Lu Shaoqing’s figure barely stood in the sky, but his pale face, the blood stains left at the corners of his mouth, and his weak breath.

They all told others that Lu Shaoqing had reached the end of the strong crossbow.

“It’s understandable, that move is terrible.

“To make it must have exhausted all his spiritual power and state.”

“Yes, it’s a pleasure, but it doesn’t work.” ”

Although their state is a little embarrassing, they are at least much better than him.”

“And it’s another four-on-one, and the defeat is decided.” ”

It’s too arrogant, do you really think that there is no one in our demon clan?” Many

cultivators of the Refining Period present shook their heads one after another, feeling that Lu Shaoqing had lost this time.

Lu Shaoqing was already exhausted.

Not only was he injured, but his body dried up, and the move just now almost sucked him dry.

Even if there is a elixir to eat, it will take a while.

And this time was enough for the other party to destroy him a hundred times.

Quan Fengri was also injured in the confrontation, but they were much better than Lu Shaoqing.

All Fengri, they also know the truth of beating the falling water dog.

So, adjust a little and join forces again.

The four of them came out in unison, and heaven and earth were once again in turmoil.

Seeing this, Qiu snorted, “Hu Lai!” he

said to Willow, “Let’s make a move.” ”

Although Lu Shaoqing is very annoying, this is the person that senior Bai Que fancy after all.

However, just as he was about to strike, suddenly a sword light descended from the sky, shrouding the four people of Quan Fengri.

Quan Fengri and the others were shocked, and only then did they remember that there was still Ji Yan next to them.

However, by the time they remembered, it was too late, and the brilliant sword light fell, enveloping them like a cage.

The sharp sword intent instantly tore the two apart.


!” “Roar!”

Two huge figures transformed in the air, and finally dissipated in the air.

“Damn it!”

Jeon Bongri also shouted angrily, desperately resisting with the people around him.

However, Jeon Bongri felt as if he had fallen into the world of swords, surrounded by shining, extremely sharp Excalibur, each of which was able to tear him apart.

The sharp sword intent was constantly besieging like a piranha, eager to devour every piece of flesh and blood in his body.

Quan Fengli’s wrist flipped, and one magic weapon after another appeared in his hand, radiant.

However, as soon as this side was taken out, the other side was torn apart in the sword intent, as if it were a flash in the pan.

Quan Fengri vomited blood while throwing the magic weapon out, desperately resisting.

In the end, after consuming four or five magic weapons, the pressure was light, and the sword light disappeared.

Quan Bongri gasped.

Glancing at the side, the companions around him were pale and equally shocked.

“He, what about them?” They

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also had two companions, who were at the beginning of the refining period and could not resist Ji Yan’s sword light.

Quan Fengri’s heart sank, if the two fell like this, he would have to cry.

But soon, two familiar breaths appeared, and two companions appeared in the distance, and Quan Fengri breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although he couldn’t resist Ji Yan’s sword intent, at least he wasn’t hacked to death by Ji Yan’s sword.

They are still four people.


, Quan Fengri’s gaze suddenly determined, and then his eyes were torn, and he shouted, “You dare?” Lu

Shaoqing suddenly appeared in front of the two dog clan refining period, and said hello with a sneer, “Dogs, how are you.” The

Mo Jun sword was raised and fell, like thunder falling on the ground.

The sword light lit up, and the sword intent rolled, showing tyranny.

The two dog clans were caught off guard during the refining period, screaming that their bodies were shattered and torn apart.

Lu Shaoqing’s Mojun sword twisted fiercely, and an inexplicable force submerged into the void.

Then, the feeling of sadness swept through the crowd again.

Quan Fengri cried, and under the impact of sadness and grief, he couldn’t stop his tears.

“No, no…” In

the blink of an eye, two more people fell, and the dog tribe was hit again.


!” “I fought with you!” The

other dog clan’s refining period was also about to go crazy, revealing his body, and wanted to pounce and fight with Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan coldly stopped the two, “Your opponent is me

!” “Damn, kill him!” Quan Fengri roared with red eyes, like a vicious wolf, “Crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

The distant murderer shouted, “Oops, go stop them.” The

bear hair on his face was trembling, and he cursed the bastard boy in his heart.

I thought that the four people of Quan Fengli could teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson by joining forces, but I never expected that Quan Yi’s thing would happen again.

The guys of the canine tribe are also too wasteful, right?

Fierce Chu did not have a good impression of Quan Fengri and the others.

However, he knew that he could not let Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan slaughter Quan Fengri now, otherwise it would be difficult to unite everyone in the future.

Fierce Chu, Wang Li, Yuanba and others all wanted to stop it, but they were stopped by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked, “Old bear, old cat, old monkey, where are you three going?”

However, the three were wary.

The strength that Lu Shaoqing showed was enough to make the three of them fearful.


Shaoqing said to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, what are you going to do?” Lu Shaoqing

asked rhetorically, “What for?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Qiu with a mentally retarded gaze, and then shook his head regretfully, “I know that the bear is a little stupid, but I didn’t expect it to be stupid to this extent.”

“Bastard!” said the ferocity, “Did you think about the consequences when you did this?”

“What are the consequences?” Lu Shaoqing asked again, and then became angry, “I sweated and bled for your demon clan, and as a result, my master and junior sister were bullied by the people of your demon clan here.”

“Is this how your demon clan crossed the river and demolished the bridge?” ”

Tell you, even if the Immortal Emperor comes today, I will kill them, and any of you who wants to save them will have to pass my pass…”

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