The three senior brothers and sisters of Lu Shaoqing came to the sect’s council hall.

Ancestor Ke Hong, head Yu Chang, Master Shao Cheng, and the other peak masters of the four peaks all gathered here.

The three saluted, “Ancestor, master, master, uncle…” Seeing

that the ancestors all came out, everyone’s expressions were serious, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but feel a little more nervous in his heart.

The little face tightened, and at the same time secretly guessed what everyone was doing here.

However, seeing the two senior brothers next to him, Xiao Yi’s nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

Senior Brother Jiyan’s face was cold, and he was always indifferent and not alarmed.

Second Senior Brother Lu Shaoqing exuded a lazy aura, his face was full of indifference, and the look of hanging Er Langdang made people want to fight when they looked at it.

“Ancestor, chief, is there something wrong with calling us here?”

Lu Shaoqing first asked, and then said, “First of all, I am very busy, if there is anything, you can let the senior brother do it.”

“Or retreat to the second place and let the junior sister do it.”

Xiao Yi’s little face was bulging, like an angry frog, the hateful second senior brother, what is it to retreat to the second?

My strength is already the third in the young generation of the sect, okay?

Except for you two senior brothers, no one else is as good as me.

Shao Cheng drank, “Mess up, have a good attitude.”

Lu Shaoqing straightened his body, but he still looked like a hanger.

Make people angry when they look at it.

When Yu Chang saw Lu Shaoqing like this, he also slapped his forehead with a headache.

He said in a deep voice, “Call you two here this time, there is something I need to ask for your opinion.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was overjoyed and said, “Am I an idle person and so on?” Great, I’ll go now.

Xiao Yi said faintly beside him, “Second Senior Brother, I am the idle person and so on.” ”

Shao Chengqi, drank,” listened to the head finish speaking. ”

I’m tired.

Yu Chang automatically ignored Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense and said directly, “We people are all old, and it’s time for the sect to let you young people govern.”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Shaoqing understood what Yu Chang meant.

He quietly took a step back and hid most of his body behind Ji Yan.

This small action left the elders present speechless.

“I want to choose one of the two of you to take my place, do you two have any ideas?”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, it turned out that everyone gathered here to elect a new leader?

Xiao Yi began to calculate with his fingers what benefits he would have as a junior sister in charge.

Ji Yan’s face showed a hint of speechlessness, and he shook his head and said, “I am not in charge properly. ”

When he is in charge, he is entangled in all kinds of tedious things, where does he have time to cultivate?

If it weren’t for his obligations, he wouldn’t even want to be a senior brother.

As a master brother, sometimes he has to go out to show his face, trouble.

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Lu Shaoqing, Ji Yan refused, you kid, you will also refuse, right?

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Lu Shaoqing pondered, and then asked Yu Chang, “Chief, if I am in charge, will the spirit stones of the sect be at my disposal?” This

question made everyone’s hearts jump.

Everyone then remembered that Lu Shaoqing had a different kind of attachment to the spirit stone.

Let him be in charge, I am afraid that the sect will not go bankrupt the next day.

Yu Chang hurriedly said, “Of course not, if you want to use spirit stones, you must obtain everyone’s consent.” ”

You have to put a shackle on this kid.

Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, and then shook his head, “It’s not interesting, I support Senior Brother as the leader.”

Ji Yan stared at him dissatisfied, “You have to be yourself, don’t pull me into the water.”

“You are a master brother, and you have to take responsibility for this.”

“The boss is old, and it will be your turn.”

Ji Yan snorted, “You are tricky, and you are the right person to be in charge.”

Lu Shaoqing disagreed with this view, and said with great contempt, “Fart, the head must be dignified and majestic, although you are a little worse, but you can still go, come on.”

“Are you disgusted with the position of the leader?” Ji Yan held his hand and turned back to face Lu Shaoqing, “This is the meaning of the elders, you dare to refuse?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, picking his nostrils, very disdainful, “Yes, what is wrong with my disgust?” Being in charge will be a stingy, so I don’t want it. Break the position, love who goes.

Yu Chang’s nose was crooked when he heard it.

You two are here to dislike, disgust, don’t put me in the eyes.

“Okay,” Yu Chang snorted, “today’s leader, we must choose one of the two of you.” Ji

Yan and Lu Shaoqing looked at Yu Chang at the same time, as if in synchronization, and both pointed at each other and said, “Him.”

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing slapped Ji Yan’s hand, and then continued to point at Ji Yan, “Chief, that’s him.” ”

Senior Brother Tang is not in charge, let me be in charge of this sect, and the Lingxiao Sect will have no future.”

“What about the letter of appointment? Warrant? Hurry up and stamp it and send it down. Ji

Yan hummed, “Want me to be in charge? Kill me and don’t do it. ”

Huh?” Lu Shaoqing became fierce, “I’ll clean you up now, subdue you, and beat you to cry and beg to be in charge.”

“Afraid you won’t make it?”

Ji Yan’s breath suddenly sharpened.

The breath of the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining was overwhelming, and Shao Cheng and the others were breathless.

Even Ancestor Ke Hong’s face changed drastically, as if a mountain was pressing down.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and also revealed his breath.


Like a gust of wind, the pressure on everyone is even greater.

The whole hall was shaky, under great pressure, and could collapse at any time.

“You junior, don’t think you can beat me!”

Ji Yan’s figure flashed, “Go out and fight!”

“Come, let you know how good I am today!”

Lu Shaoqing also disappeared, leaving everyone here in the hall looking at each other…

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