Dish ratio?

Many demon beasts were mad with anger.

Humans really hate it.

These people are the strongest people of the demon race, and they are actually despised by a human being.

If it weren’t for the white magpie protecting him, he would have swarmed him a long time ago.

Liu Chi saw the turbulent emotions of the crowd, and he spoke, “Boy, it’s all this time, and you don’t plan to make a move?”

Lu Shaoqing scoffed, “Having said that, let the rampant gods kill him, I want to take the throne.”

Liu Chi blew his beard angrily and shouted, “Be serious.” ”

Brother Shao’s life is really hard.

In the face of this little bastard, Shouyuan has decreased a lot, right?

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “You guys just look at it.” ”

Looking?” Fierce Chu’s eyes widened with a pair of bears, and he couldn’t wait to bite Lu Shaoqing’s look, “He’s like this, do you think he has a chance to win?” ”

That is,” Wang Miu stood beside Qiu and supported Murder’s statement, “This is a rampant god, a rampant god’s killing move, how long can he support?”

“Yes, I didn’t see that each of his swords not only couldn’t cause damage to the rampant gods, but also made the demon dragon controlled by the rampant gods absorb and become more and more powerful.”

Bai Que also opened his mouth to remind Lu Shaoqing in the midst of everyone’s words, “If this continues, your senior brother will be exhausted sooner or later.”

“By that time…” The

outcome can be predicted by everyone.

After exhausting his strength, he will only become a revenant under the sword of the rampant god.

Lu Shaoqing I was indifferent, or that sentence, “Just look at it.” ”

Everyone is speechless, it’s all like this, you still want to stop us?

You are indeed a rampant minions.

When everyone was hateful, someone suddenly shouted, “Look!

Everyone hurriedly looked at Ji Yan in the battle, and found that Ji Yan was actually increasing his strength.

The frequency of sword shots was faster, and the sword intent that erupted in the body was more surging.

“He, what is he thinking?”

After everyone squinted for a while, someone guessed, “No, he doesn’t think that this can burst the demon dragon, right?”


Someone immediately sneered, “This is the demon dragon controlled by the rampant gods, is it the killing move of the rampant gods, and it explodes?” I’m afraid it’s useless if you squeeze yourself dry.

Bai Que’s brows had been furrowed and did not stretch, and she said to Lu Shaoqing again, “Don’t be careless, it’s dangerous to go on like this.”

Yingjiao was even more anxious to make a move, “You get out of the way, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t even look at her, still straddling in front of everyone, and didn’t intend to get out of the way.

When he was so angry that he was about to make a move, Ji Yan suddenly drank loudly, and his body suddenly rose into the sky.

“Gong, Gong…” The

sound of swords sounded between heaven and earth, as if it had turned into a world of swords.

Countless sword intents wandered, like the wind of that world.

Everyone felt the sting, and the surface of their bodies was like countless sharp swords piercing down.

The sword light burst out, and Ji Yan and the sword merged into one, turning into a huge sword light, falling from the sky, and slashing fiercely towards the demon dragon.

The rampant god also seemed to feel threatened, roared, and the demon dragon also roared, opening its mouth wide, and devouring this sword light again.

The sword light disappeared, and Ji Yan disappeared.

The demon dragon’s aura became even more rampant, hovering in the sky, exuding even more terrifying dragon power.


Many people shook their heads and sighed, “Find your own death.”

“I’m afraid I wasn’t devoured by the Demon Dragon and became part of the Demon Dragon.”

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“The most powerful thing of the rampant god is devouring, and he is throwing himself into the net.”

Yingjie’s murderous aura broke out, she couldn’t see death without saving it, she shouted angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Get out of the way, we’re going to strike!”

“What’s the rush?”

Lu Shaoqing was not nervous at all.

Someone couldn’t help but sneer, “Joke, do you think…” Just

when he wanted to laugh at Lu Shaoqing, the demon dragon in the sky suddenly let out a painful wail.


The body was constantly twisting, and the huge body twitched.

It had a hideous expression on its face, suffering great pain.

After struggling for a few breaths, its body suddenly shot out a stream of light, followed by one, two, countless rays of light rushed into the sky, piercing its huge body.

Finally, with a boom, the demon dragon screamed, and the rampant god also screamed.

Its body also emitted sword light.

Ji Yan’s body reappeared in the sky, and the demon dragon fell apart, turning into endless black mist.

The black blood of the rampant god’s body shot out, and the sharp sword intent came out along with the blood.

The magic dragon disappeared, and it was also traumatized.

Ji Yan stands high in the sky, like a god of war, standing against the wind.

“This, this…” The

people on the demon side were dumbfounded.

Ji Yan was fierce beyond their imagination.

And no one expected Ji Yan’s counterattack to be so simple and rude.

Directly hold the magic dragon to burst.

Simple, brutal, direct.

“Yi Gao is bold, and only he dares to do this.”

“Others simply don’t dare to do that.”

“Terrible, he is no worse than rampant.”

Many demon races opened their mouths one after another, with worship, jealousy, and fear in their eyes.

Ji Yan’s performance is amazing, so that none of them can do it like Ji Yan.

Not only do you fight with the rampant gods for a few rounds, but you can also not fall behind.

Are human beings so terrifying?

Many people secretly complained in their hearts.

However, after seeing Lu Shaoqing, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, this bastard guy should not be able to do it.

Ji Yan is the most special one.

Yingjie showed joy again, his eyes full of joy, “Rampant God, I can’t take advantage of him.”

“We have a chance.”

Lu Shaoqing had a headache and drank at Yingjie, “You eagle, can you shut your crow mouth?” ”

Have you cultivated to the point of confusion?

Don’t know if there are things you shouldn’t say?

One mouth is nonsense, what advantages are defeated by the crow mouth.

If it weren’t for the fact that you are an eagle and have many horses under you, I would have cleaned you up a long time ago.

Crow mouth or something, the most annoying.

Forget it, put this account on the dead fat man, and when the time comes, it will be good to meet and beat up a few more times.

Yingjiao is very unconvinced, I tell you the truth, so this is a crow’s mouth?

Just about to speak, the rampant god’s side was furious again, roared, and grabbed it fiercely, and the heaven and earth suddenly changed greatly….

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