Lu Shaoqing said to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “Do you two little birds want to follow and leave?” ”

This is for the sake of my stupid birds to give you preferential treatment.

Hu Yan’s side hurts even more.

Everyone is a mother, why do the two flat hairs of Win Qiqi and Ma Ran have such preferential treatment?

What about me?

Hu Yan slapped his chest a few times, making Xiao Yi look very worried, it’s all so small, do you still shoot?

After Hu Yan sighed smoothly, he secretly gritted his teeth and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, why did you take the two of them?” ”

Not convinced!


Be nice and polite to the two of them.

That’s fine with me, isn’t it?

It’s not fair!

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was even more pitiful, the fox spirit was injured in the head, is the damage irreversible?

He didn’t explain, and said to Hu Xue again, “When taking care of her, eat more nuclear brains.” ”

The brain has to be replenished.

Hu Yan was once again so angry that he couldn’t speak.

Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran looked at each other, and Ying Qiqi gritted his teeth, “Gongzi, do you really want to leave it alone?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “Can’t manage it, where can it be managed.” ”

Don’t worry, with your Bai Que seniors, you are rampant, and you are a hair.”

“She can sit to death with a butt.”

“So, you don’t have to worry.”

Ma Ran’s face was bulging, and his big eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing, “In that case, why did you leave?”

Lu Shaoqing also glared back with wide eyes, “Isn’t it, did you also hurt your brain?”

“Come on, I’m a bit of a nuclear brain, make up for you.”

Seeing Lu Shaoqing take out the nuclear brain to Ma Ran, Hu Yan felt that his throat was sweet, and he was so angry that he rushed up.

Bastard humans.

It’s abominable.

Discriminatory treatment, unfair.

Why not give me a nuclear brain?

Ah, no, bah, who wants your nuclear brain, I want fairness.

Win Qiqi asked, “What about the ancestors and the others?” ”

I don’t know,” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, revealing an innocent expression, “I haven’t seen them.”

“It is estimated that they are running after the rampant gods, rest assured, they will be able to triumph soon.”

Open your eyes and tell nonsense.

Everyone really wanted to boo Lu Shaoqing, they were really fools.

At present, the black fog is rolling here, the fury is raging, and the people of the demon race are killed and injured countless times.

Even a few of them had to come here to seek refuge.

This is called running after rampant gods?

Triumph soon?

They are not three-year-old cubs.

Shao Cheng next to him couldn’t help but cover his face.

Tricks also have to find some reasonable excuses.

Hu Yan said angrily, “In that case, why did you leave?”

“How much damage did your brain really hurt?” Lu Shaoqing was very curious that the fox spirit’s brain should not be pulled out and smashed for a long time and then stuffed back.

He asked with concern, “Does it really matter?”

Then reminded Xiao Yi, “Pay attention, these black fogs may make people stupid.” ”

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Hu Yan was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and his hands grabbed wildly, eager to tickle Lu Shaoqing to death.

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Sure enough, it hurt my brain, and my actions began to get uncontrolled.” ”

Cerebellar atrophy, it’s dangerous.”

Lu Shaoqing asked Win Qiqi again how good it was, “You two hurry up and give a word, do you want to leave?” ”

Father’s love is like a mountain.

It’s not for my silly bird, I don’t bother to bother with you two silly birds.

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran looked resolute, “We want to stay.”

“Okay then!”

Lu Shaoqing was not reluctant, “Good luck to you.”

Lu Shaoqing urged Shao Cheng and a few people, “Go, let’s go quickly.”

Before that, he turned around and reminded Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “Remember to help me bring a message to Senior Bai Que, remember to prepare the spirit stone that owes me, and also ask for interest.” ”

The white magpie hiding in the dark was so angry that his forehead was bruised, when was it, he was actually still worried about the spirit stone?

Ma Ran asked, “Gongzi, are they really okay senior?”

Lu Shaoqing had already taken off, and when he heard this, he replied casually, “Don’t worry, the ass of the senior is so, no, the tower body is so big, it can smash the rampant god to death, you guys just wait here obediently.” ”

Coax these little beasts and give them a little hope.”

White lies.

Alas, I’m too good a person.

Bai Que couldn’t help it.

Who’s big ass?

I’m still a yellow girl.

Without saying a word, Bai Que jumped out from the shadows and smashed fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing.


The eighth-level magic weapon came with anger, and the heavens and the earth were about to be smashed.

Lu Shaoqing was caught off guard and was smashed on the door of his head.


Lu Shaoqing was smashed straight and fell down, his eyes flashed Venus, and he couldn’t slow down for a long time.

“Lean!” Lu Shaoqing covered his head and stood up, “Murder? Bai

Que felt a countershock force, and as an instrument spirit, she felt her body numb.

Bastard guy, the flesh is indeed strong.

“Huh?” Lu Shaoqing saw Bai Que looking at him breathlessly, and he looked around in amazement, “Why are you alone?” What about the beasts?

Then Lu Shaoqing gasped, “No, are they all dead?”

“Senior, leave!”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, just thinking about leaving.

Bai Que flashed and stopped him coldly, “This time, if you don’t help kill the rampant god, you don’t want to leave.”

Lu Shaoqing’s mouth opened wide, and after a few breaths, he shouted, “Senior, is your brain really helpless?”

“Look, is this something a bird can say?”

Kill rampant gods, that’s so easy.

It’s not easy for me to kill that rampant god doppelganger.

The Lord will only be stronger, more dangerous, and will not be able to do it.

It is enough to do what they do, and the rest is only on their own.

Bai Que huffed like an unreasonable girl, and she hummed, “I don’t care, anyway, if you don’t kill it, you don’t want to leave.”

“I can’t beat you, but it’s okay to stop you.”

The eighth-level magic weapon, wanting to stop Lu Shaoqing, there is no problem at all.

Lu Shaoqing had a headache, and he asked cautiously, “What happened to you?” Like a different person, are you a black magpie? Then he

pointed viciously at the white magpie and shouted, “Blackbird, you quickly return the understanding, gentle and kind white magpie senior to me.”

“Otherwise I’ll make you look good…”

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