
rampant god’s head to the chest was split, black blood continued to gush, and a little more, the rampant god would be completely cut in half.

This time, the rampant god was more seriously injured than just now.

This scene completely stunned everyone in the demon clan.

It’s all like this, and it’s going to be so fierce?

Is the Vietnam War getting stronger?

People are getting weaker and weaker in the Vietnam War, is this guy coming the other way around?

Bai Que was also dumbfounded, and she was once again wondering in her heart, was the rampant god in front of her really the original rampant god?

Is it still the rampant god who almost fell into extinction and gathered many demon clan masters who were helpless?

It’s also a merging period, why would he be beaten so embarrassed by a human kid in the refining period?

Lu Shaoqing’s side also felt strange.

Although his senior brother is very fierce, he will not be so fierce.

Good villains are also rampant gods, why is the performance so collapsed?

Isn’t this just a doppelganger of rampant gods?

Xiao Yi was also stunned.

Senior brother is still so fierce.

“Master, Senior Brother is really powerful.”

Shao Cheng nodded, old and relieved, the pride on his face could not be concealed, “Of course, he is the strongest genius.” ”

Hey, back then, your guys thought Ji Yan was old and had no future.

Hmph, or I got the strongest genius.

Shao Cheng said with a bit of pride, “Your senior brother belongs to the kind of person who is stronger and stronger in battle, and the more adversity he is, the stronger he is.”

“A firm heart, the goal never changes, no one can surpass him.”

Although Xiao Yi is his own little apprentice, Shao Cheng can’t help but show off his big apprentice to the little apprentice now.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but smile and ask, “What about the second senior brother?”

Shao Cheng’s smile disappeared, revealing a bit of headache, but the pride did not fade, but said, “He, ah, a bastard.”

“However, he is no worse than your master brother.”

This sentence is enough.

Peerless double pride.

Xiao Yi smiled even more happily, seemingly forgetting that the rampant god was still in the distance now, she smiled and asked Shao Cheng, “Master, what about me, what about me?”

Shao Cheng smiled and asked his apprentice, “Do you think you can compare with your two senior brothers?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly spat out his tongue.

Shao Cheng patted her head and said, “Work hard, you can’t catch up, but don’t lag too far behind…”

On the side of the demon beast, seeing the rampant god so miserable

, Yingjie couldn’t bear it, “This, rampant god, doesn’t look terrible.” ”

I’ll go!

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t bear it.

“You crow, how many times have you said that you shut your crow mouth, you don’t listen, right?”

“I’ll tear your crow mouth now…” Lu

Shaoqing’s figure flashed, and Ying Yu was shocked, and the others were also shocked.

If you want to make a move against Yingjie, come to the nest first?

After winning the shock, and then furious, I am afraid that you will not succeed?

Call me crow mouth all day, and I have put up with you for a long time.

Yingjiao was ready, intending to join forces with his own clan to teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson.

But everyone just saw a flower in front of them, and Lu Shaoqing’s figure had disappeared without a trace.

“What about people?”

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While everyone was strange, Bai Que, Liu Chi, Fierce Chu and the others were looking at the location where the rampant god was.

And at this time, the rampant god also let out a heaven-shaking roar.

It almost was split in half and healed, and its eyes almost spewed fire.

It roared up to the sky, and the hatred it emitted was almost substantial, and everyone could feel the wrath and killing intent of the rampant gods.

“Oops, the rampant gods are completely furious.”

“Shall we make a move?”

“Let’s shoot!” The white magpie spoke.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know where to run, and no one stopped him.

Now that the rampant god is in a state of extreme anger, its goal must be Ji Yan.

And Ji Yan has obviously reached the point of exhaustion, they don’t make a move, Ji Yan is waiting to be swallowed by rampant gods.


Liu Chi drank loudly, rushed out first, and killed the rampant god.


A purple lightning bolt fell in the sky, slashing at the gods.

“Chaos Tiger Claw!”

Wang Miu shouted, and a huge tiger claw appeared in the rolling clouds, shining with cold light, like Mount Tai pressing down against the rampant gods.

Yuanba was not far behind, and while waving his hands, a huge ball of energy appeared above the sky.

“Tianyuan Saint Explosion!”

Everyone unleashed their own tricks, and all kinds of spells with different attributes roared, and in an instant, they overwhelmed the rampant gods.

The earth shook, and the sky fell apart.

Terrifying explosions came in waves, and countless energies were constantly vented.

Space continues to collapse, and pitch-black voids continue to appear, like the end of the world.

Such a terrifying attack, everyone’s faces showed joy, this time, the rampant immortal was also seriously injured.

No matter how these people join forces, they are more powerful than Ji Yan alone.

Ji Yan can beat the rampant god so badly, these masters of them come out together, and a rampant god is not a hand-to-hand capture?

However, the white magpie did not relax in the slightest, his face was full of nervousness and vigilance, and the tower was spinning above the sky.

The energy fluctuations began to subside, and the smoke in the sky began to dissipate.

Everyone stared at the location where the rampant god was.

As the smoke cleared, the figure of the rampant god was not in place.

The joy on everyone’s faces was even greater, and Yingjie couldn’t help but say, “Rampant God, are you dead?”

But the next moment, Bai Que shouted, “Be careful!

She disappeared directly, submerged into the tower, and the demon tower buzzed, bursting out a ray of light and rushing straight towards Yingya.

When Ying was stunned, a dangerous aura surged into his heart.

The aura of danger pervaded, making her body dodge instinctively.


The black claws stretched out, and Yingjie’s shoulders were instantly scratched.

The figure of the rampant god appeared like a teleportation.

Everyone was shocked, they couldn’t imagine that under their joint efforts, the rampant god was not injured much?

Are these people so weak?

When everyone was shocked and disappointed, the attack of the Demon Zhen Tower also came.


The rampant god snorted coldly and rushed straight to everyone.

Everyone was in chaos, and an eagle clan’s refining period could not dodge, and was torn in half by the rampant gods, and blood was spilled all over the heavens and earth.

The others hurriedly retreated, and they wanted to distance themselves from the rampant gods at the first time.

In this way, the winning concubine in hand is undoubtedly the closest to the rampant god…

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