This remark resonated with many people.

“Yes, Qi City, is our root, after countless storms, not only will not fall, but will become stronger and stronger

!” “Hmph, Fengcheng, what qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with

our Qi City?” “That’s right, Qi City is the strongest city in the demon world, and it is also the holy place of our beast race!”

But some people are worried, “Will such a battle destroy Qi City?”

Rest assured, they also know the importance of Qi City, and they dare not easily destroy Qi City.

“Let’s just wait here, pass the order down, let the people below be careful, serious, and don’t let the people of the dog tribe escape.”


Fengri and the two refining periods in the clan stood together, looking at the fluctuations emanating from the sky, they looked worried.

I never expected the other party to come so quickly.

Whether it’s teleportation or special secret methods.

For dog people, none of them are a good thing.

Before Quan Fengri came back and had time to arrange everything, the other party had already killed the door.

Quan Fengri couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, “Quan Yao, I missed my clan!”

Doing things badly also brought great difficulties to the dog family.

“Elder, we went out and fought with them. ”

The other two refining period of the dog tribe looked fierce and hateful.

Quan Fengri looked at them, both of them are rising stars of the dog clan, their strength is only the early realm of refining, where can they beat the two guys outside.

He sighed again in his heart, gritting his teeth secretly, “Wait first, let the formation consume them.” Quan

Fengri also did not have the confidence to go out and fight Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan.

In its heyday it was not an opponent, and now it is even less an opponent.

The only thing he could think of was to shrink.

At the same time, he also had his own thoughts, “Once the big array is broken, I will block them, you take the clansmen to break through, you can run as much as you can.”


the two were moved in their hearts.

“Elder, let me go and drag them, you lead the clan to break through.

“That’s right, now everything depends on you, Elder…”

Quan Fengri waved his hands, carrying his hands behind his back, and said, “Don’t worry about me, they want to kill me, it’s not so easy.”

“Hmph, they can’t break through my dog tribe array, so we can know what their state is.” The

two also looked up, feeling the fluctuations outside.

The terrifying fluctuations were wave after wave, the sword intent was raging, sharp, tyrannical, and the heavens and the earth trembled, making the dog tribe tremble.

“Huh?” one of the two suddenly spoke, “They don’t seem to be able to attack our dog array.” ”

Quan Fengri’s divine consciousness spread, and at this time, something was also discovered.

Although the terrifying fluctuations outside are wave after wave, they are constantly spreading, and they seem to be very intense.

But in fact, the attack that fell on their large array was nothing more than a side fall.

And when Quan Fengri’s divine sense saw Lu Shaoqing’s sword slash and cut the thousand-mile-long Qi City wall into powder, everyone else was stupid.

At the

same time, he saw Ji Yan’s sword fall, and the fox residence within a thousand miles of area collapsed.

I also saw Xiao Yi smash down a big fireball, and the territory of the ape tribe was smashed out of a big pit, and the flames burned everything.

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The walls collapsed and turned to powder; houses collapsed and burned; the ground tumbled, and countless fire magma gushed out.

“He, they…” the other two cultivators of the Void Refining Period of the Inu Clan were startled, “Are they destroying, demolishing, demolishing Qi City?”

They couldn’t believe it, but watching the three of them tear down the Qi City like children tearing down their homes, they

had to believe that Lu Shaoqing and the three were indeed demolishing the Qi City and wanted to remove the Qi City from this world.

“Are they crazy

?” “Do they know what they’re doing?” the

two people of the Inu’s refining period were almost frightened.

This is an enemy of the Beast Race.

Quan Fengri was also dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it.

But, soon, he perked up.


Quan Fengri laughed loudly, “God help me

!” “They are looking for death!” ”

Qi City is the holy place of the beast race, and it is of great significance to the beast race.

When Lu Shaoqing destroyed Qi City, he completely offended the Beast Clan.

The current situation of the dog tribe can be reversed.

“Haha, God Save the Dog Clan!” The two refining period next to them were also excited.

“Haha, it’s great that they’re looking for their own death.

Jeon Fengri sneered, “Get out, go out now, and tell the others about it.” ”


In a booming voice, Quan Fengli and the two refining period clansmen killed out.

Qi City has been destroyed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Quan Fengri was extremely happy, “Haha, damn it….”

However, Lu Shaoqing’s voice was louder and faster than him, “Quan Fengri, you are so despicable, you dare to destroy Qi City?”

“Cut him,” Lu Shaoqing shouted again, “This kind of demon scum can’t stay, and he doesn’t dare to admit it, it’s not a male beast, a shameless person!”

I’ve never seen such a shameless bastard guy.


Quan Fengri wanted to say something, but Ji Yan’s sword fell, and the sharp sword intent made him sweat upside down.

He joined forces with the two Refining Void Stage cultivators next to him.

“Boom!” Although

they resisted this sword, the strength displayed by Ji Yan also made them see it.

Quan Bongri shouted, “Go according to plan.”

As soon as these words came out, he turned and fled.

“Elder!” the two cultivators of the Void Refining Period of the Dog Clan were dumbfounded.

Isn’t the plan like this, did you get the wrong script

? Didn’t we run away with people

? Why did you escape first?

Quan Fengri didn’t care so much, he was afraid of death, like a dog who lost his family, running away with his tail between his legs.

“Old dog, don’t run away!” Lu

Shaoqing chased after him, “Stop, you destroyed Qi City, I’m going to kill you….”

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