“Less excuses here, others call the formation, it is a shame not to be on the line.”

For Xiao Yi’s worries, Lu Shaoqing didn’t care at all.

Xiao Yi herself did not know her true strength.

As Lu Shaoqing, who has been watching Xiao Yi grow up, he knows Xiao Yi better than Xiao Yi.

You girl, do you really think that the trip to the secret realm is a tour?

Lu Shaoqing said secretly in his heart.

Xiao Yi’s strength is enough.

After actual combat, and even having combat experience with cultivators in the Jiedan period, plus her own two third-grade magic weapons, it was no problem at all to deal with opponents several realms higher than her.

The main thing is a matter of confidence.

The flowers that used to be in the greenhouse of Xiao’s family for too long, and they were not used to it when they first came out.

But well, just take your time.

Xiao Yi’s face was bitter here, and his heart was flustered.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing scolded, “What are you afraid of? On such a big occasion, you can’t die even if you lose.

When Lu Shaoqing said this, Xiao Yi was even more panicked, and simply sat on the side and began to close himself.

You can’t die, but it hurts.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t pay attention to it, but looked below.

At this moment, someone is already asking.

“Boss Yu, I don’t know where Ji Yan Gongzi is?”

“Yes, it’s been so long, let Ji Yangongzi come out and see you.”

Some of the people who come here want to see Ji Yan.

This legendary teenager, no one has seen it with his own eyes.

Of course, there are also people who want to see jokes.

Yu Chang stood up and told truthfully, “Everyone, I’m really sorry, Ji Yan is still in retreat, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you this time.”

At the same time, Yu Chang’s gaze fell on Guiyuan Pavilion not far away.

The expression of the elder of the Guiyuan Pavilion, Cang Zhengchu, was not good-looking.

He meowed, he became the help of Ji Yan’s breakthrough, became a background board, and was angry.

In the future, once Ji Yan comprehended the third realm of sword intent, he would definitely mention his Cang Zhengchu.

“Senior Brother Cang, there is no need to be angry.”

There was an old man next to Cang Zhengchu, stroking a goatee and smiling slightly.

The elder of the Guiyuan Pavilion, Zang Shao.

“Alas, Junior Brother Zang, I miscalculated, I didn’t expect Ji Yan’s talent to be so terrifying.”

“It can actually hurt me.”

Speaking of the events of that night, Cang Zhengchu’s face was even more ugly, and even a trace of fear flashed on his face.

Ji Yan’s talent made him fearful.

His gaze couldn’t help but fall on Zhang Conglong on the side.

I sighed secretly in my heart.

The experience of that night made him have to admit.

There is really a gap between Zhang Conglong and Ji Yan.

Zang Shao did not follow that night, and did not see Ji Yan’s performance that night.

But he saw the scars on Cang Zhengchu’s face at that time.

He was a little strange and asked, “Senior Brother Cang, didn’t Ji Yan use a sword at that time?” Why do you have bruises on your face? ”

Logically speaking, Ji Yan can’t get close to Cang Zhengchu’s side, let alone hurt Cang Zhengchu with his fist.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on Cang Zhengchu’s face, and he glanced at Yu Chang, who stood up, resentfully, and diverted from this topic.

“I can’t say anything this time, see how arrogant his Lingxiao faction is.”

Without the protagonist, the stage built is destined to be eclipsed.

“Let’s look at the performance of the juniors.”

Watching Yu Chang stand up and explain, Zang Shao gloated and said, “This time, without a plan, who can calm the scene.”

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Cang Zhengchu thought deeply and said to Zhang Conglong, “From the dragon, when the time comes, you can also go up and take a walk.” ”

Zhang Conglong is known as the second person in Qizhou, and his strength is only under the plan, he went up to challenge, and no one in the Lingxiao faction could resist it.

Zhang Conglong was silent for a while and refused.

“My opponent is Ji Yan, and others are not worthy of my shot.”

Domineering, confident.

For Zhang Conglong’s attitude, neither Cang Zhengchu nor Zang Shao cared.

The chief disciple, it is normal to have a little personality.

This is also Zhang Conglong’s character.

At this time, a young man next to Zang Shao said with a smile.

“Master, why do you need Senior Brother to come out of the horse, let the apprentice make a move.”

Zhang Conglong glanced at the young man lightly, silent and did not speak.

Disciples such as Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun became excited.

“Is Senior Brother Du Jing going to make a move?”

Du Jing, Zang Shao’s biography.

He was twenty-seven years old, much older than Zhang Conglong.

Zang Shao frowned, not optimistic about his apprentice, “At your age, you are not a young man, in case you provoke some older disciples of the Lingxiao Sect, it is not a good thing.” ”

Twenty-seven years old, not up or down, not up and down, not up to the middle and young generation, the lower is no longer the younger generation.

In addition, Du Jing’s strength is only the eighth layer of foundation building, stuck in this realm for many years, compared to Zhang Conglong’s talent, the difference is too big.

However, it is much better than Cangling, who is in his forties.

Du Jing smiled confidently, “Master, I’m not going to challenge those opponents who are stronger than apprentices.

“Apprentice plans to find trouble with Tianyu Peak this time.”

Speaking of Tianyu Peak.

Zhang Conglong’s face was immediately covered with a layer of haze.

Apparently recalling something not so good.

He remembered the guy who had repeatedly stunned him, but left him helpless.

Zhang Conglong unconsciously clenched his fists.

That damn guy.

If it weren’t for the pride in his heart, Zhang Conglong would definitely challenge Lu Shaoqing.

Clean him up fiercely.

If you don’t die, you have to maim him.

And Zhang Zheng’s face is even more difficult to see.

Defeat at the hands of Xiao Yi’s girl, made him deeply ashamed and couldn’t raise his head in front of his brother.

“Heavenly Imperial Peak?”

Zang Shao was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, “It is said that there are only two imps in Tianyu Peak now?”

Du Jing nodded, he also inquired, and said the information of the two of Tianyufeng, “A second apprentice, named Lu Shaoqing, the shame of the sect, the Xia Yu incident that made a lot of noise two days ago has something to do with him.

“There is another one named Xiao Yi, who actually said that it is the eldest lady of the Xiao family.”

“The strength of the two, Lu Shaoqing’s is not clear, but I don’t think it will be powerful, as for Xiao Yi, he has just built the foundation.”

At the mention of Xiao Yi’s name, Cang Zhengchu’s face was ugly again, and that night, he was not only physically injured.

Even the spirit was destroyed.

was scolded by someone splitting his head and covering his brain, and almost bleed.

And the culprit is Xiao Yi.

Cang Zhengchu instead agreed with Du Jing’s plan, “When the time comes, teach the two of them a good lesson and let them know what politeness is.”

Du Jing took the order and said happily, “Master Cang, rest assured, I will definitely teach them a good lesson in public.”

Zhang Zheng reminded Du Jing, “Senior Brother Du, be careful, that girl has comprehended the sword intent.” Speaking

of sword intent, the faces of everyone in the Guiyuan Pavilion became solemn.

Ji Yan comprehended the sword intent, rode the dust, and threw his peers far away.

Du Jing sneered, full of confidence, “What about her comprehension of sword intent?” My realm is higher than hers, she can’t make any storms, and she can also frustrate her Dao heart…”

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