The rampant god once again set his eyes on Yingjie, who was shocked and hurriedly retreated.

But her injuries were serious, and she was targeted by rampant gods, how could she escape so easily.

Flashed and moved, and finally was caught up by the rampant gods.

Fortunately, Bai Que immediately controlled the Demon Town Tower to attack, and at the same time, others also reacted and rushed to the rescue.

Many demon races were also battle-hardened during the refining period, and after panic, they regained their composure and began to attack the rampant gods in an orderly manner.

The Beast Walking Clan, who is good at melee combat, takes the lead and kills the rampant gods, while the Bird Clan casts various spells on the side to attack the rampant gods.

For a time, all kinds of spells rose up into the sky, all kinds of energy continued to erupt, and the war was extremely fierce.

Under the joint efforts of everyone, the rampant god seemed to be suppressed, roaring again and again, but it did not cause much harm to everyone.

On the other side, Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed to Ji Yan’s side, “Is it dead?” Ji

Yan held the Wuqiu sword and maintained a fighting posture.

However, his spiritual power in his body was already empty, his body was weak, and he temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

When Lu Shaoqing came to the side, Ji Yan was relieved in his heart and slowly released the Wuqiu Sword.

Wuqiu Jian trembled slightly a few times and floated beside Ji Yan.

One man and one sword have fought until now, and they have reached the point of exhaustion.

Ji Yan shook his head gently, “It’s okay.” Although

he was tired and injured, Ji Yan’s eyes were shining, like stars in the night sky.

Lu Shaoqing looked him up and down and asked, “Have you comprehended something again?”

Ji Yan did not hide it, and a faint smile appeared on his face, “A little.” ”

It’s better to fight powerful enemies.

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes, a little?

What Ji Yan has comprehended is enough for most people to comprehend in their lifetime.

“Marde, if you are modest, can you die?”

Ji Yan’s gaze fell in the distance, and the cloud was light and breezy, “A little bit is already very modest.”

“You get out!”

Ji Yan’s eyes stared closely at the rampant gods who were fighting with many demon beasts in the refining period, looking at the rampant gods roaring again and again but temporarily helpless a group of demon beasts, Ji Yan said solemnly, “Rampant god, something is wrong.” Lu

Shaoqing had already discovered this problem, “Nonsense, otherwise what do you think I’m here for?”

“You think I’d be willing to come here to see you pretending?”

“Hurry up and say, what do you feel about rampant gods.”

Ji Yan was silent for a moment, “Although its performance is very strong, it is not strong enough to be desperate. That

is enough to make people suspicious.

Good evil is also the existence of the Mahayana period, even if the realm falls, it will not be weak to this point.

Ji Yan can fight with the rampant god like this, plus Lu Shaoqing, he can still kill the rampant god.

In a word, the manifestation of the rampant god does not correspond to its legend.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, “If the biggest enemy of the demon race is only such ability, it can only illustrate one problem.

“What problem?”

“The demon clan is all Caibi.”

This conclusion must be incorrect, Ji Yan did not answer, he stared at the rampant and said his feelings, “I feel that it has been injured.”

“It’s not the kind of injury that has been damaged by the strength of suppression, but the injury that has only recently been suffered.”

After saying this, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “You did it?” ”

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The rampant god is pressed under the demon town tower, with the protection of a large array, and no one can get close to the rampant god.

If someone can severely damage the rampant god under that situation, Ji Yan believes that only his own junior disciple can do it.

Thinking that Lu Shaoqing had disappeared for a while before, Ji Yan guessed whether Lu Shaoqing had cleaned up the rampant gods during that time.

The mouth is hard and the heart is soft, which is very in line with the character of his junior brother.

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes at Ji Yan again, “You idiot, I’ll go find the rampant god?” When have I ever committed a slut?

“You often commit slut.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was not good, and he reminded Ji Yan solemnly, “You are a wounded soldier now, be polite in front of me, otherwise I will clean you up.”

After a few words of intimidation, Lu Shaoqing said his guess, “It is estimated that the rampant god was struck by lightning.

“I said, Na Lei definitely didn’t come at me, I specially blocked the rampant god.”

However, this speculation is also a bit reluctant.

That Lei came at him Lu Shaoqing.

After some discussion, neither Lu Shaoqing nor Ji Yan got a real answer.

Finally, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “Forget it, don’t care about it, let’s go.” ”


“Nonsense, when is it better not to leave at this time?”

Lu Shaoqing returned with Ji Yan, and Shao Cheng hurriedly asked, “Is it okay?” He

rushed up and looked at his big apprentice.

Although the blood on his body was stained and his clothes were stained red, his mental state was very good and his breath was good.

Shao Cheng only let go of his heart.

Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yi next to him, “Look, Master hurts him.” ”


Shao Cheng raised his hand and wanted to hit, and asked breathlessly, “What are you going to do now?” ”

In the face of the existence of a rampant god, his faction as a master is useless.

Lu Shaoqing took out the boundary piercing plate and said triumphantly, “Of course, take the opportunity to leave.” Ji

Yan was a little reluctant, “Just leave like this?” ”

The battle with the rampant gods has benefited him a lot, and he is reluctant to leave.

Lu Shaoqing said angrily, “You want to send to death as you like, this broken place, dogs don’t stay.”

Xiao Yi smiled and asked, “Second Senior Brother, aren’t you going to hack it to death?” ”

The rampant god bullied the master brother like this, you should go up and chop it into slag.

“Are you brainless?” Lu Shaoqing taught Xiao Yi a lesson, “Now take advantage of the rampant god being entangled, what are you doing here if you don’t leave quickly?”

“Do you know what a great opportunity is?”

“God-given opportunity, wasted, heaven thunders.”

After the lesson, he said to Shao Cheng, “Master, I don’t want this junior sister, lose it.” Xiao

Yi’s mouth immediately deflated and sold Meng to Shao Cheng.

Shao Cheng ate this set and glared at Lu Shaoqing, “Nonsense.”

“Your junior sister is right, now is a great opportunity, you make a move, maybe you can help defeat the rampant gods.”

Lu Shaoqing scoffed, “Whoever is on is stupid.”

“Running is king.”

After speaking, he knocked on the boundary plate, “Okay?” How long does it take to open a door?

The boundary jumped out, it still had a bitter face, “Boss, the surrounding space is still blocked, and the power of the blockade is stronger, I can’t open it.” ”

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