Huge black claws, covering the sky, black throughout, the surface is full of black hairs, each the size of a pillar, extremely sharp, shimmering with a faint cold light.

At the same time, the surface of the paw is pitted and ugly, like the skin of a toad.

The black claws streaked across the sky with a thick black fog, and grabbed the location where Lu Shaoqing was.

Before it fell, the huge power caused the earth to crack, countless stones and dirt rose into the air, and finally annihilated and disappeared.

Shao Cheng, Xiao Yi and others spat out blood at the first time during the Avatar Period.

“Convergence period?” Shao Cheng’s face turned pale.

The aura emitted by this claw is at least the existence of the merging period.

Such a terrifying power made it difficult for them in the Avatar Stage to bear it.

“Lean!” Lu

Shaoqing immediately shoved them into the portal.


, the portal suddenly disappeared, and the realm jumped out, crying with a sad face, “Boss, the space is blocked, I can’t break through.” ”

Foodie, what do you want!” Lu

Shaoqing jumped to his feet in anger, the grade of the boundary plate was still low, and he couldn’t break through this blockade.

“I knew it would be better to let you go first. Lu Shaoqing was crazy and cursed, “Is there a principle? Fight to block space, count a Mao hero and a good man?”

Ji Yan drew his sword and rushed into the sky.

The sharp sword intent burst out, rushing into the sky, and the powerful pressure suddenly disappeared by half.

The billowing black mist dissipated in front of this sword intent.

“Roar!” Countless

sword intents intertwined in the sword light, and a silver divine dragon soared into the air.

The horns of the head are hideous, majestic, and it is like destroying all the delusions, and after piercing the huge claws, the body swings and turns back.

The sharp claws did not enter the claws, and the slender and domineering dragon body was entangled, and the black claws were rolled deadly.

“Roar!” came

a roar from the black mist, and the black mist erupted.

Countless black mist swept in from afar, forming a black tornado, and the huge force was tearing and pulling.

The divine dragon’s light was dim, and black cracks appeared on its body.

Ji Yan snorted coldly, and a sword intent erupted in his body again, and the invisible sword intent rose up into the sky and disappeared into the divine dragon.

“Roar!” a dragon groaned, and the divine dragon burst out into dazzling light, and finally the vast white light covered everyone’s sight.

When the light disappeared, everyone looked up, but they were shocked to find that the huge claws had been cut off, and the black mist that kept gushing was sprayed like blood.

Yingjie and the other demon races widened their eyes during the refining period, revealing an incredulous gaze.


Yan looked at the white figure in the sky, his eyes were softer, and he couldn’t help but show joy, “It’s really powerful!”

Ma Lengyu was also amazed, “Very strong!” Ji

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Yan had just broken through and had just stepped into the seven-layer realm of the late refining void.

However, such a realm erupted with such terrifying strength.

Many people were secretly frightened, especially those whose strength was not as good as Ji Yan, and they were secretly shocked and in awe.

With such terrifying strength, it is no wonder that they can easily kill Quan Fengri.

The huge claws were cut off and subsequently dissipated into black mist.

Looking at the huge claws that slowly disappeared, someone couldn’t help but say, “It seems that there is nothing remarkable about it.”

However, as soon as his words fell, the black mist suddenly rolled again, spreading around, and a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

The figure is huge, spanning the sky, boundless, with no end in sight.

Yingjiao raised her head, her face turned pale, and this figure was larger than the Kunpeng figure she had transformed into.

Such a huge and huge figure not only gives people heavy pressure, but also gives people a thick sense of despair.

But soon, the huge figure continued to shrink, and finally turned into a normal human-sized body.

Similar to the human physique, the body is still black, about two meters high, the body muscles are distinct, and the dragon-like blood vessels are exposed on it, and it squirms a few times from time to time, which is disgusting and frightening.

It has the same facial features as humans, scarlet eyes, a tall nose, and long pointed ears, and the most striking of which is its mouth.

It is twice the size of a human mouth, the corners of the mouth almost extend to both ears, and a mouthful of teeth is sharp and shining.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help shouting, “Hold the grass, big mouth, full of dog teeth.”

After Bai Que saw this figure, her past experience clearly emerged, making her, a demon clan senior, the eighth-level instrument spirit body couldn’t help but tremble.

Distant memories emerged, attacking her and awakening her fears.

This fear is deeply etched in her memory.

Thinking of the horror of the rampant gods, the fighting spirit in Bai Que’s heart was mostly discharged.

She knew she couldn’t do this, but the fear in her body was like an instinct that could not be overcome.

“Huh?” Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ears, “Senior, what are you shaking

?” “Are you excited? I wipe, you actually like this color?” Bai

Que turned his head and saw that it was Lu Shaoqing, who didn’t know when he came to her side, and was staring at her with a curious face.

“Bastard, bastard. Because of fear, Bai Que couldn’t even speak.

Bai Que was very angry, when was it, and actually had the mind to make fun of her.

Believe it or not, I smashed you to death with the Demon Township Tower.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were deep, and he smiled, “Senior, isn’t it just a rampant god

?” “This kind of goods is too ugly, not worthy of you, believe me, follow me to the human world, what do you want?”

“When the time comes, which one will be fancy, I’ll help you tie it back to warm your bed.” ”

I want you…” Bai Que said unfavorably.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, took a step back, and crossed his hands, “No, senior, don’t be like this, I, I’m afraid, I don’t like interracial love.” ”

Besides, I think it’s more comfortable to sleep with my arms around Lingshi…”

“Bastard!” When was Bai Que teased like this, anger suddenly surged up, making her body tremble even more, but the movement was already sharp, “I want you to die!” Bai Que stretched

out his hand, and the Demon Zhen Tower fell heavily towards Lu Shaoqing in the wind…

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