Yingjie’s voice was not loud, but it also spread throughout Mist City and spread around.

Let the cultivators who surrounded the vicinity of Mist City also hear it.

It further plunged the cultivators of the Beast Walking Clan into chaos.

Countless voices sounded again.

At the same time, it also made many Bird Clan cultivators dance with joy.

Yingjie’s words made Wang Miao and the other people of the beast clan so angry that their teeth were almost crushed.


Yingjie was also very happy in her heart.

She is a staunch supporter of the unification of the demon race.

She didn’t speak before, because of her patriarch status, even if she wanted to support Bai Que, she didn’t dare to speak easily.

Now, Qi City is gone, and the choice of the demon clan is only Fengcheng.

Ying Yan came to Bai Que’s side, “Old ancestor, Fengcheng is the royal city of the demon clan.”

“My Eagle Clan will fully support Lao Zu.

Bai Que’s face remained unchanged, and she smelled an unusual breath.

He did not answer Yingjie’s words, but looked at Wang Miu, “Qi City, how it was destroyed, tell me in detail.”

Wang Feichi and the others had to tell the matter.

And when they heard Lu Shaoqing, who claimed to be the envoy of the two races, appeared, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Wang Miu asked in a deep voice, “He went to Qi City just to hunt down and kill the dog clan?” Wang

Feichi nodded, “That’s what he said.”

Yuan huffed domineeringly, “Bastard, didn’t he swear that he wouldn’t make a move against the dog clan?” Hu

Ying stared at Wang Feichi with a faint gaze, “The destruction of Qi City really has nothing to do with him?” Wang Feichi The

three elders bowed their heads, wanting to say something, but in the end they shut up.

And their attitude also made everyone guess what was going on.

Quan Bongri and the dog tribe are just scapegoats.

The destruction of Qi City was definitely inseparable from Lu Shaoqing.

“Damn it!” roared Wang Miu, eager to spew out three fires in one roar.

“He, destroyed Qi City.

“He swore an oath, how dare he still make a move against the dog clan?” Yuanba was puzzled by this question.

Liu Chi, who was not far away, said faintly, “He seems to be not afraid of the constraints of the oath.”

These words silenced the crowd.

This is a headache.

“Damn,” Yuanba continued to roar, beating his chest angrily, full of anger, making it difficult for him to vent, “What kind of grudge does he have with the dog clan?”

After a few beatings, he looked viciously at Xiao Hong, Da Bai and Xiao Bai who were not far away.

Everyone’s eyes also fell on the three of them.

Xiao Bai held a nerve brick, buttoned his nose, and didn’t care, “Who let the dog clan bully my eldest brother, if you can’t beat it, you will send people to chase and kill my eldest brother, don’t destroy them, destroy whom?”

The girl of Da Bai crossed her waist and hummed, “Those who offend the big devil, don’t think of running away.” ”

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We will all be taught and cleaned up by him if we offend him.

Not to mention you outsiders.

Offended the big devil, there is only one way to die.

The huffing Yuanba vented his anger on his elder and roared angrily at

Yuanyi, “He said that he is a messenger, do you believe it?” Yuanyi said aggrievedly, “He has a shadow stone in his hand, and there is a portrait on it that you have agreed to, you say, should we believe it?”


added another point to Lu Shaoqing’s understanding.

In order to destroy the dog clan, he actually used such despicable means to deceive them all.

Hu Ying, the fox spirit, showed a painful expression on her beautiful face, and she closed her eyes, “We fell for him.”

“Let’s agree that he went to Qi City and Fengcheng to do a little thing, and it turned out to be used to deceive our people.”

His goal is the dog race, to completely destroy the dog race.

“Qi City was also destroyed in the battle…” Hu

Yi’s statement was agreed by everyone.

Everyone didn’t think much at this time, they all thought that Lu Shaoqing’s target was the dog clan, Qi City, but it was affected.

Wang Miu’s tone was heavy, and he no longer knew what expression to show his mood, “Alas, only the two of them can destroy Qi City in battle, otherwise, even if Quan Fengli goes all out, it may not be able to completely destroy Qi City.” ”

Holding back, depressed.

Fierce Chu also huffed, “Abominable fellow, no wonder he left immediately when he came here, it turned out to be a thief with a weak heart.” ”

Qi City is destroyed, and Qiqi is also very distressed.

The two patriarchs of the Bird Clan looked at each other, and the two almost laughed, and they were very happy in their hearts.

The destruction of Qi City is a great good thing for the bird clan.

The future royal city of the demon race has no choice but to Fengcheng.

Yingxiao said to Bai Que again, “Old ancestor, the location of Fengcheng is the best, as a royal city, it is the best for the demon clan.” ”

Thousands of years of precipitation in Fengcheng have made it and Qi City the two most powerful and strongest cities of the demon race.

Qi City was destroyed, and Fengcheng flourished.

Hu Yi was not happy when she saw Yingjie’s appearance, she sneered, and deliberately treated Yingjiao, “Don’t be proud.”

“That kid may also go to Fengcheng, don’t forget, there is an ink crow clan in Fengcheng.”

Wang Miao nodded repeatedly, putting his hands on his chest, as if making a wish, “Maybe Fengcheng will also be destroyed.”

Yingjiao also sneered, very proudly, “What a joke.” ”

Fengcheng has the support of Wutong Mountain and the protection of the seventh-level great array, even if you walking beast clans rush up, you can’t help Fengcheng.

“With the defensive power of Phoenix City, it is enough to support the battle that takes place in the city, not to mention…” After

a pause, Ying Yue looked at Hu Yi and the others with the gaze of an idiot, “The refining period of the Mo Crow Clan has all fallen. Everyone

understands this.

The Mo Crow Clan did not have a supreme master, and Lu Shaoqing did not need to raise his hand in a big way, and it would not cause great damage to Fengcheng.

“Therefore, from now on, the demon clan will only have one megacity in Fengcheng.

“In the future, it will also stand on the land of the demon race, and no one can destroy it…” As

soon as Yingjie’s words fell, the teleportation array in the distance suddenly lit up again…

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