Bai Que was startled, and the Demon Zhen Tower jumped, but after seeing the person coming, she was relieved.

The person staring at the Demon Town Tower was none other than Lu Shaoqing.

Although Lu Shaoqing sometimes makes people itch his teeth, he gives Bai Que an inexplicable reliability.

Lu Shaoqing said as

he reached out to grab the Demon Zhen Pagoda in his hand.

Bai Que died of anger, although it was a magic weapon, she was already psychic, in fact, she was not much different from a real cultivator.

The only difference is that the body may not be the same.

The white magpie controlled the Demon Town Tower to dodge.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes brightened, and he shouted, “Don’t run, follow me to eat fragrant and spicy food, I’ll take you to the human world to be dashing.” ”

What’s so good about following this gang of beasts here, come on…” Bai

Que was so angry that this hateful brat actually wanted to take himself for himself?

“Boom!” ”

Whoosh!” Lu Shaoqing covered his face and roared.

The eighth-level magic weapon, even if it is not known for its strength, its degree of hardness is extraordinary.

smashed Lu Shaoqing’s tears out.

When Liu Chi saw this scene, he smiled directly, that happy.

If he didn’t pay attention to his demeanor, he would want to laugh.

Don’t think about pulling something good into your bowl when you see something good.

And also don’t look at who this is.

Lu Shaoqing covered his face and howled a few times, staring viciously at the Demon Zhen Tower, “Without tens of millions of spirit stones, this matter is not over.” ”

It’s not over?” Bai Que’s figure came out, “You are disrespectful to me first, you still dare to say it?”

Without saying a word, he immediately took out the boundary piercing disk, and knocked on the boundary crossing disk with a roar, “Break the plate, hurry, quickly open the door, let’s leave here.”

“By the way, you beasts are not kind, and you don’t say anything when you run away.”

Lu Shaoqing was careful that his liver was trembling.

Grandma Li’s, the appearance of the white magpie here can only mean one thing.

It’s scary to think about.

“Don’t think about running!” Bai Que was full of black lines, and with a wave of his big hand, the surrounding space was blocked.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Don’t hurt me.”

“You’re here to help us deal with rampant gods.” Bai Que said to Lu Shaoqing.

“I’ll go,” Lu Shaoqing jumped up and glared at Bai Que, “You’re not sick, are you, right?

If you die, I’ll burn some ingots candles for you every New Year’s holiday, and I will burn handsome birds for you…”

Liu Chi, full of black lines.

Yingjiao and others are also full of black lines.

Shao Cheng covered his face even more, feeling faceless.

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It’s true, this bastard, if you don’t want to help, you don’t want to help, how to listen to the moon is not the same thing.


about the others?

Bai Que gritted his teeth viciously, looking like he was looking like he was looking at you, “Anyway, the rampant god is running away now, I don’t know where it is, you hurry up and find me a way to find it.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “The rampant god ran away?” Soon

, he understood, rolled his eyes, and immediately straightened his chest, and slapped hard, “Don’t worry, senior, I’ll help you find it and kill it.”

Everyone was stunned again.

Just now he was crying to death and begging for relief, but now he immediately changed his attitude, like a different person

? Does this kid have a dual personality?

Many people secretly speculate in their hearts.

“What bad idea are you fighting?” Bai Quehu stared at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, she didn’t quite believe Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Lu Shaoqing looked wronged and shouted loudly, “Senior, your words have deeply stung me.

“My fiery heart was hurt by you.

“I promised you, you still doubt me?” ”

You really are a beast…” The

white magpie was covered with black lines again, I am a demon beast, not a beast.

“You swear. “Murder suddenly shouted loudly, treating his people with his human ways.

“Childish!” Lu Shaoqing looked at Qiu Chu with an idiot’s gaze, and then said to Bai Que, “Senior, I can promise you that I will definitely help you find the rampant god and kill it.” ”

Really?” Bai Que was half-convinced.

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Senior, my guarantee is so worthless?

“You look for your rampant god, I’ll go back to my house.” Seeing

Bai Que nodded at the end, “Well, I believe in you, I believe you will not let me down.”

Suddenly, Yingji looked around and asked, “What about the people of the Mo Crow Clan?” Hearing

Yingjie’s words, Liu Chi and the others also rounded around, and they also felt puzzled.

The three refining periods of the Mo Crow Clan and the people of the Mo Crow Clan were gone.

Lu Shaoqing snorted and said, “They, run, without your support, they ran away at the first time, afraid that I would kill them.” This

makes sense.

There are only a few people who went to find the white magpie, and everyone else is watching here.

What Lu Shaoqing did, they could see clearly.

However, everyone soon learned from the rest of the population what happened to the Mo Crow people.

was slaughtered by Lu Shaoqing at the opportunity, and took advantage of the time when they went to find Bai Que to attack the Mo Crow clan.

Although the three refining periods of the Mo Crow tribe resisted desperately, they were finally slaughtered by Lu Shaoqing, and even the other Mo Crow Clan people were also killed.

Let them go down neatly.

Liu Chi was furious, “Bastard boy, have you forgotten what you said?” ”

You promised us that you wouldn’t take the opportunity to deal with them.

Lu Shaoqing asked reasonably, “Guarantee?

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