
A demon wind suddenly blew between heaven and earth, and the light became further dim.

Countless black mist billowed and surged like a sea of black clouds, shrouding the heavens and the earth.

The world in which Ji Yan lived began to become transparent.

The earth of the earth soared into the air, a little light, flew out of the dirt, like that firefly, floating in the air, flying towards the rampant gods.

At the same time, the soil quickly turned gray, turned into powder and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

When Bai Que saw this scene, his face turned a little pale again, “The rampant gods want to devour all that piece, and your senior brother is no exception.” ”

The trick of rampant gods has only been seen by Bai Que, even if it is old, it still makes Bai Que fearful.

Everyone looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing also looked solemn.

The devouring of rampant gods is much more powerful than him.

However, he saw that Ji Yan’s fighting spirit was still burning, and his aura fluctuations became mysterious.

Lu Shaoqing pressed the urge to make a move, now is not a good time to make a move.

Lu Shaoqing slowly shook his head and did not speak.

Everyone was speechless, they were all like this, still watching the play?

You really are a rampant dogleg.

A huge suction force came, and Ji Yan felt that the blood and spiritual power in his body showed signs of leaving his body.

The suction power is better than that of the magic dragon just now.

The suction force rages around like a storm, constantly impacting.

It was as if countless hands were pulling at themselves, trying to send him to the rampant gods.


Ji Yan snorted coldly, and a sword swung out, and the sword intent was like a clear breeze, whistling around.

The suction power decreases slightly, but soon the surrounding suction increases again.

Ji Yan frowned, he felt that something was wrong.

This is not a simple fluctuation of strength or energy.


Two words came to Ji Yan’s mind.

He understood the rules of the edge, but did not understand much about them.

It’s a matter of realm.

Only by stepping into the merging period can we better understand the rules.

Rampant gods are beings who have fallen from the Mahayana period, and their understanding of rules can be said to be one of the most powerful in this world.

The power of the rules it exerts, all of which here cannot be understood.

This is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Is there no way?

Ji Yan’s eyes were faint, and while resisting the huge suction force, he was thinking about how to break the game.

The method of fleeing here and avoiding its edge was rejected at the first time.

This is not his style, and besides, he can’t escape.

This space has fallen into the control of rampant gods, and it is impossible to escape.

Ji Yan thought about it, and his side fluctuated again, and countless sword intents emerged, roaming around him, like a faithful guard.

When the field opens, the suction power on the body suddenly decreases, but the suction power outside the field is still strong.

Gradually, even the space will be swallowed.

Void cracks began to appear, and the Void Storm also whistled in.

Although he reduced the suction on his body, there was no way to break the suction of the rampant god, so that he would be absorbed by the rampant god even this space, and finally turned into the energy of the rampant god.

Ji Yan tried to expand the field, but when the field expanded, he seemed a little weak.

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The suction power is too great, and it consumes him a lot.

If this continues, he will quickly run out of strength and finally be unable to struggle.

The rampant god also sensed the field of Ji Yan, and sneered, his voice was like a flood of thunder, echoing between heaven and earth, “Ants, do you dare to be rampant?” ”

An invisible force is used.


Ji Yan’s realm shattered instantly.

The Avatar God Stage can easily break the teleportation of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and the Fusion Period can easily break the realm of the Refining Void Period.

It is a crushing blow, and few people can withstand it.

The realm was shattered, and the sword intent in the sky became dissipated.

Ji Yan was hit hard again, blood sprayed, quickly absorbed by the huge suction force, and submerged into the rampant god’s body.

Once again, he tasted Ji Yan’s blood, and his eyes became brighter.

“Ant, you’re mine.”

The rampant god stared at Ji Yan greedily, while increasing the suction power.

Ji Yan was no longer able to stand in place, and was forced to constantly move towards the rampant gods.

The surrounding space also becomes more illusory, like a canvas, the lines of the canvas are removed one by one, the colors of the paintings on it fade, and the oil disappears.

Space began to become unstable, space turbulence, and howling void storms all came out.

Throwing a Yuan Infancy cultivator in, it would be instantly strangled into countless fragments.

Faced with such a situation, Ji Yan closed his eyes again and held the Wuqiu sword in his hand.

The mind is immersed in it, and it further feels the surroundings.

Seeing that the space where Ji Yan was located became illusory and began to collapse, and Ji Yan was slowly sucked away by the rampant gods.

Many demon beasts looked solemn and extremely ugly.

“Oops, can’t help it?”

“Do you want to shoot?”

“No matter how you shoot, you have to die if you get involved.”

The trick of the rampant god is not only aimed at Ji Yan, but that space, and whoever enters it must become the target of the rampant god.

Bai Que once again said solemnly to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t you make a move?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “How to make a move?” Do you have a way? ”

Suddenly asked Bai Que out of the mask of pain.

No solution!

There is no solution to this trick of rampant gods, and whoever enters it must be devoured.

Ying Yan gulped, “Don’t you do anything?”

“Are you just watching your senior brother being devoured by rampant gods?”

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, and finally said, “There is a way.

“What way?” Ying Jiao was very anxious, if it weren’t for her excessive injury and being stopped by Lu Shao, she would definitely be the first to strike.

“The solution is to shut your crow mouth.”

I rub!

Ying Yan was so angry that his mouth almost turned back to an eagle’s beak, and he wanted to peck Lu Shaoqing to death.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, “Look, he actually dares to close his eyes.”

When everyone saw it, Ji Yan did close his eyes, which once again surprised them.

“No, does he think the opponent is an ink scourge?”

“Is there a way to close your eyes?”

“He’s going to give up, alas

…” “It’s over, no one can save him this time…” In

the worried voices of everyone, Ji Yan’s body was constantly sucked towards the rampant god, and the distance between him and the rampant god was getting closer and closer…

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