For a long time, Yu Chang looked at the other peak masters, “Did the two of them take the opportunity to run?” ”

Who are the people?

At a glance, he could see Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s idea.

Find a reason to run away.

Shao Cheng covered his forehead, “There is no way to teach, and I hope that the head will punish.”

Yu Chang waved his hand wordlessly, unloveable, “What is the punishment, the punishment, I am the head of the disliked.” Yu

Chang already doubted life.

Is the position of the head of the Lingxiao faction really that bad?

The two most outstanding and outstanding disciples of the sect were disgusted.

The Lingxiao faction is now the number one sect in Qizhou.

People outside who wanted to come in squeezed their heads.

In this position, there are also countless people below who think.

Lu Ji’s expression also looked a little twitchy, and he, the executive deputy head, also felt offended.

It is not uncommon to be in charge, let alone the deputy head.

Lu Ji couldn’t help but complain, “Two little bastards!

Si Yao covered his mouth and chuckled, and his pleasant voice echoed in the hall, “It seems that Yuchen can only be the head of this.” ”

Xiang Yuchen is Yu Chang’s own apprentice.

Also the right person.

Among the many disciples, he performed well, but compared with Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, he was much worse.

Xiao Yi was very strange, after watching on the side for a while, he couldn’t help but speak, “Chief, why do you want to abdicate?”

Xiao Yi’s eyes flashed with curiosity.

I secretly guessed in my heart, could it be that I drank too much flower wine and felt that I had no face, so I wanted to abdicate to make way for Xian?

Shao Cheng answered this question for Yu Chang, “Something happened over there in Zhongzhou…”

After Xiao Yi listened, he suddenly realized, “So are you thinking of cultivating?” ”

Isn’t it a temporary hug of Buddha’s feet?”

Shao Cheng couldn’t help but say, “Don’t talk. ”

What are you talking about at this time.

Shao Cheng told his apprentice, “If there is a change today, let you young people take over the affairs of the sect as soon as possible, and in the future, our old guys will be gone, and you will be able to better adapt to the future.”

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, “Master, what unlucky words do you say, you all live a hundred years.” Xiao

Chuang was heartbroken to see Xiao Yi talking so unlovable.

His niece was damaged by someone after all.

What is a long life and a hundred years old, curse everyone?

It must have been taught by that guy.

Yu Chang was not angry, but said seriously, “The world is changeable, we old guys have to prepare early.”

Xiao Yi said, “Don’t worry. ”

Isn’t there still a senior brother and a second senior brother?”

“Why do you think the two of them suddenly revealed their strength? I’m not telling everyone not to worry too much. ”


As soon as Xiao Yi’s words came out, everyone was immediately impressed by Xiao Yi.

The purpose of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan to show their strength was really ignored for a while.

I didn’t expect Xiao Yi to be able to see this layer.

Si Yao laughed, with a look of envy on his face, and said to Shao Cheng, “Junior Brother Shao is lucky.” ”

Three apprentices, all extraordinary.

Xiao Chuang was even more proud than Shao Cheng, this was his niece, a member of the Xiao family, he laughed out loud, “Good, good…” Shao Cheng was

also relieved, and the little apprentice also appeared.

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The ancestors of Tianyu Peak blessed.

Ke Hong also nodded with satisfaction, “Not bad, Tianyu Peak can be regarded as the most outstanding vein of the Lingxiao Sect.”

Shao Cheng hurriedly humble, “The ancestor is too prestigious.

Ji Pengyue suddenly said, “That kid might be better if his personality changed.” Everyone

knew who Ji Pengyue was talking about.

The guy who gave them a headache.

Shao Cheng said, “If you change it, it won’t be him…” The

apprentice is not there, and he is a master who is very protective of it.

Leaving the sect hall, Lu Shaoqing patted his chest, “It’s scary, can’t the head want to open it?”

“You actually plan to let me be the leader, not afraid that the Lingxiao faction will decline from this?”

Ji Yan was next to him and said lightly, “If you don’t come nonsense, the Lingxiao faction can’t fall.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately glared angrily, “What do you mean? Like me?

“You irresponsible fellow, hurry up and be your boss.”

“Just give me, the head junior disciple, a million and hundreds of thousands of spirit stones every month.”

Ji Yan was not interested, “Impossible. ”

He won’t go to be the leader, there are many things to live, does he still want to cultivate?

However, Ji Yan also felt curious, “Why did they suddenly abdicate the throne?

“Don’t you know when you’re in charge?” Lu Shaoqing yawned and stretched.

“There you go!”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Okay, I’ll go, I’ll go back to sleep.” Ji

Yan’s hand flashed with white light, and the Wuqiu sword appeared in his hand, pointing at Lu Shaoqing, “Fight with me!”

Lu Shaoqing directly turned his head and left here in one step, “I’m sick, I’m fighting with you.” ”

Take cover with you, you still take it seriously?”

Ji Yan smiled coldly, and the long sword stabbed out.

As if the long sword was stretched into the surface of the water and stirred, ripples rippled in the air, and invisible fluctuations spread in the void.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly withdrew from the void and cursed at Ji Yan, “It turns out that you are sick.

“Is it looking for a draw?”

Ji Yan nodded, “That’s right, but I’m going to smoke you.”

After speaking, a sword stabbed out again.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly felt that the space around him turned into nothingness.

The surrounding rules were cut off.

Countless disciples of the Lingxiao Sect looked up one after another if they felt something.

I saw that high in the sky, as if a piece was missing, a void hole appeared.

“What happened?”

“Shhh, how do I feel, it’s dangerous!”

“Oh my God, has the sky collapsed?”

Many disciples were talking about it, and they didn’t know what happened for a while.

Shao Cheng’s voice came from a distance, “You two are fighting here, do you want to destroy the Lingxiao faction?”

Lu Shaoqing broke free from the space and shouted, “Master, look, it’s Senior Brother who is bullying me, hurry up and clean him up.” Ji

Yan coldly stabbed a sword, “Go to the distance and fight!” The

surrounding space seemed to teleport, and Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing appeared at a height of tens of thousands of miles from the Lingxiao Sect.

After Lu Shaoqing scolded for two sentences, his eyes stared at Ji Yan, “You want to break through?” ”

But think about it, in two and a half years, Ji Yan should indeed break through.”

Ji Yan smiled confidently, “Clean you up, I will have greater confidence to break through.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he jumped like thunder, “Clean me up? You don’t pee on yourself, come, come, I’ll let you know today what it means to be beautiful…”

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