Xiao Yi opened his mouth wide and looked ahead in amazement.

There, a void, everything in that space disappeared.

The air, the dirt, and the light disappeared with it.

It had become a void, a land of chaos, as if it had returned to the state of the beginning of heaven and earth.

The majestic and tall, sacred mountain-like mountain is broken in two.

The upper and lower incisions are smooth and flat, far apart, but they cannot be connected in any way.

“Second Senior Brother, this…” Xiao

Yi didn’t know what to say for a while.

A sword seems to cut a world.

“Rare and strange!” Lu Shaoqing despised, as if Xiao Yi was a dirt bun, “Shut your mouth, don’t look like you haven’t seen the world, shame.”

Xiao Yi closed his mouth and clicked twice, before asking, “Second Senior Brother, how did Senior Brother do it?”

It was a mountain protected by a seventh-level large array, but it was cut off by a sword, and the one in the middle was strangled without a trace, completely disappearing into this world.

“What’s so strange about cutting the rules?” Lu

Shaoqing looked like a matter of course, making Xiao Yi unable to complain.

This kind of words can only be said by his second senior brother.

Light fluttering, indifferent tone.

For others, I am afraid that I will not be killed by someone as a pretend criminal.

“Boom…” The

seventh-level great array could not prevent Ji Yan’s sword, and cut the mountain, and the seventh-level great array was counterattacked.

After the intense shining of light, an explosion began to occur.

The violent explosion made the heavens and the earth shake with it.

The phoenix city on the top of the mountain began to shake, and then tilted.

The people here in Fengcheng were still stunned, and the terrifying sword light flashed just now, and the sharp sword intent rushed into the sky, so that the demon cultivators of Fengcheng did not have time to react.

Everyone was still wondering, not knowing what had happened.

“Just now, what

is it?” “Do you feel it too

?” “God, is there anyone who is going to attack our Fengcheng?” “Have the beast-walking reptiles come to take revenge?”

“Don’t worry, there is Wutong Mountain, and the beast-walking crawlers can’t come up!”

“Yes, our Fengcheng is the strongest and safest place in the world, and it will never fall…”

Just as everyone in Fengcheng was talking about it, suddenly they felt that Fengcheng began to shake.

At first there was a slight tremor, then like a twelfth-magnitude earthquake, and the shaking became stronger and stronger.

“What, what’s

going on?” “What happened?” ”

Did the earthquake? God, the ground seems to be tilting…”

Cracks appeared on the ground, spreading one by one, like the ugliest scars, constantly spreading on the ground of Fengcheng.

Countless houses collapsed, one mountain after another above Fengcheng collapsed, and smoke and dust billowed up in the sky.

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The demon cultivators were greatly frightened, and rushed to the sky, watching the Phoenix City begin to tilt, collapse, and slowly fall downward.

Finally, someone discovered something wrong and screamed, “Wutong Mountain, broken, broken…”

The voice was sharp and full of shock.

The Daoist figures rushed to the sky, and when they saw that Wutong Mountain was really cut off by the chopper, everyone was frightened and stupid.

What kind of existence can cut off Wutong Mountain, which is regarded as the sacred mountain of the demon race by their bird clan.

After someone was shocked, they roared angrily, “Keep Phoenix City, keep it…” Countless

cultivators rushed towards the slowly falling Phoenix City.

They want to stop Fengcheng from falling and stop Fengcheng from destroying.

However, Fengcheng’s weight is not more than hundreds of millions of catties, even if the refining period comes, he can’t bear it.

Not to mention these demon cultivators in the Transformation God Stage and the Yuan Infancy Period.

These monks went to various means to stop it, but in the end, they were hit by a powerful and unparalleled force, and blood spurted out.

In the end, everyone had to give up and watch Fengcheng collapse and slowly move towards destruction.

The rumbling sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the phoenix city continued to tilt and fall, and the soil on it shattered and cracked layer by layer.

The cultivators of the Bird Clan watched as Phoenix City fell from the sky, broke through the clouds, and smashed down like a world out of control.

The cultivators below ran as far as they could, and then watched in horror as the Holy Spirit City in their minds fell.

Stones, bricks, trees, etc. are constantly falling from the sky, like a rainstorm, constantly hitting the ground.

“Damn,” someone roared up to the sky, “Who the hell?”

“Night is out, I’m going to fight with

you!” “Destroy my holy city, I don’t share the sky with you!” Others

cried and knelt and wailed.

“Oh my God

, is the Bird Clan going to be destroyed?” “Phoenix City is destroyed, our Bird Clan is finished!” “The Phoenix City

that has never fallen has fallen like this, we are finished!”

I hate…” Similar

to the Beast Clan’s side, the people of the Bird Clan could not accept the destruction of Fengcheng, roaring and roaring, vomiting blood, and passing out.

Everyone felt like the sky was falling.

In the end, Phoenix fell heavily to the ground under the incredulous gazes of the Bird Clan cultivators.

The powerful impact made the earth tremble, setting off a twelve-magnitude earthquake once again.

The cracks in the road spread, and Wutong Mountain was also affected.

The explosion was even more powerful, as if someone had cast a spell inside.

The entire Wutong Mountain began to crack and collapse from the inside.

In the rumbling sound, dust flew up, and at the same time a black shadow appeared from the explosion and flew straight into the sky.

“Huh?” Lu

Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s eyes flickered, and at the same time they looked in one direction, and they noticed this black shadow.

The speed of the black shadow was very fast, and the movements were very light, and the cultivators below the Transformation God Stage could not detect it at all.

Lu Shaoqing noticed this black shadow, and the corners of his mouth turned up, “Old acquaintance, hmph, see where you are running away this time?” Xiao

Yi was enjoying the fireworks in the distance, and when he suddenly heard this, he was stunned, and hurriedly asked, “Second Senior Brother, who?”

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