Bai Que’s heart was shocked again, and his gaze became more complicated.

That bastard guy was actually willing to do this for her?

Bai Que sighed in his heart.

A human race can do this for the demon race.

Bearing the infamy, bearing the hatred of the demon race, let the demon race move towards unification.

With such a great favor, how should he repay it?

Bai Que suddenly felt more guilt in his heart.

She regretted it in her heart, regretting her bad attitude towards Lu Shaoqing before.

When did she become a person who only looked at the surface

? Faced with the weakness of the rampant god and the worry of the demon race, she lost her composure, and she couldn’t see things deeper, thus ignoring a good person?

First, let the royal families in front of them recognize the situation, and the location of the royal city is no longer their turn to decide.

Second, let them know that the demon race is very weak, so weak that a human race can bully them.

Without unity, there is only a dead end.

Bai Que looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing left, and said faintly, “Gongzi is righteous.” ”

A human race, willing to do this step for the demon race, isn’t it righteousness?

Da Bai next to him whispered to Xiao Bai, “I think the Great Devil is mainly for the spirit stone. ”

Dabai, who followed Xiao Yi, also became very fond of demolishing the platform.

Xiao Bai thought deeply, “But no, ten billion spirit stones, the senior can’t say anything, isn’t it a waste

?” Thinking

of Lu Shaoqing’s hateful look, Bai Que’s heart was inexplicably moved and guilty.

But thinking of what Lu Shaoqing did for himself, Bai Que felt guilty again.

In the end, Bai Que was very conflicted in his heart.

In a word, love and hate.

Ying Yao, Wang Miao and other patriarchs felt very uncomfortable listening to it.

Yuanba gritted his teeth and said fiercely, “If you destroy the revenge of the royal city, you must find him to settle the account.”

“You can’t just leave it at that. ”

Not to mention the destruction of the royal city, the foundation of his own clan was also destroyed.

When he dies, he has no face to go down to see the ancestors.

Hu Yi said faintly, “We promised him.” ”

It’s okay not to say it, as soon as I say it, several patriarchs present want to vomit blood.

Wang Miao was so angry that his tiger’s teeth leaked out, “Abominable fellow, shameless, despicable…” Yingjiao

also pressed his chest, feeling that he was even more hurt.

Originally it didn’t hurt well, and now it hurts even more.

Abominable bastard, he did bad things, why did he take

him? He too, just listen to his junior brother’s words?

Ma Lengyu is also a face that is about to pull out a bird’s face, and his silver teeth are gritted secretly, “Despicable guys, human beings, are they all so hateful?”

Wang Miu said indignantly, “In the future, I will definitely not spare him lightly.”

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“If this revenge is not rewarded, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in the heart.”

Xiaohong still has a disdainful attitude towards this.

Bai Que said lightly, “If you want to trouble him, are you strong enough?” ”

The demon clan, has been weakened to such an extent, in the future, if you encounter such a crisis, do you expect someone else to save the demon clan?”

Those two geniuses of human beings, are there people here in the demon race who can compare?” The

voice was very soft, but deafening, making a group of demon races silent.

Xiaohong stood up and said in an arrogant tone, “You are not my boss’s opponent, and in time, you will not be my opponent.” Da

Bai and Xiao Bai stood behind Xiao Hong, and the figures of the three suddenly brought great pressure to the demon race.

Wang Miao suddenly sneered, “Who knows what will happen in the future?”

Then he changed his voice and said to Dabai, “Little girl, that kid destroyed Qi City, you must enter my tiger clan, and let him redeem you in the future.”

Yuanba also said to Xiaobai, “Boy, come on, the ape tribe is suitable for you.”

Dabai pouted, “No, we have to follow the seniors.”

Xiao Bai sneered, very disdainful, “What are you guys for?” Everyone

frowned, how could there be a sense of familiarity.

Yingjiao patted his chest gently, very worried.

These little guys have the figure of that bastard in every move.

That bastard guy wouldn’t affect him too,

would it be like that, and the world would be destroyed.

Wang Miao turned to Bai Que and said, “Old ancestor, the little girl has to join my tiger clan.”

“Otherwise, I’m not convinced.”

Yuanba also had this attitude, “That’s right, this kid is too, he is an ape race, and he must be a member of our ape clan.”


Que said lightly, “They are willing to be their business, they are not, and I am not reluctant.”

Ma Lengyu said to Xiao Hong, “Hong Qing, you are already a member of our Bird Clan, and I will give you an explanation for colluding with the Mo Crow Clan to deal with you before.”

“After returning to the clan, cultivate well.

Xiaohong smiled, “Patriarch, I’ll just follow the senior.”

“However, I will go back to the clan when I have time.”

The words made Ma Lengyu’s expression look a lot better, and she smiled slightly and didn’t say anything.

And Hu Yi suddenly reacted at this time.

Her old fox was almost confused.

She also hurriedly spoke, and said to Xiao Hong, “Hong Qing boy, my family’s little nizi is familiar with your master, fighting side by side, and you young people are closer when you have time.”

“And you two too, young man, get closer…” The

pattern of the demon race will change in the future, and Bai Que will undoubtedly become the strongest person in the demon clan.

The students she teaches have a very special future status.

Dealing well with these students is equivalent to having a chance to deal well with Bai Que, which is only good for yourself or your clan.

In the future, when the demon race is unified, it will also be able to better share a piece of the pie.

The demon race, the future is not destined to bypass those two young humans…

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