Lu Shaoqing disappeared in one step, and Xiao Yi could only look at Ji Yan.

“Senior brother, who is

that?” “Is there anyone?” Ji

Yan glanced in that direction, his tone was puzzled, “I don’t know, I’ve seen it for the first time.”

Xiao Yi became even more curious, and pulled Ji Yan’s clothes and said, “Senior brother, take me to see.” Ji

Yan waved his big hand and disappeared in place with Xiao Yi and Xiao Hei.

In the distance, there was still billowing smoke, the sky shook, and Fengcheng fell, completely destroyed.

But the movement can’t be stopped for ten days and a half month.

After the black shadow that jumped out of the plane tree escaped far away, it looked condescendingly at the falling Phoenix City in the distance.

There was also the voice of the black shadow of the exploding Wutong Mountain

with horror, “Yes, who is it?” ”

Can anyone in this world use such a terrifying sword?

But soon the black shadow calmed down a little, and he whispered, “It’s good not to come at me, it’s just a pity that it’s such a good place.”

“The heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and we must quickly increase our strength, otherwise we will be in trouble.”

“Alas, I have to find a suitable place again.” Mad, it’s really hard to disturb two good places…” With

a sigh, the black shadow took a step forward, intending to shuttle through the space and leave here.

However, the next moment,

“Boom!” The

black shadow felt as if his head was directly hitting a wall.

The walls were so hard that they hit him with Venus in his eyes and his brain stumbled.

“Oops!” Black

Shadow was also an old fox, and although he bumped into the stars in the sky, he reacted quickly.

The first time he smelled the danger, he turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed straight to the ground without saying a word.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, run first and then talk.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “If you want to run, come to my arms obediently!” The

next moment, it was an overwhelming divine consciousness, surging like a tide, drowning the black shadow.


the black shadow cried out in pain, covering his head and screaming, unable to run.

After seeing Lu Shaoqing, he screamed, “Why are you?” Lu Shaoqing

smiled, “Why can’t it be me?

“Damn it, boy, let go!” The

black shadow was none other than the plane tree that Lu Shaoqing had encountered before.

Compared to the bare appearance before, there is a big change.

Previously in the form of a tree, now he is in human form.

A tall old man with a dry head and few hairs.

With a small white beard, he looks like a kind old man.

He was trapped, struggling left and right, but there was no way to break through Lu Shaoqing’s confinement.

“Abominable!” Wutong Shu angrily yelled at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, let me go.” ”

Don’t let go!” Lu Shaoqing approached with a smile, although it was an old man image, but in Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, there was no difference from a peerless beauty.

“Come to my pot.

“Want me to follow you? No way!” the plane tree refused without thinking.

He didn’t have the slightest good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

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This guy also blackmailed him before.

Now that they meet, they only hate that their strength is not enough and they can’t beat this bastard.

Speaking of Lu Shaoqing’s strength, Sycamore Tree was also secretly shocked in his heart.

When they met before, Lu Shaoqing was just a guy in the infant stage, but now he can’t see through it.

The plane tree was secretly surprised in his heart, and he was really strong, and he didn’t look away.

But, you bastard fellow, I gave you a branch before, and I formed a good relationship with you, you actually don’t think of my good, and now you still want me this tree?

Lu Shaoqing looked at the plane tree with a smile, the old guy’s face was rosy, and his mental state was very good.

The intensity of the struggle can be felt.

At least it is also the realm of refining void period.

Although the fetish of the plane tree is not good at fighting, it is also relatively speaking.

For ordinary people, in the same realm, they may not be able to fight.

But it’s a pity that the plane tree met Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing recovered some of his strength, but he was already able to walk sideways in the realm of refining void.

The plane tree was also unlucky to meet him.

The more Lu Shaoqing looked at it, the more he liked it, and his saliva flowed.

“Come on, come home with me, your son is looking forward to reuniting with your old father.”

“You’ve been out for so long, and it’s time to go home and do your fatherhood.” The

plane tree was stunned for a moment, and his old face was full of doubts.

There is another mother tree in this world?

The plane tree stopped struggling, “When did I have a son?”

“I wipe!” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, looked at the plane tree in disbelief, pointed at him and shouted, “You old beast.”

“You came to the demon world and stayed with the beasts for a long time, have you also become

a beast?” “You actually forgot your own son, are you still

a divine tree?” “You are a fart sycamore divine tree, you should be a beast tree.”

Sycamore trees are going to spray,”, you’re talking nonsense. The

white beard trembled, and he was angry.

“Don’t you still admit it?” Lu Shaoqing continued to drink, “You give me your son, you run out by yourself and be merry, I pull your son up with a handful of and urine, is it easy for me?”


plane tree understood.

Suddenly, a wave of anger rushed to the brain, and a face turned red from rosy.

Eyes breathe fire, eager to burn this nonsense guy.

“That’s not my son, and what you gave you is only my doppelganger.

“Do you understand?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I don’t listen, I don’t listen, Wang Ba chanted.”

“He is your son, a piece of meat cut from you, and if you say no, it is not.”

“Today, you must go back with me and be reunited with your son.” ”

Bastard humans.

The plane tree was furious, and he said fiercely, “Dream, don’t even think about it.” ”

Follow you bastard guy, I’ll be pissed off.

If you don’t die in the calamity, you will be angry with you, a human being, say it, and laugh at the dead.

“Don’t resist,” Lu Shaoqing smiled and drooled, “You can’t escape today, obediently obediently obeyed me.” ”


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