Wang Miu roared like a fierce tiger, his voice rolling, “To discuss the future of the demon race, it should be discussed in an important place.

“This place has just experienced a great war, countless people of the same race died here, everyone is worried and uneasy, discussing here, somewhat disrespectful to the dead them.”

“That’s right, Patriarch Wang Miao is right.

“Yes, we shouldn’t disturb the dead!” ”

Go to Qicheng!” “Go to Qicheng

, Qisheng is good, Qisheng is the first in the world…”

The beast clan roared loudly.

Many people even showed their bodies and roared up to the sky.

The demon race, even if it takes shape, still maintains the habit of the body.

I like to howl a few times when I get excited.

“Hmph!” A cold snort, Ma Leng Yu spoke, although he was a finch and was petite, but as soon as he spoke, the voice overwhelmed the audience and clearly reached everyone’s ears.

“Qi City is the first in the world?

“If you want to go, you are also going to our Fengcheng, haven’t you Qi City also experienced a big war?” “Going to Qi City, you are

just as disrespectful to the dead demon race. ”


As soon as these words came out, they detonated the anger of many beast races.


“What do you flat-haired creatures say?” ”

You flat-haired beasts do, you know it yourself. ”

Countless Beast Walking Race cultivators couldn’t wait to pounce and tear Ma Lengyu apart.

Why did the beast-walking tribe want to come

here, or would it not be their king, Quan Yao said that they could take revenge here?

The monks on the side of the Bird Clan laughed and strongly agreed with Ma Lengyu’s words.

“That’s right, if you want to go, you are also going to our

Fengcheng!” “Our Fengcheng is much more noble than your Qi City.

“Have you ever seen Sky

City?” “Do you reptiles know what it’s like to soar into the sky?” ”

You must go to Phoenix City!”

Insisting on going to his own royal city, no one would back down.

Everyone expressed their opinions, if it were not for someone suppressing it, someone would have already pounced and fought.

For a while, the various sounds of the mess mixed together and became a disturbing sound.

Bai Que listened to the annoyance in his heart.

Before I even spoke, you guys started arguing.

Bai Que’s gaze circled around the patriarchs of several royal families, and her heart was as clear as a mirror.

This was the first difficult problem that several patriarchs gave her.

Go to Qicheng, or go to Fengcheng.

No matter which one goes, there will be an impact.

Go to Qi City, the people of the Flying Bird Clan are dissatisfied.

Go to Fengcheng, the people of the beast tribe are dissatisfied.

Now it’s up to everyone to see how she decides.

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If she is not careful, her prestige will be exhausted here, and the demon race will not say anything.

In the future, she will be her mascot ancestor, and the affairs of the demon clan will no longer be her turn to intervene.

Trouble! Tricky


Bai Que felt a sense of irritation in his heart.

Inexplicably had a wish in her heart, if only Qi City or Fengcheng did not exist, in this way, she would not have to have such a big trouble.

But the current situation still requires her to speak.

Her gaze roamed all directions, and where her gaze full of coercion passed, all the demon cultivators shut up one after another, and finally everyone quieted down, quietly looking at the white magpie, waiting for the white magpie to speak.

“Mist City, it’s good here,” Bai Que said lightly, “This is the first time to discuss the future of the demon clan.

“Next time, you can choose somewhere else.”

“As for Qi City and Phoenix City, they are not in my choice. The

voice was flat, but it revealed a meaning to everyone.

Even if the demon race is unified in the future, Qi City and Fengcheng will not be the royal city unified by the demon race.

Wang Miao gave a color to the clansmen next to him.

Wang Jingchu was the first to stand up, “Old ancestor, in the future, when the demon clan is unified, where will the royal city be?”

Which city will the royal city of the demon clan be in the future?

It is not only to the core of the problem, but also to force the white magpie to make a choice.

Bai Que’s gaze swept over, and Wang Jingchu felt flustered in his heart, and he wanted to sit down.

Bai Que’s tone was still very flat, “In the future, if the royal city is unified, it will naturally be another place.” ”

The location of Qi City or Fengcheng is not good. An

elder of the fox tribe immediately grew up, “Old ancestor, I dare not agree with this.

“To say that the location is good, Qi City is located in the center of the demon realm, extending in all directions, and it is the most suitable as the royal city of the demon clan. Someone

on the eagle clan immediately retorted, “Fart, to say that the best location is naturally Fengcheng.”

“With Wutong Mountain as support, Fengcheng stands high in the sky, looking down on all directions and suppressing all directions.

“Fengcheng is the most suitable place to be a royal city. Fierce

temper, he immediately shouted angrily, “Are you questioning the decision of the seniors?”

Wang Miao smiled, “Brother Xiong’s words are bad, and the ancestor’s decision is naturally not wrong.”

“However, the choice of the royal city is very important, this kind of thing cannot be sloppy, we can’t fail to mention our own opinions, right?”

The implication is to secretly remind Murderer, your sister, you are from the bear clan, don’t crook your ass.”

Ma Lengyu snorted, and also refuted the murderous words, “That’s right, the choice of Wang Cheng is very important, and opinions naturally have to be raised.” At

some point, the positions of the two camps are surprisingly unified.

Although Ma Lengyu is a finch clan and belongs to the same clan as Bai Que, she has no way to completely agree with Bai Que on this issue.

Hu Yi stood up and smiled, attracting many people’s eyes to fall on her, “Old ancestor, Qi City and Fengcheng are still there, isn’t it okay to set up other cities as royal cities?”

Yuanba’s voice covered the audience, “That’s right, Qi City and Fengcheng are still there, and it is indeed not appropriate to choose other cities as royal cities.”

“I think that other cities should be chosen as royal cities, unless Qi City and Phoenix City are destroyed.”

Yuanba’s words aroused the approval of many people.

“That’s right, only Qi City and Fengcheng are all destroyed.

“Yes, don’t let such a good city go, it’s not a wise choice to choose other cities!” ”

You must choose one of the two, otherwise I will not be convinced…” Just

as everyone was talking about it, suddenly the teleportation array of Fog City lit up…

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