Situations like the Gui Yuan Pavilion also appear among many forces.

Coming here said that it was to watch the ceremony, but not many people were willing to see the good of the Lingxiao faction.

Now that the plan does not appear, is it possible to find something for the Lingxiao faction to do and make the Lingxiao faction embarrassed?

This is the mind of many forces.

In short, the root of human inferiority is like this, I can’t see you well, I hope you are unlucky.

“Boss Yu, now that Ji Yangongzi is not there, isn’t this ceremony meaningless?”

“Yes, we came here to see Ji Yan Gongzi, now people can’t see it, this canon is also a joke.”

“Are there any other shows? Let everyone come here, can’t you just sit still? ”

Yes, yes…” The

people below began to speak up, and the old and cunning monks began to gradually lead the topic in one direction.

“Since Ji Yangongzi is in retreat, let’s let the young juniors compare and compare, it’s rare for everyone to get together.”

“I agree with this, this proposal is good.”

“After all, it’s hard to get together like so many people, a celebration that hasn’t happened in ten years.”

Yu Chang, who was standing above, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when he heard the people below say this.

Still coming.

These people have bad intentions, and their purpose is to make Ling Xiao send ugly.

This is the same as the previous targeting of Lingxiao Sect disciples in Lingxiao City, and these people must be behind it.

Even if he didn’t want to, he couldn’t refuse.

Ji Pengyue’s tone was very unpleasant, suppressing his anger, “These bastards are simply watching the excitement is not a big deal.”

“I really want to blast them into slag.”

Si Yao also sighed and said helplessly, “There is no way to do this, let the disciples get ready.”

“Today, it’s a challenge for us.”

Without saying anything, the other Lingxiao Sect disciples would become tools for the following people to humiliate the Lingxiao Sect.

Xiao Chuang looked at where Lu Shaoqing was, and his tone was calm, “If it really doesn’t work, let Shaoqing make a move at that time.” ”

The upper echelons of the Lingxiao faction don’t fully understand Lu Shaoqing’s true strength, but they know that the guy who can fight with Ji Yan is the second master among the younger generation of the Lingxiao faction.

Even stronger than Xiang Yuchen.

Yu Chang looked at the location where Lu Shaoqing was, and Lu Shaoqing was lying on the desk, looking weak.

A pair of mud that was alive could not support the wall, so Yu Chang had the urge to beat people.


Although Lu Shaoqing is usually angry with these high-level officials, at this time, they can only pin their hopes on Lu Shaoqing.

This is their finale hole card.

Yu Chang huffed, “I really want to go over and beat him.”

After pinning his hopes on Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Chuang saw Lu Shaoqing favorably.

Smiled, “That’s what he is, there’s no way.”

However, when he saw the scene when Lu Shaoqing instructed Xiao Yi to go to the neighboring table to bring a plate of spirit beans, and asked Xiao Yi to peel it for Lu Shaoqing to eat.

Xiao Chuang’s smile disappeared, and the urge to go over and beat Lu Shaoqing was stronger than Yu Chang.

“Bastard boy!”

Lu Ji reminded, “Yuchen said just now, that kid said that he would surrender when he went on the field.

Yu Chang said that there was no need to worry, “Don’t worry, this ceremony, he doesn’t want problems more than anyone.”

“Because, ah, this is a grand ceremony for Ji Yan.”

The crowd understood.

The relationship between Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan needless to say.

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Yu Chang also grasped this point and would let Lu Shaoqing solve the chaos in Lingxiao City before.

Now, if he really encounters a difficult opponent, Lu Shaoqing will definitely not sit idly by.

Ji Pengyue’s face was full of impatience, and he said very unpleasantly, “In that case, let the juniors go up and teach those guys a good lesson.” Below

, there were already people shouting.

“Boss Yu, what do you think?”

“Okay, give a word.”

“Don’t let everyone waste time here.”

After hearing this, Lu Shaoqing agreed with this sentence.

He muttered, “Yes, don’t waste time, go back to each house, find each mother.”

“I have long said to the head that if you receive a gift, don’t leave anyone to eat, you have to make such trouble.”

Xiao Yi was forced to open and continued to peel the spirit beans.

At the same time, he cast an apologetic look at Senior Brother An Huai and the others next to him.

The plate of spirit beans in front of her was brought from An Huai.

“Go, go, you just need someone to take the lead.”

“You guys go, I promise the boss won’t stop you.”

Xiao Yi stuffed a spirit bean to Xiaohong and reminded, “Second Senior Brother, they left like this, and our face is not good this time.” ”

The ceremony of the ceremony is just after the departure, isn’t it a joke to pass it on?

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, pointed at Xiaohong, and scolded, “Foodie, still eat?”

“Look at your belly, pregnant with triplets?”

Xiao Yi looked down and saw that as Lu Shaoqing said, Xiaohong’s belly was already bulging and very big.


Xiaohong was already lying on the table, unable to stand steadily, but still shouted and wanted to eat.

Xiao Yi hurriedly put the spirit beans a little farther away, and said distressedly, “Xiaohong, don’t eat it, eat it again, your stomach will explode.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Foodie, sooner or later you will die.” ”


Xiaohong screamed twice in disbelief, meaning that you are similar.

Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly and patted his stomach, “I can still eat.”

After speaking, he personally peeled a spirit bean, put it in front of Xiaohong and dangled it, and finally threw it into his mouth.

He sighed, “It’s delicious.”

Jiang Xiaohong was so angry that his bird’s eyes turned white, and he quickly turned his head to the side, not wanting to look at Lu Shaoqing’s face.

Xiao Yi shouted at this time, “Second Senior Brother, someone of them has come out.” ”

There was a young man who came to the square below and stood in the middle.

Shouting at Yu Chang’s side, “Qi Zhou Zhangcheng Chen family, Chen Changli, build the second layer of the foundation, please ask Lingxiao to send fellow Daoists to teach you.” ”

Hehe, my junior of the Chen family, how’s it going?”

The head of the Chen family, a foundation cultivator in his nineties, triumphantly showed off to the people around him.

The so-called Zhangcheng Chen family, many people have never heard of, seeing that the head of the family is more than ninety years old, or in the foundation building period, they know how much moisture the so-called big family Chen family has.

Chen Changli was the first to play, more to steal the limelight, but also to give their Chen family face.

In fact, many small families saw that the Chen family took the lead and secretly scolded the Chen family for not being faceless, but it was so fast.

Xiao Yi immediately became nervous, this is the second layer of the foundation, should the second senior brother let her go up?

Sensing Xiao Yi’s nervousness, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and sighed, “What are you nervous about?”

“On the second floor of the foundation, the dogs are not on it.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, a voice sounded.

“Biyunfeng disciple, Xie Chong, I will meet you…”

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