Quan Fengri appeared, along with the other two elders of the dog clan.

The three of them looked at Lu Shaoqing as if they saw the murderer of their father, and they couldn’t wait to immediately pounce on Lu Shaoqing and kill him.

“Damn it!” Quan Bongri roared, “You deserve to die!” Quan

Fengri’s state is not good, the main body is destroyed, and he needs to consume a huge amount of energy to come back to life in the doppelganger.

Less than half of the battles that can be played now are in full heyday.

Only by recuperating well can the strength be completely restored.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and pointed at Quan Fengri to the elders of the three clans, “Ask him, am I wrong?”

Jeon Bongri gritted his teeth, “Fake.” ”

Swear,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Quan Fengri and drank, “You swear that your patriarch did not betray the demon clan and did not intend to take people to become sacrifices to the rampant gods.

“If you dare to swear like that, I will turn around and go immediately.” ”

All of Fengri’s teeth are about to be crushed.

He said indignantly, “My dog clan did not betray the beast clan.

“You want to attack my canine clan, come on, we will let you know how good our canine clan is.” Quan

Fengri’s attitude made the elders of the three clans already have the answer in their hearts.

They are not children, they are old foxes, and they already have a pair of fire eyes.

“Brother Quan, you…” Wang Feichi, the elder of the Tiger Clan, had a good relationship with Quan Fengri, and he sighed.

Quan Fengri gritted his teeth, “Don’t lie to him…”

Lu Shaoqing immediately vowed, “I can swear that Quan Yao betrayed the Beast Clan. ”

Standing tall.

The elders of the three clans immediately leaned towards Lu Shaoqing’s side.

The three looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing added a fire, “Quanyao all the people they brought with them died, and only Quan Fengli fled back.”

“They’ve been wiped out by joining forces.” The

three clan elders were shocked in their hearts, and their eyes immediately sharpened.

Coupled with the presence of the Lingering Stone, they already believed Lu Shaoqing, and Wang Feichi said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, how do you plan to deal with it?”

Seeing this, Quan Fengri was distressed, Jiyou betrayed, and he roared, “Damn, you bastards, my dog clan does not share the sky with you.”

“Want to deal with our dog clan, come on. After

speaking, he returned to the dog tribe with the people, and not long after, the light inside shone, and the large array opened, intending to resist stubbornly.

With the many years of operation of the dog tribe in Qi City, he has this confidence.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, looking very sad, “Alas, the dog clan is obsessed, I feel distressed.”

Xiao Yi secretly smiled, and the second senior brother began to act.

The elders of the three clans did not have a sad expression, but instead had a bit of killing intent.

“Gongzi, since the dog clan betrayed the demon clan, be damned!” ”

That’s right, kill them, you can’t spare any traitors. ”

The dog clan has also been unpopular over the years, and the three clans will definitely not let it go when they have a chance.

Such an opportunity was missed, and the sky thundered.

Lu Shaoqing continued to sigh, “I came here to save the dog clan, but I didn’t expect them to be so obsessed and their conscience was greatly damaged.

“If you did something wrong, you can’t admit it, you have to be this traitor.” The

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ape clan elder Yuanyi, with a white beard on his face and a murderous spirit, “Gongzi doesn’t need to say much, kill them.”

“That’s right, Gongzi, what do we need to do?”

“Gongzi, I suggest that you quickly kill the dog tribe while they are not firmly established, and annihilate them in one fell swoop.”

“Lu Shaoqing can’t help but look sideways, Grandma Li’s, you are more positive than me?

But he also knows the intentions of the three people.

Knowing that the dog tribe betrayed the demon clan, he was deceived again, thinking that the two camps had joined forces to kill the dog clan.

Where is such an opportunity willing to be missed.

The three major royal families divide the cake more than the four major royal families share the cake.

Lu Shaoqing smiled in his heart, but shook his head on the surface, revealing an unbearable look, “This move is not my will.”

Then to the three people, “I’m worried about the three of Quan Fengri, and I hope the three of them do me a favor.” The

three of them were now very polite to Lu Shaoqing, and immediately said, “Gongzi, please say.”

“You left Qi City with people and hid far away, I am afraid that when the time comes, I will hurt the innocent.”

The three of them were in awe, “Gongzi is righteous!” “Gongzi

, don’t you need our help?” The

three did not want to watch the play on the side, hoping to participate and destroy the dog clan as soon as possible.

“Not for the time being,” Lu Shaoqing said solemnly, “This is our task, we can do it ourselves.”

“Three, you can take people to watch from a distance to prevent fish from slipping through the net. ”

Please, this is a very important thing, and I will give you credit when the time comes!”

Xiao Yi next to him was stunned, what was going on

? A few words made the elders of the three royal families willingly obey the order to be thugs?

As the old saying goes, a mouth can be worth an army of millions, and the second senior brother is like this.

It is worthy of being the second senior brother, and I still have to practice this mouth.

Qi City soon began to evacuate, and countless cultivators rushed to the sky and quickly left Qi City.

The huge Qi City became dead silent in less than a moment.

In fact, there were not many people left in Qicheng, most of them went to the mirage, leaving only some of the old, weak and disabled.

Only the area where the dog tribe is located shines brightly.

“Let’s start!”

Lu Shaoqing instructed, “Don’t be crooked, first destroy Qi City for me, and then kill the dog tribe.”

“By the way, remember to stay with the teleportation array of Qi City, and then I will go to Fengcheng…”

The cultivators of Qi City were ordered to hide far away.

The elders of the Tiger, Ape, and Tiger Clan gathered together.

Everyone looked into the distance, and the three elders just now had smiles on their faces.

“Canine, it’s come to an end.

“Hehe, that’s the end of the traitor. ”

The dog clan has gone too far over the years, this is retribution

…” “Haha, Qi City will be the world of our three major royal families…”

Everyone was very happy, at this time, there were fluctuations in the distance, and the terrible sword intent came with the wind.

“It begins,” someone sighed, “no matter what the wind and waves, Qi City will always stand…”

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