Lu Shaoqing’s rhetorical question made Liu Chi’s eyes widen.

This is face, who will easily backtrack on people in the refining period?


Shaoqing is different, after asking a rhetorical question, he thought of his past.

Suddenly even more sad and indignant, “Grandma Li’s, guaranteed to be worth a fart money.”

“All of them promised me, and finally broke their word.”

“Guarantee this thing, whoever believes in it!”

This remark immediately made everyone’s faces darken.


Que’s body trembled with anger, and the shrunken Demon Zhen Pagoda trembled with her, like an electric shock.

Bai Que angrily asked Lu Shaoqing, “So, the guarantee you just made is also false?”

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes, and immediately laughed, “Senior, you are different, I can guarantee, I promise not to lie to you.”

“I promise my assurances are absolutely true. ”

Your guarantee?

Bai Que’s face is already super ugly.

Tricked her like a child.

“What you just said, you forgot?” Bai Que stared at Lu Shaoqing, as the oldest existence present, Bai Que quickly guessed why Lu Shaoqing agreed so cheerfully just now.

“First deceive my trust, and then find an opportunity to leave secretly, right?”

said Bai Queyue, the more angry his heart became.

This little bastard is really a full human being, shameless and cunning.

Even, Bai Que wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing if he was from the fox clan.

After Lu Shaoqing was exposed, his face did not have the slightest shame, but he laughed and denied, “Senior, you really know how to tell jokes.”

“I’m the most honest person, and I never lie to people, let alone a beautiful senior like you.”

Bai Que snorted, not giving birth to the slightest wave in his heart.

She said, “Swear, I will believe you if you swear.”

Qiu Chu immediately agreed, “That’s right, swear, only swearing can prove that what you say is not a lie.” ”

Good, good,” Lu Shaoqing immediately vowed, “I swear that when I encounter a rampant god, I will be the first to strike at it.” Lu

Shaoqing was so clean and sharp that everyone once again felt strange.

Without him, it’s so refreshing.

This is not like Lu Shaoqing’s person.

Even Shao Cheng’s side felt strange.

Shao Cheng and Xiao Yi looked at each other, “Xiao Yi, what medicine is being sold in your second senior brother’s gourd?”

It’s so abnormal.

With the character of the second senior brother, he should find a way to get out of here.

You shouldn’t stay and fight to the death.

Xiao Yi was very curious and wanted to ask clearly.

When Lu Shaoqing returned, Xiao Yi rushed over without saying a word, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do

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?” “What do you mean?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Yes, otherwise what else can I do?”

Being too handsome is also a sin.

Ji Yan was very satisfied with this, “Very good, you can have a good time with it when the time comes.” ”

You get out!” Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “You give me a convergence point.”

“Let you fight, you give me a breakthrough halfway, not me, you have died a hundred times ah a hundred times.”

“Master, hit him, spank him hard.

Shao Cheng glared at him and shouted, “Don’t make trouble, hurry up and say what are your ideas?” muttered

Lu Shaoqing dissatisfied, “Master, you spoil him too much, look at what you spoil him into?”

Shao Cheng raised his slap.

Mess around,, and don’t look at when.

I’m used to you.

“Okay. Lu Shaoqing looked stunned and said, “The matter is very simple, when the time comes, everyone will gather together and don’t scatter.”

Then stared at Ji Yan, “Especially you, don’t see the rampant god like seeing a sow, roaring and pounced.”

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing sighed depressedly, “It’s really hard to go home.” ”

Now there is almost a small goal in the storage ring.

Will reach the Heavenly Royal Peak, barely able to lie down on the spirit stone to sleep.

Unfortunately, this broken thing has not been completed until now.

Shao Cheng said in his heart, “You swore an oath, what will you do then?”

“Do you really want to bump into the rampant gods?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, I have my own measure.”

Shao Cheng saw Lu Shaoqing’s nonchalant look, and he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

“This is a rampant god, not a cat or a dog.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Master, you are a hundred relieved, I know, I understand.” ”

Do you understand?” Shao Cheng was angry, this is the existence of the Mahayana period, can you kid be serious.

Xiao Yi hurriedly persuaded Shao Cheng, “Master, you don’t have to worry. Didn’t I tell you about sacrificing

gods?” “Senior brother and second senior brother can slaughter sacrificial gods, naturally they are not afraid of rampant gods. ”

It’s really pressing my two senior brothers, what rampant gods are scum.

When Shao Cheng heard this, he secretly sighed in his heart, he was really old.

The apprentices have grown up, their wings are full, and they don’t need to worry too much about themselves.

But the advice is still required, Shao Cheng said in a serious tone, “Be careful, don’t play off, everything is based on safety.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Master’s words, “Of course, this is my motto, long live safety, safety first, and the rest die.” ”

When encountering a rampant god, you can’t beat decisively, let this group of beasts in the demon world go up, we don’t feel distressed about how much they die…”

“Not distressed?” A voice cut in, with a thick dissatisfaction.

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and immediately shouted, “Senior, are you embarrassed?” ”

The oldest of the demon clan,” noticing Bai Que’s murderous gaze, Lu Shaoqing decisively changed his words, “Eh, the senior with the most respected status of the demon clan actually eavesdropped on others and passed it out, isn’t it good?”

What a bastard, actually playing such a bad idea, are you sure it’s a human, not a beast?

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