
Demon Zhen Pagoda did not deal with the rampant gods, but first attacked Lu Shaoqing.

It became the size of a small mountain, whistling and smashing down on Lu Shaoqing’s head, eager to smash Lu Shaoqing into meat mud.

Lu Shaoqing flashed quickly, and shouted proudly, “Come back? the same move is useless to me…” Before

the words were finished, Bai Que’s head had already hit Lu Shaoqing’s stomach fiercely.

Spirits can also launch attacks.


shouted Lu Shaoqing holding his stomach, feeling that his was about to be knocked out.

“Senior, you don’t talk about virtuelessness!” “Don’t

talk about martial virtue?” Bai Que was even more angry, waving his fist, “What martial virtue and benevolence and righteousness to talk about a bastard human like you?”

Excessive, really too much.

The eighth-level instrument spirit, the former master of the Fusion Period, and the existence of a fraction of his age is older than Lu Shaoqing, was actually teased by Lu Shaoqing like this.

Without smashing Lu Shaoqing to death, Bai Que felt that the breath in his heart could not be vented.

Seeing that the Demon Town Tower continued to move, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Senior, pay attention to the image.” ”

People who clean up first before the fight starts have a bad impact.”

“Isn’t it just a rampant god? Afraid of dry hair?

Bai Que raised his hand and stood in place in amazement.

At this moment, she reacted.

Teasing is fake, helping yourself to eliminate fear is real.

“You boy…” Bai Que’s expression became a little complicated for a while.

“No need to thank you, just remember to give me ten million spirit stones then. ”

Bai Que don’t look over, just can’t hear this sentence.

She raised her head and looked at the sky, where Ji Yan had once again shot her sword at the rampant gods.

The sword light in the sky, dazzling, the monstrous sword intent, sharp and sharp.

Like the light of the rising sun, countless black mist dissipated in the sword light.

Facing the extremely fierce and extreme sword light, the rampant god stood coldly in place, motionless.

Let the sword light drown it.

The powerful force exploded, the space was distorted, and the black mist in the sky was swept away.

People who saw this scene were overjoyed.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but say excitedly, “The rampant god is finished!” Xiao

Bai waved the nerve brick, excited, “What shit rampant god, where will be the opponent of the master.”

Yingjie’s eyes were full of appreciation, “Human beings can even produce such a genius.” ”

Is the rampant god dead?” Everyone

present had seen the power of Ji Yan, and no one was around with sword intent in one hand.

Even rampant gods won’t feel better.

“Naive!” Lu

Shaoqing’s voice came coldly, everyone was optimistic about Ji Yan, but this junior brother of him was optimistic.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was very solemn.

Since the appearance of the rampant god, his heart has been heavy and full of haze.

It’s like a bird when I first encountered a god.

The existence of absolute horror, how can it be hacked to death with a sword.

Ji Yan has not yet exerted his full strength, and this sword is more of a temptation.

The next moment.

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“Roar!” The

heavenly sword light disappeared, and the invisible energy fluctuations spread.

At the moment when the fluctuations spread, an unknown monster with a hideous face, wings on its back, and sharp limbs appeared, and rushed straight away.

The speed is extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning.

Ji Yan didn’t have time to react, and was slapped on the body by the monster with a claw.

The spiritual shield on the surface of Ji Yan shattered in response to the sound, and the powerful force knocked Ji Yan away, and blood sprayed straight out, flying upside down for thousands of miles.

“Shhh!” Many

people couldn’t help but gasp when they saw this scene.

Even Ji Yan was knocked away in one round, their strength is not as good as Ji Yan’s refining period, is it useful to go up?


the rampant god struck Fei Jiyan, it opened its mouth coldly, its voice was cold and ruthless, hollow and strange, like the voice of the god of death, making many demon beasts with low strength tremble.


, just as Liu Chi and the others were about to make a move, another outbreak of fluctuations appeared in the distance.

Ji Yan crossed the void and reappeared in front of the rampant gods.

Holding a hillless sword, he was majestic, like a sword god stabbing a sword at the rampant god.

Bland, unfeatured, and even feels inferior to a beginner’s posture.

When Wang Jingchu saw this move, he shouted, “It’s coming.” ”


Wuqiu’s figure quietly appeared, the figure was illusory, and it glowed slightly.

The next moment, all the demon beasts seemed to see a sword split out of the endless void, as if opening the heavens and the earth, the extreme sword light tore through the darkness and killed all the ghosts.

Heaven and earth were also distorted in front of this sword, as if they would be shattered, shattered, and finally destroyed in the next moment.

Such a terrifying sword directly made many demon beasts below scream.


…” “Don’t look!” “Close your eyes!” ”

This is not the realm we can see, don’t look…” Heaven

and earth twisted, as if to avoid this sword.

“Gollum!” People

on this side of the refining period can look directly, but many people can swallow saliva when they see it.

It’s a rule!” “It’s

not a coincidence before, he really understood the rules.” ”

The master of the demon race turned pale, is the human being really so powerful?”

It roared angrily, and its figure flashed, but Ji Yan’s sword could not be dodged even if it fled to the ends of the earth.

The rampant god’s body constantly emitted black mist, billowing mist, and became real between rolls, turning into black flashes of light suspended in front of it like a shield.

“Poof!” The

black shield was instantly split in half.

“Roar!” The rampant god’s face changed drastically, he never expected Ji Yan’s sword to be so terrifying.

It couldn’t even resist it.

But at this time, it was too late to do anything, and the rampant god could only roar, and then was once again shrouded in sword light.

Once again, everyone froze.

Many people couldn’t help but wonder if the rampant god was real

, so it came out, and before he could show the world its awesomeness, he was slashed with two swords in a row.

Yingjie’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow, like a round of crescent moon, revealing joy up and down, “Too powerful, this sword can seriously injure the rampant gods, right?” As

soon as her words fell, a voice sounded, “You shouldn’t be a crow….”

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