This time, the teleportation array light was not worthy of everyone’s attention.

Qi City was destroyed, and the cultivators of the Beast Walking Clan were in grief and had no time to pay attention to it.

The cultivators of the Bird Clan were happy, and they also did not pay much attention.

Yingjiao didn’t pay attention to it, but just glanced over there.

After glancing at it, he withdrew his gaze, intending to continue to fight with Hu Yi and them.

However, after she withdrew her gaze, she reacted immediately.


person who came seemed to recognize herself, and moreover, it seemed to be her own clan?

Ma Lengyu’s face also changed, and people from her clan also came.

Then, a group of people from the bird tribe appeared behind him.

Everyone suddenly had a sense of déjà vu.

Isn’t this the same scene as the scene that appeared just now with Wang Feichi and the others of the Beast Clan


“Patriarch!” “Patriarch!” The

elders of the Eagle Clan and the Bird Clan came, the elders of the Transformation God Period, their resistance was almost a little, and they burst into tears when they met.

Directly shouted, “Patriarch, Feng, Fengcheng is destroyed.”

“Wutong Mountain collapsed, and

the Phoenix City fell from the sky, destroyed…” “Everything was destroyed!” ”

Our Phoenix City, the royal city of thousands of years, was destroyed…” After

the monks of the Flying Bird Clan came here, they found their patriarch, like a frightened child finding their parents, crying loudly, without the slightest appearance that a cultivator should have.

Compared to the performance of the beast race cultivators, it was far worse.

Actually, they can’t be blamed either.

They still don’t know who cut Wutong Mountain, destroyed the seventh-level Great Array, and made Fengcheng fall.

The unknown is what is frightening.

Plus the collapse and destruction of the Phoenix City as a spiritual belief.

Many cultivators of the Flying Bird Clan had collapsed, and the group of people who came to deliver the message were in a good state of mind.

After seeing the patriarch and seeing the backbone of the main heart, it is normal for that heart to relax and shed a few tears.

Yingjiao, Ma Lengyu and the others felt as if thunder was in the sky.

The sky thundered, roared down, and slammed into their heads, chopping them into a daze, and their brains went blank.

They wondered if they had misheard.

His own people came here not to report that Qi City was destroyed, but that Fengcheng was destroyed?

The cultivators of the Beast Clan Flying Bird Clan who were still laughing away were also stunned, and they all wailed.

It was the same as the reaction of the beasts just now.

The cultivators of the Flying Bird Clan cried, and the cultivators of the Beast Clan stopped crying and laughing.

When you are sad, you are really sad.

But when someone has the same experience as themselves, and it is later, the sadness will become less sad, but a little disconnected.

Many beast walking cultivators will breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, inexplicably happy, not only they are unlucky.

Those flat-haired beasts are just as unlucky, hehe…

Wang Miu and other patriarchs were inevitably vulgar, and they were happy in their hearts.

I’m unlucky, and you’re no better.

Hu Yi also asked sinisterly, “Patriarch Eagle, is Fengcheng really destroyed?”

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He stared viciously at the clansmen who came to report the letter, “What’s going on

?” “Why was Fengcheng destroyed?” “Are you people who stay in Fengcheng to eat dry food?”

the clansman said aggrievedly, “Patriarch, we don’t know what happened at all, we just felt a terrible sword intent, and then Wutong Mountain fell, and Fengcheng

also crashed.” ”

The terrifying sword intent, everyone’s faces changed, and there was already a guess in their hearts.

Then, there was another humane, “When the Mo Crow Clan was fleeing from Fengcheng, it was suddenly attacked by a sword light, and it was killed and injured, and it was almost extinguished. ”


this sentence made Yingjiao and the others 100% sure.

It was definitely Lu Shaoqing who did it.

Ma Lengyu jumped like thunder, his face flushed, and the killing intent was sky-high, “Damn human, I’m going to kill him.” ”

Ah, damn it, damn it…”

Ma Lengyu trembled with hatred.

Yingjie was no better, and a wave of anger rushed to his brain.

If Lu Shaoqing was in front of her, she would definitely go up and fight with Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard, bastard,” Ma Lengyu roared lowly, like a red-eyed bird, “What the hell does he want to do?”

Seems to understand something.

Bai Que’s gaze fell on Xiao Hong, who was standing behind him.

Xiaohong noticed Bai Que’s gaze, he smiled and said to Bai Que, “The boss has a word for me to bring to you, senior.”


thanks!” Bai

Que’s heart was shocked, and her eyes became complicated, at this time, she still didn’t understand that she was not worthy to be the ancestor of the demon clan.

Hearing Xiaohong’s words, Yingjie and the other demon clan patriarchs also quickly understood.

Fierce Chu’s tone was filled with disbelief, “He, really dare to do this?” Destroying

Qi City and Fengcheng, Bai Que would not become so passive.

There is no need to consider the location of the royal city.

However, this was a great rebellion, destroying Qi City and Fengcheng would make himself an enemy of the entire demon race, and would be hated by thousands of demon races.

Properly saddled with a huge infamy.

Even the white magpie did not dare to have such an idea.

Lu Shaoqing not only saw early on that Qi City and Fengcheng would become obstacles to the unification of the demon race, but also become a headache for Bai Que.

And he dared to destroy Qi City and Fengcheng.

I don’t care about the anger of the demon race at all.

Liu Chi also looked complicated, “This kid…” For

a while, Liu Chi didn’t know how to describe Lu Shaoqing.

After destroying Qi City and Fengcheng, their interests were infringed on for the upper demon race.

But for the lower-level demon race, it is beneficial and harmless.

The demon race can also be better unified.

“Isn’t he afraid of the wrath of our demon clan?” someone roared, killing intent.

Xiaohong scoffed, “Can you beat my boss?”

Rampant God Lu Shaoqing can fight, these people are really not opponents.

Xiaohong said to Bai Que, “Senior, this is my boss’s painstaking heart, you don’t want to live up to it


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