Lu Shaoqing slowly returned to his lying position and lay down, and took out the Tianji card.

“Hey, I haven’t seen the news in a long time.”

“Let me see what happened to me…” Not

long after, Xiao Yi also ran over and set up a table next to him.

Lu Shaoqing squinted his eyes, “What for?”

Xiao Yi smiled, “Second Senior Brother, I am writing my thoughts here.”

“Go aside!” Lu Shaoqing was not welcome, “Why don’t you go to the senior brother to write?”

“You give me a side, don’t dangle here, pollute my eyes.”

Xiao Yi immediately pouted, the hateful second senior brother.

A sweet girl like me is pleasing to the eye and can prevent myopia.

What is the pollution?

Xiao Yi hurriedly said, “Second Senior Brother, I have inspiration here, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to write words to praise you.” ”

Mainly, I’m staying here, and when you have something fun, I’ll be able to follow along, and I won’t miss the bustle.”

The master brother will not move the nest for half a year.

Moreover, I went to the master brother and was supervised by the master brother, so that I didn’t want to seek my own death.

“That’s a good reason.” Lu Shaoqing listened very satisfied, “You give me quiet, don’t disturb me, otherwise clean you up.”

“Yes…” Lu

Shaoqing watched the news here, and when the sun went down, Xiao Chuang brought Xiao Yong and Su Yunyu and his wife together.

After stepping into the Heavenly Royal Peak, Xiao Yong couldn’t help but snort, “This place is very good.” ”

As a monk, you can naturally feel the difference between heaven and earth.

The aura here is a little purer than the outside, and the aura is vibrant, and the surrounding area is full of spiritual charm.

Walking in it, you can feel the joy of body and mind.

Every cell in the body is cheering.

Such a place is definitely a place where big and small forces compete for their heads.

Ordinary mortals can live here to prolong their lives, and monks can cultivate greatly.

Xiao Chuang knew what the reason was, there was a plane tree planted here in Tianyu Peak.

However, this kind of thing is better to say less.

Yu Chang had already given an order before, except for a few of their peak masters and personal disciples, the other elders of the sect were not allowed to step into it without permission.

The three of them shuttled through the mountains and forests, and soon came to the top of the Tianyu Peak.

As soon as they stepped on the main peak, the three suddenly felt a sharp light in the air.

It was as if the air was filled with countless needles, but soon the feeling dissipated.

Before the three of them had time to react, just as they were about to say something, Xiao Yong had already seen Lu Shaoqing in the distance.

“It’s Lu Gongzi, hey, Xiao Yi is also there.”

Su Yunyu stood beside her husband, and at first glance saw Lu Shaoqing lying down looking at the Tianji card.

Xiao Yi stood on the table and wrote something next to him, and there was a different kind of harmonious beauty between the two.

Su Yunyu, as a woman, is more sensual.

With a motherly smile on his face, there was a feeling that the more he looked at Lu Shaoqing, the more satisfied he was, “The two look very warm and loving like this.”

“One reads, one writes.”

After Xiao Yong saw his daughter here, he was originally very happy.

However, his wife’s words made his smile disappear immediately.

Grandma Li’s, looking at it this way, is very awkward.

What book to read, holding the Tianji card, I’m afraid it’s not what kind of little yellow composition I’m reading.

At a glance, you can tell that it is not a serious guy.

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Warm hair.

There is a love fart.

Xiao Chuang was also faintly next to him, “That kid is not reading, who knows what he is looking at.” ”

Reading or something, not holding a book to read is not called reading.

Xiao Yong rushed over with a huff, “Young Master Lu, don’t come unharmed.” When

Lu Shaoqing saw Xiao Chuang and the three coming, he immediately put away the Tianji card, smiled and saluted.

“Uncle, uncle, aunt!”

Su Yunyu nodded secretly, how polite.

“Daddy, mother!” Xiao Yi put down the pen here, rushed directly over, and threw himself into Su Yunyu’s arms.

I haven’t seen it for many years, and Xiao Yi has already burst into tears.

Xiao Yong and Su Yunyu were also red-eyed.

“Good daughter…”

Lu Shaoqing quietly retreated into the distance, allowing the family of three to reunite properly.

Lu Shaoqing leaned on the plane tree.

The dull voice of the plane tree came, “Can you not be next to me?” Although

he was forced to follow Lu Shaoqing, it is true that he is unhappy with Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, jumped up directly, and sat on the trunk with one butt, and Xiao Hei was also lying here.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing coming, he fluttered over and lay on Lu Shaoqing, “Daddy!”

Lu Shaoqing held Xiao Hei and touched Xiao Hei’s head.

With the old plane tree, Xiao Hei also began to lie on his stomach here and sleep silently.

Xiao Hei’s way of cultivation is to sleep, as long as the time comes, his strength will increase.

“Boy, get down!”

The plane tree is angry, let you not be next to it, why are you still sitting on it?

Believe it or not, I bite you?

“Don’t call it,” Lu Shaoqing patted the sycamore tree pole, “Call again, I’ll bring you bird poop to eat.”

“, who wants that kind of thing?” The plane tree gritted its teeth in anger.

“This is also a plane tree?” A voice sounded, with astonishment.

It’s Xiao Chuang.

Xiao Chuang stood under the plane tree with shock at this time, looking carefully.

100 meters high, lush foliage, exuding a charm similar to an avenue.

Countless birds soar into the sky for miles, constantly moving back and forth towards it.

I always wanted to get closer, but I didn’t dare to get closer.

Xiao Chuang looked at the one in the distance on the opposite side, which was also a plane tree.

But you can see a clear difference, just like the difference between adults and children, you can tell it at a glance.

“Yes, plane tree.” Lu Shaoqing replied casually, “It’s nothing remarkable. Xiao

Chuang rolled his eyes, nothing remarkable?

What’s going on with your tone?

It’s like weeds on the side of the road.

This is a divine tree.

No wonder the environment of Tianyu Peak is getting better and better.

“You, boy, how did you do it?” Xiao Chuang couldn’t help but reach out and touch the plane tree.

One is not enough, bring back another.

Is it really roadside weeds?

“Boom!” The plane tree was not happy, and a branch swept down, “Don’t touch it…”

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