Lu Shaoqing’s eyes narrowed quietly, and the yin and yang pattern appeared.

His world is plunged into colour.

There are few black and white colors, and there are bright colors everywhere.

Lu Shaoqing saw that Ji Yan’s side was covered with colorful colors, and one by one, like a silk thread, extended from the rampant god, covering the space where Ji Yan was.

And now, the colorful silk threads in front of Ji Yan were broken and floating aimlessly, and the bright colors began to fade.

Ji Yan’s body emitted a dazzling light, and Lu Shaoqing felt a tingling pain just by looking at it, as if there were countless sharp swords piercing his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly retreated to this state and took a few sharp breaths.

Nodded secretly in his heart.

Ok, didn’t disappoint.

Ji Yan’s strength goes further.

Hold the long sword in your hand and keep moving forward, no matter what you encounter, you will use the sword as your companion to overcome all difficulties.

What about the rules?

His long sword, his edge, even the rules cannot be stopped.

And Bai Que’s words frightened the others.

Even Wang Miu, Yuanba, these demon clan bigwigs in the refining period trembled in their hearts.

Ji Yan not only comprehends the rules, but also cuts the rules.

Is this something that people can do?

Is he really human?

Are humans so awesome?

It’s great to see the rules, and it’s even more remarkable to break the rules.

This is the origin of heaven and earth, the most fundamental existence.

It is the existence that countless cultivators are struggling to pursue.

Only barely touching in the merging period can the Mahayana period achieve deeper understanding.

Now, a human being in the refining period not only comprehends the rules, but also breaks them.

Shouldn’t he also be the same as the rampant god, who fell from the realm of the Mahayana period to the current realm?

He’s also a hidden big guy, right?

And many people’s gazes looking at Lu Shaoqing were full of complexity.

Confidence in Ji Yan will stop them like this.

Lu Shaoqing had more confidence in Ji Yan than any of them, and believed Ji Yan more than anyone else.

Although it is, but, humans, really nasty.

Many people secretly complained in their hearts.

“Ant,” came the voice of the rampant god at this moment, “who are you?” The

rampant god’s voice was solemn, which showed that it also began to pay attention to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan did not speak, but swung his long sword at the rampant god.


The crowd seemed to hear the sound of something being cut off again.

Heaven and earth shook suddenly, and the body of the rampant god suddenly splattered blood, and at the same time, the space where it was located became illusory.

The space several miles centered on the rampant gods became illusory, with a bit of transparency, as if it was about to disappear from this world.

A single sword causes a heaven and earth to collapse and become an illusory place.


This scene once again made many demon races gasp.

The power of a sword, terrifying.

Compared to the previous sword, it is more unyielding.

Many demon races roared in their hearts, this is definitely not something that humans can do.


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The rampant god roared, its body and the surrounding heaven and earth became real, and the heaven and earth returned to normal.

“Damn ants, I’m going to devour you completely!”

The rampant god roared angrily, and as a god, he was actually hurt by Ji Yan again and again.

The anger in the body has been extremely angry.


The rampant god shouted, and his sharp hands slapped at Ji Yan fiercely.


An invisible force spread, and everyone had a feeling that heaven and earth were reversed.

Ji Yan’s figure suddenly turned from the sky to the ground, and his figure was upside down.

An invisible force swirled up, like an invisible evil dragon, roaring and surging towards Ji Yan from all directions.

Heaven and earth are reversed, and power is reversed and becomes opposite.

The power of the water attribute carries a roaring fire, burning everything, the power of the fire attribute freezes the earth, and so on.

The world on which Ji Yan was located was completely turned upside down, and the terrifying power that erupted caused the space around Ji Yan to constantly collapse, annihilate, and could no longer be restored.

Ji Yan found that it became very difficult to raise his hand.

The forces around him kept pounding, and he felt that he would be torn apart and disappear at any moment.

The sword just now had already consumed his strength.


The more so, the brighter Ji Yan’s gaze became.

This is the fight he wants.

There were few previous battles that made him happy.

Ji Yan was surrounded by countless surging forces, ignoring the collapsed space, and he held the Hillless Sword and pointed at the rampant god again.

Wuqiu stood on the sword, his small face was cold, his eyes were sharp, and he drank lightly, “Kill!” ”

The human sword merged, and a sword light erupted from the Wuqiu sword, turning into a divine dragon roaring and rushing into the nine skies, the sharp sword intent spread, colliding with the surrounding surging power.

With a loud explosion, one after another tyrannical energy catharsis, once again caused heaven and earth to be hit hard.

The divine dragon hovered above the nine skies, and with a last roar, rushed towards the rampant god.

Majestic, like a real divine dragon descending into the world.

The upside-down heaven and earth, like a cage, were knocked out of a big hole.

The rampant god snorted coldly, roared at the rushing divine dragon, black mist poured out of the body, and the disappearing black demon dragon reappeared.

In a roar, the two dragons collided together.

Crazy biting, crazy collision, each collision makes the heaven and earth shake a little.

But in the end, the rampant god is powerful, the black demon dragon is fierce, and the silver divine dragon is quickly defeated and dissipates in the heavens and the earth.

Before the black demon dragon could rejoice, a sword appeared like a heaven-opening sword light, surging and drowning it.

The black demon dragon screamed and dissipated in the sword light.

It is still the sword that Ji Yan comprehended.

This time, it’s more powerful and powerful.

The space in its path collapsed.

This time it was not to split heaven and earth in half, but to cut heaven and earth apart.

This sword, even the rampant gods did not dare to resist.

Even the rampant god felt threatened, and in the face of this sword, the rampant god had no way to resist.

A sword that can be killed even by rules, it cannot fight back.

So rampant gods can only choose to avoid.


The rampant god could not completely avoid it, and the sword light streaked through like flowing water.


Black blood splattered, everyone gasped for air….

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