Xiao Yi’s side worshipped Lu Shaoqing endlessly, and he was already excited.

I didn’t expect Ji Yan to actually come out with such a sentence.

Xiao Yi was even more excited, her little face was red, and she seemed to feel that her head was about to smoke.

What else does the second senior brother do?

What purpose is worth him to travel thousands of miles.

Is it more important than destroying Qi City and Fengcheng

?” “Second, second senior brother,” Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, full of expectation, “What else do you want to do?”

I wipe!

Second Senior Brother, sure enough, he will be rewarded, and he is the first in the world in stinginess.

Those who have bullied Xiaohong, don’t even think about running.

“However,” Xiao Yi was a little worried

, “didn’t you swear?” “Che, isn’t there him and you?” Lu Shaoqing yawned, “I didn’t personally make a move.”

It’s mean enough.

My second senior brother.

But that’s fine.

Someone who bullied himself, of course, has to return it ten times and destroy them.

Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei and said excitedly, “Xiao Hei, hmph, I see who else dares to bully us in the future.”

Xiao Hei’s eyes flashed, and he asked Lu Shaoqing, “Dad, can I eat it?” Although it

is said that there is no blood relationship, when Xiao Hei was born, he had a connection with Lu Shaoqing by chance, and also obtained the attribute of devouring.

Yuan Ying eats one bite at a time.

Ji Yan also understood why Lu Shaoqing had pulled him here.

“They’re too weak…” Ji Yan seemed a little reluctant and uninterested.

It’s not interesting to bully the weak, it’s still interesting to be at the level of rampant gods.

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “The silly monkey will also stay here at that time.”

“But they collude with rampant gods, and it is not a pity to die.” Ji Yan became murderous.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi worshiped again, and he had to be the second senior brother, and a word made the senior brother lift his spirit.

In this way, the three of them came all the way to Qi City.

The three of them did not hide and flew directly over Qi City.

Soon someone noticed the traces of the three, and immediately someone shouted angrily

, “Who?” “Don’t you know that Qi City is not allowed to fly?” This

kind of small character did not need Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan to make a move, Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and let those figures who pounced fell down with a scream.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to where the dog clan was and said to Ji Yan, “Let’s shoot.” ”


Wuqiu appeared, his small face tense and full of coldness, and the killing aura was pervasive.

The next moment, the entire Qi City felt a terrifying sword intent.


?” “Yes, who is it?” The

powerful aura of the refining period that remained in Qi City immediately appeared, and this sharp sword intent made them feel a mortal threat.

“Who dares to make trouble in Qi City?”

Lu Shaoqing took a step, “The representatives of the Flying Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan were ordered to come and destroy the Dog Clan, and the idle people and others all got away. The

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sound was like thunder, spreading throughout Qi City.

The representatives of the birds and beasts

were ordered to come and kill the dog tribe?

The entire Qi City was in an uproar.

“Ignorant child, what nonsense!” Someone immediately appeared, it was the elder of the tiger clan, and the evil tiger figure loomed and was imposing.

The contradiction between the bird tribe and the beast tribe is known to the whole world, how can there be a common messenger?

“Hehe, where did the child come from?” The elder of the fox tribe also appeared.

“When we are bullied in Qi City?” the elder of the ape tribe also appeared.

But the next moment, someone recognized the identity of Lu Shaoqing and his party and told them one after another.

“Are you guys?” the expressions of several of them became strange.

“Boy, what are you doing here?” the elder of the fox clan shouted angrily.

Before Hu Yan brought Lu Shaoqing and his party back, the prince of the dog tribe died, which almost caused a conflict between the two races, and their fox was almost bitten by the dog.

Therefore, the whole of the fox clan did not have any good impression of Lu Shaoqing and his party.

The tiger tribe and the ape tribe also forced over, with gloomy gaze and murderous aura rushing into the sky.

The three refining periods exuded a powerful pressure, which made everyone in Qi City shudder, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe more.

And the canine people have not appeared until now.

Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly, “Take a good look at what is this?” Lu

Shaoqing threw out the shadow stone, and when he saw the patriarch of the Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan above, the scene of the elders gathering together.

The three refining period were dumbfounded.

After Lu Shaoqing let them see clearly, he said coldly, “The dog clan colluded with the rampant gods to exterminate the demon clan. ”

The Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan have united, and the Demon Clan will be unified in the future.

“This time the Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan appointed me as a representative to come here to destroy the Dog Clan, do you want to be the enemy of the entire Demon Clan?”

A big hat was buttoned down, and the pressure of the three refining period elders increased greatly.

For Lu Shaoqing’s words, they half-believed it.

After all, the people of the Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan get together, and it is not normal to look at it.

They now desperate to go to their patriarch and find out what is going on.

It was too far away for what had happened there in Mirage Valley to reach them.

Seeing that the three were silent, Lu Shaoqing said again, “I came here mainly to the dog clan this time, and I will not attack you, you can rest assured.”

“If you don’t believe it, you can let the whole sun come out and know as soon as you ask.” ”

Quan Fengri

?” the elders of the three clans were stunned, “Didn’t he go to the mirage?” ”

He colluded with the rampant gods and has already been killed, but the doppelganger is still there, can you go and ask?” The elders

of the three clans looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

What is happening right now has a big impact on them.

When did the birds and beasts unite

? What is the rampant god

? Is the dog tribe a traitor? Is

the guy in front of you the messenger of the two camps

? If you stop it, will it bring trouble to the family?

Finally, the three made eye contact and agreed with Lu Shaoqing’s statement.

“All blessed days, come out and see you….”

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