The plane tree is arrogant.

What cats and dogs can also touch me casually?

When what is I?

A cat and a dog?

Xiao Chuang was taken aback.

But instead of being angry, he was even more shocked, “You actually already have spirituality? ”

This makes the plane tree more precious.

The more Xiao Chuang looked, the hotter his eyes became.


, good…” With this divine tree, the Heavenly Imperial Peak is good, and the Lingxiao Sect is even better.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was not satisfied, and he slapped the plane tree fiercely, “Give me politeness, this is my uncle.”

Xiao Chuang hurriedly said, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” ”

Shenshu, it’s normal to have a little temper.

Tsundere is even more normal.

Otherwise, they are not worthy of being called a divine tree.


The plane tree snorted coldly.

What about Shi Uncle?

“Disobedient, huh?” Lu Shaoqing took out the Mojun sword, “Do you believe me stabbing your ass?”

Mo Jun jumped out, saliva flowing, “The boss asked me to stab him.”

“He’s so delicious.”

The branches and leaves of the plane tree trembled.

Damn it!

The abominable little black sword, the master is bad, and you little bastard is even worse.

Seeing this, Xiao Chuang said again, “Okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

“You kid is polite to the Divine Tree.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Uncle Shi, this is a pariah tree, you are good to him, he still does not appreciate it, he has to clean up.” ”

Xiao Chuang is dead, this bastard boy.

Is this the case with everyone?

This is the Divine Tree, do you think you can scare him like this?

With this kind of sacred tree, who does not worship it as an ancestor?

However, the next moment, Xiao Chuang was speechless, and a face appeared on the plane tree, gritting his teeth and saying to Xiao Chuang, “I’m sorry.” Sycamore

didn’t want to apologize, but had to do it.

He knew Lu Shaoqing’s temper, and when he said it, he would poke it, and he was definitely not laughing.

For the sake of your own ass, it is still acceptable to apologize.

Touch it.

Xiao was dumbfounded, is this a divine tree?

Bones so soft?

Inexplicably, Xiao Chuang couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy in his heart.

What about the Divine Tree?

In the face of his own master and nephew, he is not obedient and obedient.


This bastard boy is getting harder and harder.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Xiao Chuang, “Uncle Shi, touch it if you want.”

“You can sleep with him whenever you want.”

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Xiao Chuang Dragon Teeth, what kind of rude words are these.

Went to the demon world, the uncivilized place of the demon world, has become more rude and rude?

Alas, the future of the Lingxiao faction is worrying.

Mo Junjian was disappointed and volleyed away, “It’s not interesting, I’ll go find Wuqiu and my sister to play.”

Lu Shaoqing sat on it, watching Xiao Chuang touch the plane tree like a beautiful woman.

Sighed a few times, “Uncle Shi, it’s okay to wipe your saliva.”

“Be careful to scare the old tree.”

“Oh, oh…” Xiao Chuang also made sense when he heard it, and hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth before reacting, “Boy, bastard.”

Lu Shaoqing laughed twice, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked directly at Xiao Chuang, “Uncle, you brought your uncle and aunt to find me, wouldn’t you want to bully me?”

Xiao Chuang’s heart jumped, and he immediately snorted, “Boy, what joke are you telling.”

“Xiao Yi hasn’t seen my eldest brother and sister-in-law for so long, and I won’t go home when I come back, I can only take them here to find someone.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “This is also true.” ”

Okay, you Xiao family reminiscences, I don’t have time to accompany you.”

After speaking, he lay down on the tree and continued to look at the Tianji card.

Xiao Yi was holding her father and mother here, and the three of them sat in the open air, chattering about her experience over the years.

I have been to the demon world, traveled to the demon world, and waved in Zhongzhou.

What they experienced made Xiao Yong and Su Yunyu’s hearts jump when they heard it.

The things that the daughter experienced casually were even more wonderful than what the two of them experienced in one voice.

The two of them have wandered in a small county for the rest of their lives, while their daughter has traveled around the world.

Su Yunyu hugged her daughter distressedly, “It’s too hard, I have suffered a lot.”

Xiao Yi smiled, “I didn’t eat much, there is a senior brother and a second senior brother, no one can bully me.”

“It’s very happy to follow the two senior brothers, especially the second senior brother, who took good care of me.”

“With them, I’ve grown a lot.”

Su Yunyu’s heart moved, and she glanced at Lu Shaoqing in the distance.

As a cultivator, Su Yunyu’s eyes could see clearly.

Lying on the tree, part of the branches and leaves covered him, and the branches and leaves moved in the wind, blowing slightly, occasionally revealing his full appearance.

The residual light of the setting sun down the mountain shined on his face through the branches and leaves.

It’s like a boy in the sunset.

Su Yunyu couldn’t help but sigh in admiration, “Young talent! When

Xiao Yi heard this, she smiled even more happily, and someone praised her second senior brother, making her feel no different from praising herself.

Xiao Yi’s big eyes narrowed into the crescent bay, “But no, the second senior brother is very powerful, and there are many people who like him.” ”

Well, there are many people who can’t wait to beat the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi’s smile made Su Yunyu laugh as well, “Is it?” But also, such a handsome talent, which one in the world does not love?

Xiao Yong was unhappy to hear it next to him.

The daughter opened and closed her mouth to be the second senior brother, who used to hang on his father, but now she hangs her second senior brother on her mouth.

He felt a sense of loss in his heart.

The wife’s side actually praised the guy one after another, looking as if he was about to tie him back and become a son-in-law.

Can’t bear it.

Xiao Yong coughed, “What love or not, that kid has a bad personality.”

Xiao Yi was not convinced and took the initiative to talk back, “Dad, the second senior brother is very good to his own people.” ”

Okay, okay,” Xiao Yong’s heart was even more crooked, and he didn’t want to argue with his daughter, he said to his wife, “You two go back first.”

Xiao Yi became vigilant, “Dad, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Yong smiled, but he didn’t smile, and he said to Xiao Yi, “I’ll go to Lu Gongzi to thank you and thank him for taking care of you.” ”

Madam, are you right?”

Su Yunyu nodded, “It should be so, when the time comes, I have to invite him to the house as a guest and thank him well.”

Xiao Yi reminded Xiao Yong, “Dad, don’t provoke the second senior brother, otherwise you will suffer…”

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