As he got closer to the rampant god, the faster Ji Yan was sucked away.

But Ji Yan didn’t make any movement, closed his eyes, and the Wuqiu sword in his hand blocked in front of him.

“He, shouldn’t he pass out?”

Some people can’t help but speculate so.

It’s so perverse.

“It’s over! He has given up on resisting.

Ying Yan huffed and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “It’s all like this, you don’t plan to do something?”

“Did you just watch him being devoured by rampant gods?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, very disdainful, “Didn’t you notice what I did?” ”

What’s going on?”

Not only Yingjie was curious, but even Bai Que and the others were also curious.

Lu Shaoqing had been blocking here, and they didn’t see what Lu Shaoqing had done.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and pointed to his eyes, “I’m brewing emotions, and when he dies, I’m going to cry and squeeze a few tears out.”

“Let Master see my sadness, otherwise I won’t be a Senior Brother.”

I’m special!

Many demon beasts, including the white magpie, have a rough impulse.

This bastard guy.

His master didn’t wake up or bring his brain when he accepted him in the door.

Liu Chi couldn’t even help but sigh in his heart, Brother Shao hadn’t expelled him from the division until now, and his temper was really good.

Bai Que held his forehead and couldn’t help but say, “Can you talk properly.” ”

Speak well, senior, what do you mean by this,” Lu Shaoqing was very strange, “I am a gentle person, I always speak softly, very gentle, Nan Dao is not a good talker?” ”

Stinky and shameless!

Bai Que gritted his teeth, “Aren’t you worried about him at all?”

“What’s the use of worrying? Just watch.

“Anyway, I didn’t expect you guys to be more helpful.”

Talking is really annoying.

Are human mouths so hateful?

Ying Jiao huffed, “Are you just standing here watching him?”

“Yes, just watch.”

“Huh,” Wang Miu couldn’t help but sneer, “Just look at it like this? When the time comes, who is responsible? ”

Are you going to go up?” Lu Shaoqing turned sideways and said to Wang Miu, “Come, old cat, you go and save my senior brother, please.” Wang

Miao really wanted to bite into Lu Shaoqing and let him see the power of his tiger teeth.

Old cat?

Never seen a tiger, have you?

Now go up, not only can you not do anything, but it is easy to fall into the same situation as Ji Yan.

So Wang Miao stared at Lu Shaoqing breathlessly, but did not move.

Yuanba sneered, “Just watch, wait until your senior brother is gone, I’ll see how you cry.”

Yingjiao couldn’t bear it, and stepped out, intending to help.

“Oh, what are you crows going to do?” Lu Shaoqing stopped her again, “Be honest and don’t add to the chaos.”

“Damn, which side the hell are you?” Hawkeye’s sharp roar, like an angry goshawk, with sharp eyes.

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“How did you assume he was going to lose?” Lu Shaoqing is helpless, don’t these beasts have brains?

This junior brother of mine is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry?

“Naive, it’s all like this, is it possible that you still want to say that your senior brother can…”

But before he finished speaking, suddenly everyone felt something, and they all turned their heads to look into the distance.

In the distance, that world had become distorted, illusory, devoured by rampant gods, and could collapse and annihilate at any time.

Ji Yan came to a distance of only a few miles from the rampant god, and in the eyes of everyone in the distance, Ji Yan had come to the rampant god, and almost sent it into the mouth of the rampant god.

At the side of the rampant god, there is constantly a light representing energy submerged into its body, and the rampant god is like an abyss vortex, devouring everything.

The closer everything is to the rampant, the faster it will be absorbed.

However, to everyone’s expectation, Ji Yan stopped when he was some distance away from the rampant god.

Standing quietly for miles away, motionless, the energy around him whistling through his body.

“He, what’s wrong with him?”

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded and very puzzled.

What happened to that palpitating fluctuation just now?

In a flash, many people even wondered if they had missed it.

“Did you sense it just now?”

“There was induction, but now it can’t.”

“Could it be a rampant god?”

“The rampant gods want to publicly execute him?”

While everyone was talking, another wave of volatility spread.


Invisible fluctuations rumbled in the air, centered on Ji Yan, spreading out above the sky.

A sharp aura pervaded, and everyone felt terrified.

They seemed to feel that they were in a world of swords, and countless swords emitted a sharp aura, cutting heaven and earth and destroying everything.


people were horrified to find that there were tiny marks on the surface of the stones, trees, etc., that were difficult to see with the naked eye.

It’s like being cut by a sharp sword.

“Look…” someone shouted again.

I saw that the speed of the rampant god devouring slowed down, and all the speed of light slowed down or even stopped.

Ji Yan also opened his eyes at this time, as if the sword god had awakened, and the sword intent between heaven and earth broke out again, and the sword intent went crazy.

Ji Yan slowly swung out a sword.

A stroke in the air, gently, gently, followed by a stroke.

It seems to be cut above the air, but the ears of those who see this scene seem to sound a popping cutting sound.

Everyone’s bodies shook, and Ji Yan seemed to cut off a world.

In the space where Ji Yan was located, it suddenly became real, the huge suction power disappeared, and everything seemed to return to normal.

The rampant devouring stopped, and its scarlet eyes looked at Ji Yan with shock, in disbelief.

Everyone didn’t understand what was happening, including Lu Shaoqing.

Even Lu Shaoqing couldn’t understand what Ji Yan was doing.

But everyone knew that Ji Yan must have done something to crack the trick of rampant gods.

Only Bai Que, Bai Que’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

“Rules, rules…” Bai Que’s voice was incredulous, as if he had seen a ghost, and his voice was trembling, “He, he, he cut the rules…”

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