
number of people who came to the Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan this time exceeded a million, even if it was reduced a lot due to battles and other reasons.

But nearly hundreds of thousands of people still survived.

And these are the elites of the demon race.

In other words, a group of people with the best bloodline level.

The upper echelons of the Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan reached an agreement and stopped fighting.

The lower cultivators did not know what was going on, they all gathered here.

The appearance of rampant gods let them know why.

Some people wanted to leave, but since the appearance of the rampant gods, they had already blocked the surrounding space, and they could not leave, so they could only gather together and hide far away and wait for the battle to end.

The rampant gods and the high-ranking members of the demon clan disappeared.

Many demon cultivators thought that the battle was over.

As they breathed a sigh of relief, the black mist that permeated the surroundings suddenly attacked.

The black mist that suddenly burst out, like a poisonous snake that had been lurking for a long time, opened its mouth to its prey, bit it down, and injected venom.

“Ah…” countless

demon cultivators screamed, and they fell instantly during the refining period and the Jiedan period, and the black mist invaded their bodies.

Soon their bodies became shriveled, and a ray of light flew out of their bodies, submerged into the black mist, and rushed straight into the distance.

Many monks closed their eyes and fell completely.

Others were sucked dry, leaving a shell empty, and although they were still alive, they were no different from the fall.

The stronger ones can hold it for the time being, but there is a black mist invading their bodies, and they can only sit cross-legged in place, resisting to death, and the pain is unbearable.

What was even more terrifying was that the remnant extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon was lurking around.

They waited for the opportunity to invade, and many cultivators screamed and became puppets of the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Devil, fighting against their companions.

Wailing, screaming, roaring, crying for help, and other sounds rose and fell one after another, screaming one after another.

There was also a black mist sweeping over Xiao Yi’s side.

Sensing that the black mist wanted to invade, Xiao Yi was shocked and loudly reminded Xiaohong to them, “Be careful, these black fogs are strange, don’t be eroded.” ”

The spiritual power of everyone was released, turning into spiritual power shields to resist the invasion of black mist.

But in this way, the spiritual power was consumed very much, and even those in the Transformation God Stage felt strenuous.

Xiao Yi snorted, Lan jumped out, and the sword intent was filled, strangling the surrounding black mist cleanly, making everyone’s pressure greatly reduced.

However, the black mist around is still billowing in, endlessly.

Xiao Yi and the others could only deal with it passively.

The white magpie shuttled through the black mist, and the black mist around it churned, as if there were terrifying monsters hidden inside.

Along the way, she saw the miserable situation of the demon cultivators.

She wanted to save, but had to hold back.

Because she knew that with her current ability alone, even if she squeezed the Demon Town Tower dry, she would not be able to save a few more people.

Only by defeating the rampant gods can everyone be saved.

The only way Bai Que thought of was Lu Shaoqing.

Although I knew that this was very illusory and unrealistic, after all, Lu Shaoqing’s strength was there, and he didn’t even have the realm of refining the nine layers of Void.

Relying on him to defeat the rampant gods, saying it will only make people think that it is a joke.

However, I don’t know why, the first thing that came to Bai Que’s mind was Lu Shaoqing.

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Her intuition told her that only Lu Shaoqing could help the demon clan in the current situation.

“He is a normal human being,” Bai Que whispered to himself, “but now he can only die as a living horse doctor.” ”

Bai Que ran all the way, and the eighth-level instrument spirit could almost break through the void and rush away, and it couldn’t catch up with Lu Shaoqing and Shao Cheng.

Abominable fellow, running so fast.

Bai Que was secretly angry in his heart.

After running for a long time, Bai Que finally returned to the original place and came to where Lu Shaoqing and his party were.

However, as soon as she approached, she heard Lu Shaoqing’s voice, “I wipe, what are you little beasts doing here?”

“Go, hurry up, man and beast have different roads, you take your sunshine road, we take our one-wood bridge.”

Hu Yan, Hu Xue, Ying Qiqi, Ma Ran, Wang Lian, and Yuan Xun and several demon clans all came here.

They can see the performance of Ji Yan clearly.

The elders don’t know where to run, there are dangers everywhere at the moment, and only by running to Ji Yan’s side can they feel safe.

Except for Hu Xue, they are all princes of all races, and they used to be high.

Now he is shivering like a cub without hair, seeking protection.

The strength of the Avatar Period is no different from cannon fodder in the current situation.

After Lu Shaoqing came back, he suddenly felt a headache when he saw these people.

There are already many people to protect on his side, and now there are still a few small beasts, which is difficult to do.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing drove them away unceremoniously, “As the elite of the demon clan, go, go and do your duty to contribute to the demon clan.”

“Come on, I’m sure you can.”

“What about you?” Win Qiqi bit his lip and asked.

Everyone pricked up their ears and stared straight at Lu Shaoqing.

Unconsciously, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, who were humans, had become the backbone of these monster beasts.

“Of course it’s home.” Lu Shaoqing said sincerely, “You guys help me drag the rampant gods, I’ll run first.” ”


Everyone in the demon race couldn’t help but vomit blood.

The body of the white magpie hiding in the air shook.

Shameless guys.

This kind of speech is said smoothly, without shyness at all.

“Gongzi,” Hu Yan stood up, and she looked even more pitiful when she was injured, “Can’t you help our demon clan?

Lu Shaoqing looked at Hu Yan with pity, and said to Hu Xue, “Take good care of her, it hurts her brain.” Hu

Yan covered his chest, high and low, unable to speak for a long time.

It’s so angry.

Others were speechless.

The mouth is really poisonous.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask, “Second Senior Brother, how do we leave?”

“Of course, just run directly and run out of the range of the rampant god blockade.”

Lu Shaoqing had already thought about it, the rampant gods were able to block the space here, and the black mist turned this place into a cage, and there was no way to escape.

But this is for others, he Lu Shaoqing can pass through the black mist.

As long as it is out of the scope of the rampant blockade, when the time comes, the sea will leap high and let the birds fly…

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