“Damn it, I, I won’t let you go

…” “I hate…”

Quan Fengri disappeared with a scream of reluctance, anger, and misery.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, and said to Wang Feichi, “The three elders have made a great achievement, and I will report it truthfully when the time comes.” The

faces of the three had joyful faces.

But when they followed Lu Shaoqing back to Qi City, the three almost cried.

Qi City was really destroyed.

Tall and strong city walls, clean and tidy streets, neat buildings disappeared.

The fairy qi was ethereal, and the Dongtian Wonderland with abundant spiritual energy collapsed.

The halo flowed, and the mountain-solid magic array was gone.

The inheritance left by the ancestors is gone.

The place where hundreds and thousands of years have lived has become a big hole.

The back mountain of the family collapsed, leaving a deep rift.

Everything was ruined.

The majestic, tall and sacred Qi City has become a ruin, and the former prosperity can no longer be seen.

Countless demon cultivators also returned one after another, seeing that the holy place in their minds had been destroyed.

The older demon clan snorted on the spot, some vomited blood, some fainted, some vomited blood and fainted, and there was chaos.

There were also many monks who knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly, more uncomfortable than killing them.

Qi City was destroyed, and the faith in their hearts collapsed with it.

The blow to them can be imagined.

The wails began one after another, and people constantly passed out with a scream.

Many people feel that the sky is falling, and they are uneasy, and they don’t know what to do.

There was a sad breath in the air, and those who did not pass out stopped screaming, their eyes were empty, as if their soul had been sucked away and became a walking dead.

Xiao Yi looked at the miserable demon cultivator below, and secretly stuck out his tongue.

There was actually an inexplicable sense of guilt in my heart.


also followed my senior brother.

Xiao Yi forgot that she and Xiao Hei smashed the most cheerfully just now.

Wang Feichi, Yuanyi and Hu Liujue looked at the disappearing Qicheng, and the three of them also wanted to cry.

The three roared in their hearts, beasts, beasts.

It’s not that animals can’t do this kind of thing.

Damn it.

Lu Shaoqing comforted the three people kindly next to him, “The three don’t need to be too sad, the matter has come to this, and it is useless to cry.”

“Hurry up, just go and kill the rest of the dog clan.”

“Who let Quan Fengri be so bad, he has to destroy Qi City here, the crime is extremely evil, the crime is extremely evil.” Xiao

Yi saw Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, and secretly said in his heart, the appearance of the second senior brother is so bad.

Wang Feichi and the three looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s fake look.

The three have the urge to hit someone.

The three are not fools, now they don’t react, they don’t deserve to live until now.

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To say that the destruction of Qi City has nothing to do with Lu Shaoqing, they don’t believe it.

But now, they have reached an agreement, even if Lu Shaoqing destroys Qi City, he will have to bite to death and destroy it all.

“Kill, none of the people of the dog tribe remain.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and returned to Ji Yan and Xiao Yi, and glared at Ji Yan, “You guy is just unreliable in doing things. ”

So many dogs ran away, didn’t you see?” Ji

Yan put away his sword and stood up, not wanting to speak, but thinking about it or explaining, “Some people who have almost no strength plan to leave it to Junior Sister.” ”

The dish is the dish, recognize it.” Lu Shaoqing despised, “What is the mouth strong here

?” “Fengcheng, are you going to make a move yourself?” asked Ji Yan gently.

This sentence immediately grabbed Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing’s gaze immediately turned to Xiao Yi, “Idiot, you can’t do anything that Senior Brother gives you, do you want to write your thoughts

?” “Won’t you be considerate of Senior Brother’s hard work?”

Xiao Yi almost fell from the sky.

Xiao Yi hurriedly stabilized his figure and quickly asked, “Second Senior Brother, what next?” Lu

Shaoqing’s gaze swept, Qi City had been destroyed, and the reconstruction could not return to its former scale.

He was satisfied in his heart and nodded, “Okay, let’s go to Fengcheng.” ”

Oh, it’s a pity, I didn’t catch spirit stones here…” Lu

Shaoqing’s three people and one beast stepped into the teleportation array that was deliberately left behind and left.

Lu Shaoqing did not have the coordinate point of Fengcheng, and there was no way to open the door directly, so he could only go to Fengcheng through the teleportation array between the cities and the pools.

Watching Lu Shaoqing and his party leave, Wang Feichi gritted his teeth, “We, fooled.” ”

It was clear that they had been fooled into being accomplices.

Yuanyi and Hu Liujue showed painful expressions.

“Damn, I should have cleaned him up if I knew it. Yuanyi was indignant, and the anger in his heart made his hair tremble all over his body.

Qi City was destroyed, although he was distressed, but he was even more distressed that he was deceived.

Hu Liujue said bitterly, “We fought them there

?” “Didn’t you notice their fearful sword intent and strength?” The

four royal families took most of the battles out of Qi City, and the people who remained were not strong and not many masters.

With their strength, they could not resist Lu Shaoqing and them.

Yuanyi asked another question, “Are they really messengers?”

That’s what bluffed them at first.

So much so that they can’t react at all.

Lu Shaoqing said that he was coming for the dog clan, and they were happy to see it, even if they were not messengers, they were willing to push the boat along the water to let Lu Shaoqing and his party destroy the dog clan.

But I never expected that Qi City would be destroyed along with it.

If they knew that Lu Shaoqing was going to destroy Qi City, they would not be on Lu Shaoqing’s side.

Moreover, it will be stopped by the shot.

“Damn it,” Wang Feichi gritted his teeth and couldn’t wait to roar a few times to vent, “Qi City has a powerful formation defense, why can it be destroyed so easily?”

Before the bird clan attacked strongly, Qi City was fine.

Why is it so easy this time?

Hu Liujue let out a long sigh at the end, still in pain, “It’s too late to say anything now, I can only report the matter here to the patriarch and them truthfully.”

“One more bite to death, it was the Inu Clan who destroyed Qi City.”

“It can only be like this…”

And Lu Shaoqing’s side through continuous hurry, their group finally came to Fengcheng…

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