After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he held the Mojun sword and pointed at Qiu and the others, murderous.

The air was filled with slaughter.

Feeling Lu Shaoqing’s firmness, the faces of the three of them changed.

Wang Miao also frowned, “Boy, are you really going to kill them?”

“The people who bully me, don’t kill the sky in the dark, blood flows like rivers, others really think we are good bullies.”

Lu Shaoqing was murderous and his expression was fierce.

The resolute tone and firm attitude once again made the faces of Qiqi and the others change.

Yuanba couldn’t stand Lu Shaoqing’s attitude, “Boy, don’t go too far.

“We must save people

?” Lu Shaoqing’s face also changed, he took a step back, terrified, “Do you beasts want to bully me together?”

Wang Miu was also angry, who could stand it?

He also stepped forward and said coldly, “Get out of the way, we don’t want to make a move on you.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Qiu Chu, “What about you, do you also want to join the gang


Yuanba took a step further, imposing and imposing, “Give way!” Lu

Shaoqing sighed and said to the murderer, “You bully me like this, do you believe that I made a killing move?”

Whether it is the starlight falling from the sky or the moon, it is terrifying.

They don’t feel they can easily resist it.

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “Do you believe that I will open the door now to complain to my seniors, saying that you are bullying me?”


Fierce was furious, “Boy, get out of the way, I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you here.” At

this time, however

, Quan Fengri’s terrified cry was heard in the distance, “Ah, no…” Qiu

and the others hurriedly looked up, only to see Quan Fengri and his companions disappearing into the sword light of Ji Yan.

The next moment, the feeling of sadness struck again.

The faces of Qiu Chu and the others changed again.


, Lu Shaoqing snorted at this time, and his brows furrowed.

Fierce Chu and the others also discovered that although Quan Fengri disappeared in the sword light, he did not completely fall.

It was his companion, another refining period of the dog clan.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “It seems that there are some life-saving exercises or treasures.”

Then Lu Shaoqing turned sideways and said to the murderers, “Come, go over, see if you can collect a corpse for them.” ”

The irritability in the hearts of several people is fierce, seeing Lu Shaoqing’s smiling appearance, I can’t wait to slap him to death.

They were dragged down by Lu Shaoqing, seemingly to stop them, but in fact to buy time for Ji Yan.

What a waste!

They cursed in their hearts for the incompetence of Quan Fengri and others.

I couldn’t support it for a little time, and it looked like someone was killed.

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Wang Miao and Yuanba looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and the two patriarchs already had some thoughts in their hearts.

Dog races, that’s what they can do.

Qi Cheng has to shuffle the cards once.

Hu Xue looked at the death and injury of the people of the dog clan, and his face became very strange.

He looked at Hu Yan beside him and stammered, “He, his previous words, no, not empty vernacular

?” Hu Yan’s expression also became very strange, “Is he really going to destroy

the dog clan?” Hu Yan turned around and asked stunnedly, “What are you talking about?”

Hu Yan told Hu Yan what Lu Shaoqing had said before that he would destroy the dog clan, and Hu Yan was even more stunned when he heard this.

Just kidding…” Hu

Yi, the old fox patriarch, was also shocked.

Lu Shaoqing’s side did not pay attention to the murderous them, but turned around and took a step forward, as if teleporting to Mo Changye.

Mo Changye and several people suddenly felt like a great enemy, and the bird’s feathers all over their bodies stood up.

The calm Lu Shaoqing brought heavy pressure to Mo Changye and several people.

“You, what are you going to do?” someone said inwardly, “I, we are the Mo Crow Clan…” Lu

Shaoqing waved his hand coldly, and a sword intent roared out, and the person instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

“You…” the

others were shocked, but Lu Shaoqing waved his hand again, and the people around Mo Changye turned into blood mist one by one, leaving Mo Changye with his legs trembling secretly.

“You, what are you going to do?” The

three refining periods of the Mo Crow Clan were shocked and angry, and after bullying the dog clan, they came to bully my

Mo Crow Clan? “Boy, don’t think that our Mo Crow Clan is a bully

!” “Buzz!”

Ji Yan fell from the sky and stopped in front of the three Mo Crow Clan.

The cold appearance was like a sharp divine sword, and the three Mo Crow Clan trembled in their hearts during the refining period.

“You, what do you want to do?” Mo Changye forced down the fear in his heart and faced Lu Shaoqing directly.

But after meeting Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, he immediately looked away and did not dare to look at him.

Lu Shaoqing slapped over, Mo Changye wanted to resist, but to no avail, he was slapped.

Mo Changye’s face instantly turned red and swollen, and his eyes turned red, and he was furious, “You?”

He stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, his eyes were red, hatred rushed to the sky, growing so big, the first time someone hit him like this, shame, great shame.

“What are you?” Lu Shaoqing slapped his backhand again, “First Prince

?” “Crow Clan?”

“I haven’t gone to you to settle the score, you still have to make an inch.”

“Who gave you the guts?” ”

I fought with you!” anger rushed to his brain, Mo Changye’s eyes became extremely red, and there was only endless anger left in his mind, and he wanted to die with Lu Shaoqing.

However, he was just a Transformation God Period, and he could not be an opponent in the Refining Void Period, and he was also injured.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at him, and a sword intent submerged into his body, instantly making him lose his combat effectiveness.

The violent sword intent was in his body, like a reckless bull rushing back and forth, making him feel painful.


…” Lu Shaoqing carried him back and threw it in front of Xiaohong like garbage, “Dispose of him…”

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