hu Yan closed his eyes in despair, but the next moment, Hu Xue’s exclamation suddenly came from his ears, “This, this…” Hu

Yan opened her eyes, and then saw a scene that made her unforgettable.

The huge dog’s head was cut off and fell from the sky with an incredulous expression.


Quan Xianghan’s sharp voice sounded, and he let out a scream.

Two figures appeared in the sky, and a voice sounded coldly, “What a big breath, the Immortal Emperor can’t be saved when he comes?” Two

blue and white figures were suspended, their expressions were cold, long robes hunting, extraordinary momentum, like immortals falling from the sky.

“You, you!”

Quan Xiang was numb, how could these two be here?

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, and the master, junior sister and a group of people were all injured, and immediately said to Ji Yan, “Hack her to death.” ”

Ji Yan is not nonsense, pulled out the Wuqiu sword, and the sharp sword intent surged, piercing Quan Xianghan straight away.

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“Damn it!” Quan Xiang Han’s aura surged and turned into a spiritual shield, intending to resist Ji Yan’s sword.

“Poof!” The

spiritual shield shattered, and Dao wounds appeared on Quan Xianghan’s body, and blood splattered.


Quan Xianghan’s body was pierced, screamed, turned around and fled.

Just as soon as she came into contact, she knew the huge gap between herself and Ji Yan.

However, where will Ji Yan easily let her go.

Bully your own people, no matter what strength realm you have, just kill.

Ji Yan struck out his sword again, and countless sword intents gathered, turning into a silver divine dragon and chasing Quan Xianghan straight away.

The divine dragon cut through the space and enveloped Quan Xianghan with the breath of death.

At this time, Quan Xianghan felt the breath of Quan Fengri and the others, and hurriedly roared loudly, “Elder, save me

!” “Be bold!” When

Quan Fengri and the others who fell from the sky saw this, they were suddenly shocked and angry.

Liu Chi, Qiqi, Yingji and the others were also stunned, not understanding what was happening.

They saw Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan suddenly leave and go straight below, and then followed.

At once, I saw Ji Yan hitting Quan Xianghan.

Quan Xiang Han is just the second-layer realm in the early stage of refining the void, where is Ji Yan’s opponent.

The first hit was cut off the dog’s head, the second was pierced through the body, and the third was already precarious.

The divine dragon transformed by the sword intent slammed her in one bite, and then the white sword light quickly submerged it.

“Stop, stop!” several

people in Quan Fengli were furious, and hurriedly shouted.

However, it was still a step late, the sword light dissipated, and Quan Xianghan also dissipated, and only some residue drifted in the wind.

A wave of sadness welled up from the bottom of everyone’s hearts.

Everyone understood that Quan Xianghan, the rising star of the dog clan, had completely fallen.

Even if it is a refining period, even if it is a Yuanshen doppelganger, it is useless.

Everyone was stunned.

Lu Shaoqing came to Shao Cheng, and after looking at it, he was relieved in his heart, and then asked with a smile, “Master, are you dead?” Shao Cheng

covered his chest and shook his head, “It’s okay, you go and see your junior sister and Xiaohong.”

“Don’t worry, they are all young people and can’t die.”

Shao Cheng was angry, felt more hurt, and scolded, “Bastard, are you saying that I’m old?”

“Come here, I’ll clean you up first!” ”

Okay, okay, you can rest and watch the play next to you.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Slaughtered those old dogs…” Quan

Fengri, this dog clan elder was about to go crazy.

Patriarch Quan Yao fell, elders all fell, and now Quan Xianghan also fell, and now Quan Fengli has only three people around him.

Among them, only he Quan Fengli alone reached the late stage of refining void, and the others were all in the middle and early stages.

“Damn it, damn it!” Quan Fengli roared angrily, “My dog clan is at odds with you. ”

Old dog, what are you calling in the dog?” With a loud shout, Lu Shaoqing came to kill with the Mojun sword in his hand, “What is incompatible, I don’t share the sky with your dog clan.” ”

Today, I will slaughter a few of your old dogs, and stick out the dog’s head…” Mo

Jun’s sword slashed out fiercely, enveloping

all four of the four people in Fengli…

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