A city towers above a mountain thousands of miles high, towering into the clouds, looming in the clouds and mist, and the spiritual energy is faint, like a heavenly fairy palace.

Above the sky, a huge figure streaked by from time to time, covering the sky.

At the foot of the mountain below Fengcheng, there are countless towns, towns, villages and towns.

Of course, there are countless nests.

It is different from the Qi Castle, which is located on the plain.

Such a phoenix city looks more ethereal and taller.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and he could only barely see the outline.

She said, “It’s no worse than the holy land of the demon race.” ”

Even, because the city is above the sky, it looks more awesome than the holy land of the demon race.

The Holy Land only formed a huge city at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?” ”

Are you going to fool those elders of the Flying Bird Clan again?”

“Those who remain in the city are in the Avatar Period.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, “Second Senior Brother, how do you know?” Lu

Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan, “Can you kill her?

Ji Yan also looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi hurriedly stuck out his tongue and shrunk his neck, not daring to defend himself.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Can’t you count the number yourself

?” “Didn’t you see that those birdmen were all in the mirage?”

The realm of the refining period is undoubtedly the most replenishing existence, and the ink calamity deception will deceive them all.

Unlike the walking beasts, there are still people left at home to watch over the house.

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue again and defended himself in a low voice, “They are all in the sky, and it is difficult for me to count them clearly.” ”

The battle in the mirage valley mainly took place on the Gangfeng layer, and Xiao Yi could only see a rough idea, as for how many people there were in the Flying Bird Clan, she really hadn’t counted it.

With this effort, Xiao Yi felt that it was better to care more about the senior brother and the second senior brother.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the Fengcheng and the majestic mountains in the distance, pinched his chin and thought.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “Can you cut that mountain with a sword?”

Tough enough.

That mountain covers an area of tens of thousands of miles, towering high on the earth, like a big hand holding Fengcheng high.

Cutting off the mountain is equivalent to cutting off the roots of Fengcheng.

Unless a peerless power appears, Phoenix City will definitely not be able to continue to stand in the sky, and will collapse with the collapse of the mountain.

Xiao Yi looked at the shining, sacred mountain-like mountain.

She couldn’t help but say, “That mountain must be very strong, and there must be many formations on it.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Indeed, there is a seventh-level law array, there are several sixth-level law arrays, and there are more than 10,000 legal formations below the fifth level.

Xiao Yi secretly said, “So much, can you crack all of them by the second senior brother?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, but he added, “But I didn’t plan to waste time here, it’s shameful to waste time, you know?”

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The demon world is too dangerous, it’s better to quickly deal with the affairs here and go home.

I’m very worried about the bed of Tianyufeng.

Xiao Yi was puzzled, the most powerful formation here was only Lu Shaoqing.

If Lu Shaoqing doesn’t crack it, who will crack it.

Just as Xiao Yi was guessing, Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “Can it be done?” Xiao Yi was

shocked, when did the senior brother become so powerful?

Then Ji Yan slowly stepped forward, quietly making preparations.

Xiao Yi in the back pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, “Second Senior Brother, can Senior Brother crack the seventh-level formation?”

Not to mention that there are more than 10,000 formations to assist.

Such a seventh-level formation is not much weaker than a separate eighth-level formation.

When Lu

Shaoqing heard this, he smiled, “Of course not, he is not me.”

That’s true, though.

But it sounds very bad.

Xiao Yi complained in his heart and continued to ask, “Then, you still let the senior brother make a move?”

Xiao Yi looked at the mountain in the distance again in amazement, shining, dazzling, even in the dark night, it was radiant, and the light was not weaker than the sun.

Although he knew that his senior brother was very strong, Xiao Yi did not dare to have too much confidence.

The Wuqiu sword will not be cut off.

Xiao Yi was worried about this, his own sword Linglan had just been born, but he couldn’t do without his eldest brother.

“Second Senior Brother…” Xiao Yi wanted to continue asking.

was hammered by Lu Shaoqing, “Shut up, just watch it well, where are so many problems.”

“Let you read more, you don’t listen, watch well.”

Xiao Yi held his head and looked at Ji Yan in the distance.

Ji Yan was also brewing at this time, and the Wuqiu Sword lit up.

Xiao Yi looked at Ji Yan, and she suddenly felt that the space around Ji Yan fluctuated, slowly becoming transparent, as if it was about to disappear.

The next moment, Ji Yan pulled out his sword.

The light of the sword lit up, like the sun falling on earth.

The sword light soared into the sky and rushed straight towards the mountain.

The terrifying sword light spread all over the earth, and the sharp sword intent blew through like the wind.

Countless birds screamed and vomited blood when they saw this sword light, fell unconscious, and fell.

The sword light rushed straight towards the mountain in the distance, as if sensing the danger, the surging aura roared, and the mountain light soared.

The sword light fell, and it collided fiercely with the mountain.


terrifying loud noise shook the earth and resounded in all directions, and countless birds were shaken by this sound and sprayed blood.

At this moment, the light and sword intent were intertwined, and the music of destruction was played.

When the light dissipated, the middle of the mountain that Xiao Yi saw became a void, the mountain was cut off, and everything disappeared in the middle…

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