The teleportation light that suddenly lit up was so abrupt in the fog city full of-for-tat.

It was as if a third party suddenly inserted in, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the teleportation array that suddenly lit up.

The light flashed, and several figures appeared in everyone’s sight.

“Huh?” suddenly there was a voice of surprise in the crowd.

The first to be led were Wang Feichi, Yuan Yi, and Hu Liujue, the three remaining elders of the beast race.

Behind them, people from other tribes appeared one by one.

Their appearance surprised the three royal patriarchs Wang Miu, Yuanba and Hu Yi.

Why did the three come together?

What are they doing

? Could it be that they got the news and specially came to reinforce

? They are only coming now? They can’t eat hot.

Wang Miao and others were puzzled.

After Wang Feichi appeared, he noticed that countless gazes fell.

Instantly, the three people’s bodies shook and felt great pressure.

Seeing your surroundings clearly makes it more stressful.

What are so many people doing here?

Are we holding a meeting? Or are we making an appointment

? Is the timing of our appearance wrong

? What are you doing

? I am so panicked, Patriarch? Patriarch, where are you?


looking for it, Wang Feichi and the others quickly flew over after discovering the existence of Wang Miu and others.


Wang Miao several patriarchs were puzzled, what happened to this tone, this voice

? How did you feel a feeling of grievance inside?


Wang Feichi and the others came over, they were surrounded by people from the beast tribe, and the black pressure was pressed, front and back, left and right, feeling extremely comforting.

The big family of the beasts, they found it.


, these people were red-eyed, aggrieved, and had the urge to cry.

Big family, no home.

“What’s going on?” asked Wang Feichi with a calm face.

Could it be that the crystal exploded and there was no home

, but this thought only flashed, and Wang Miu ran it to cloud nine.

What kind of joke, Qi City is not falling, how can there be something?

Wang Feichi looked around, gritted his teeth and whispered.

Wang Miu’s face changed wildly when he heard this, and he shot up, “What?”

The voice was like thunder, resounding in all directions.

Then Yuanba and Hu Yin were similar, exclaiming

, “What?” “What?” The

people of the beast tribe who suddenly appeared interrupted the discussion, and the bird tribe was very dissatisfied.

“You guys will talk about what happened to the beast tribe when you go home.

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“It’s just, don’t waste everyone’s stuff here.” ”

Hearing a sound of something rising and falling one after another made the bird tribe even more dissatisfied.

Liu Chi said displeased, “What are you doing?”

“You tell me again…”

Finally someone gaffed and shouted out this sentence with a scream.

These words blew through like a cold wind, and the entire fog city fell into a dead silence.

Countless demon cultivators suspected that something was wrong with Zi’s ears.

Qi City was destroyed?

What kind of demon joke.

The crawlers of the beast tribe think that today’s meeting will be too dull, and deliberately make such a joke to enliven the atmosphere?

“Patriarch, it’s the dog clan, Quan Fengri and the others destroyed Qi City in order to escape, and then created chaos and wanted to escape…”

Anyway, the black cauldron of the destruction of Qi City was all buckled on the heads of Quan Fengri and other dog tribes.

Nothing to do with anyone else.

There are still some dog clans here in Fog City, their strength is low, and the struggle at the top has not affected them for the time being.

When they heard it, the first one jumped up, “No, it can’t be!”

Hugh, Hugh is talking nonsense…” The

dog monk’s face turned pale, and many people’s bodies trembled.

The crime of the destruction of Qi City was too great, so big that they were afraid at the thought of the consequences.

And the eyes of the surrounding beast race cultivators were already full of anger, staring at the dog race cultivators deadly.

The canine monks became more and more frightened, and even wanted to cry.

“Elder Feichi, can you make it clear, this matter has nothing to do with our

dog clan…” Wang Feichi shouted angrily, “Who else can there be besides Quan Fengli?”

“Poof!” Several dog tribe cultivators sprayed blood from their mouths and fell to the ground, “Heaven dies my dog clan…” Crying

began to appear from the side of the beast clan, and many beast walking cultivators came from their hearts, and the unstoppable sadness made them cry.

The female monk cried even more.

Many people knelt on the ground, wailing, extremely sad.

Many people pounded the ground hard, pounding the earth to a bang, hoping to tell themselves that it was a dream with pain.

However, the destruction of Qi Cheng is a fact and cannot be refuted.

This fact is difficult for many people to accept. More monks wailed.

Some people shed tears on the ground, some people sprayed blood, and some people passed out directly.

Even Wang Miu, Yuanba, and Hu Yi stood in place stupidly, their minds blank, not knowing what to do.

Qi City was destroyed, and they felt their hearts being destroyed along with it.

And the bird tribe looked at the sad appearance of the walking beast tribe, happy and a little sympathetic.

Sure enough, fortified cities are often breached from within.

The Flying Bird Clan had made a big move before, and there was no way to capture Qi City.

Unexpectedly, it was ruined by these traitors in Quan Fengri.

Oops, although I am sympathetic, but my heart is happy.

Many birds had smiles on their faces, looking at the wailing beasts, as if watching a play.

Ma Lengyu coldly opened his mouth and poured salt on the wounds of the walking beast clan, “Qi City is destroyed, it seems that there is no choice.”

“Fengcheng is the ultimate destination of the demon clan.

Wang Miu and others definitely disagreed, “Impossible!”

Yingjie, who had never spoken, also spoke, “Your Qi City has been destroyed, what else can you do?” ”

Our Phoenix City will not be as fragile as your Qi City…”

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