
electric lightning, Ji Yan was swallowed by robbery and thunder, lightning exploded into a ball, and frantically raged.

Shao Cheng almost rushed over, thanks to Xiao Yi pulling him to death.

“Master, don’t be impulsive, Senior Brother has his own measure.”

Lu Shaoqing interjected, today’s annoying him should be determined, “What is not measured, he can’t resist.”

“Just give up and be killed by robbery and lightning.”

“Oh, Master, look, it’s useless for me to say good things.”

“You shut up for me!” Shao Cheng was angry.

If it weren’t for the little apprentice pulling me, I would have rushed over and killed you bastard.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Master, can you calm down?”

“How big is it?” Every time it comes to the master brother, you are laughed at like this.

Xiao Yi added, “When it comes to the second senior brother, Master is also like this. ”

Master does not distinguish between the two of you.

Shao Cheng’s face turned red for a moment, and he also knew that his performance was a bit gaffe.

But when it comes to apprentices, he can’t be calm.

But he didn’t plan to change it.

If you change it, can you still call it Master?

However, looking at a cloud of electric light lingering in the distance, up to 10,000 meters in the air, down to the thick land was shrouded in electric light, raging, and destroying.

There is no sign of stopping.

Shao Cheng’s heart tugged again.

Even if the second apprentice was nagging beside him, it was difficult for him to distract.

He glared at Lu Shaoqing, “Ji Yan, are you okay?”

Lu Shaoqing’s mouth was closed, and at the same time he made a gesture to shut up.

Meaning, you shut me up.

Shao Cheng was so angry that he raised his hand, “You tell me.”

But again, “To be honest, dare to talk nonsense, I am not finished with you.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Okay, don’t worry, senior brother, you can’t die, who is he, do you still know?”

“Xiaoqiang, who can’t die, is not so easy to die.”

“Really?” Shao Cheng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, but he still half-believed it.

“Fake!” Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes, “You wait to collect his body.”

“Shut up!”

After another dozen breaths, the lightning began to dissipate, and as if the tide receded, heaven and earth quickly returned to calm.

Ji Yan’s figure also appeared in the sky again.

However, Ji Yan’s state surprised everyone.


“How so?”

“Is he all right?”

Ji Yan was still standing above the sky, and the huge coercion did not bend his body for half a minute.

What surprised everyone was the state of Ji Yan.

Ji Yan didn’t seem to be injured further, as if the thunder just now had not caused him any damage.

How so?

Everyone suspected that they had seen it wrong.

Lu Shaoqing also frowned, “No, what did you comprehend?”

Lu Shaoqing covered his head.

What a headache.

With such geniuses, roll up the dead.

Break through at every turn, comprehend something at every turn, and give it back to ordinary people to live?

Without waiting for everyone to figure it out, Ji Yan raised his sword again, pointed at the clouds, and shouted, “Come to fight!” ”

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Do not retreat, but advance, take the initiative to kill the clouds in the sky.”

The crowd was flabbergasted.

Has it already reached this point?

Shao Cheng’s brows were about to wring out water, “What is he going to do?” ”


Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, “Yes, fooling around, the Heavenly Tribulation is very stingy, if he does this, people will definitely find a way to chop him to death.” ”

Isn’t it okay to be modest?”

“You shut up! You are not qualified to say this…” Ji

Yan’s action of rushing up to the sky made the calamity clouds in the sky roll even more, and Ji Yan’s action had already angered the calamity clouds.

The wind of heaven and earth was fierce, the storm roared, and the roar of heaven and earth was like the roar of heaven and earth.


Two huge golden thunderbolts fell from the sky!

“Two thunderbolts?”

“What are you kidding?”

“This, it’s crazy.”

Seeing this scene, even Ke Hong couldn’t help but hold his head and felt unbelievable.

After living for so long, for the first time I feel like a dirt bun who has never seen the world.

Only Shao Cheng and Xiao Yi were very calm, and they were already immune.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and two thunderbolts that fell from the sky turned into golden divine dragons and came into her eyes.

Xiao Yi’s face was full of amazement.

Sure enough, it is a senior brother, and only the senior brother can be the same as the second senior brother.

They are all beings who are specially cared for by Heavenly Dao.

The second senior brother was struck by two bolts of lightning, and the senior brother also wanted such treatment.

Gee, there’s love….

Shao Cheng was already covering his forehead and didn’t want to speak.

The eldest apprentice and the second apprentice are all like this bird.

Both of them like to provoke the sky, and they really don’t have a temper.

Lu Shaoqing said excitedly, “Look, I’ll just say, the Heavenly Tribulation is the most despicable, and it doesn’t talk about martial virtue.” ”

Dare to rob two thunders today, dare three or four tomorrow…”

Grandma Li’s heart was comfortable.

It turned out that it wasn’t just about looking at me unpleasantly.

It’s okay, it’s okay.

The two thunderbolts turned into golden divine dragons, emitting a heaven-shaking roar, and the thunder flashed.

The coercion exuded by the almost real body was like the power of a dragon, and within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, countless animals shivered, desperately fleeing towards the distance.

The body of the divine dragon is like billions of catties, and everywhere it passes, the space is broken, as if it has crushed the world.

The two divine dragons outflanked left and right, killing Ji Yan fiercely.

The fierce and spicy breath can also be felt by people from far away.

As they approached, several lightning bolts suddenly burst out of them.

Lu Shaoqing shouted again, “Look, sinister and cunning. ”

Sudden cold arrows, although these lightning forms are small, the terrifying aura they emit is not weak at all.

Almost like teleportation, he killed in front of Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s eyes did not blink, his body still rushed straight up, allowing lightning to fall on him.


The lightning disappeared within a hundred zhang of Ji Yan’s body, unable to break through Ji Yan’s defenses.

But the power brought by it still fell heavily on Ji Yan.

Let Ji Yan vomit blood, and his body also stagnated.

At the same time, the divine dragons turned into two thunderbolts had already bombarded and killed.

Once again, drown out the words….

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